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Kopernicus R-T-B Unified "Bleeding Edge" Edition Release 33

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@R-T-B R-T-B released this 30 Sep 00:54

This is R-T-B's "Bleeding Edge" branch of Kopernicus, intended to support the latest features, KSP editions, and also the latest bugs. Please keep in mind this branch may be more buggy than Prestja's mainline Kopernicus branch, but it also supports more KSP versions and has more features implemented for testing reasons. Many features that make it into mainline Kopernicus are born, tested, and trialed by fire here.

This is release 33. It contains the following changes:

1.) Additional fixes to the Atlas shader for bugs relating to square patches, particlularly noticiable in the Joolian moon templates (Thanks To @StollD for the help).

2.) More edge cases dealt with in SolarPanels.cfg, thank you forum user Gordon Dry.

Known Bugs:

1.) The "enableComets" parameter is deprecated now and does not function. Set "cometPercentage" to 0 to get the same effect.

2.) Fogramp maybe doesn't work right, it's been very buggy in reports lately.

Please download the right output zip for your version. "191" zips are for 1.9.1, "1101" for 1.10.1, etc.

Thanks and as always, report bugs!