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Enclave Configuration

Shams Asari edited this page Jan 26, 2023 · 9 revisions

Configuration options for building enclaves

The tutorial takes you through the configuration of an enclave project step-by-step. This page details each possible option in detail and can be used as a reference when configuring your enclave.

Adding the Conclave Gradle plugin

The first thing to do when creating an enclave project is to add the Conclave Gradle plugin to your build.gradle file:

plugins {
    id 'com.r3.conclave.enclave'

Then add your dependencies, in this case, use JUnit for testing. You don't need to include conclave libraries here as the enclave plugin will include them for you automatically.

dependencies {
    testImplementation "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter:5.6.0"

Conclave configuration options

The enclave's runtime environment is configured within the conclave section in the enclave build.gradle. The complete set of options with their default values is shown below. Items marked 'Mandatory' do not have a default value and must be specified in your configuration. Items that have default values can be omitted from your configuration.

conclave {
    productID = 1                       // Mandatory
    revocationLevel = 0                 // Mandatory
    maxHeapSize = "256m"
    maxStackSize = "2m"
    inMemoryFileSystemSize = "64m"
    persistentFileSystemSize = "0m"
    enablePersistentMap = false
    maxPersistentMapSize = "16m"
    maxThreads = 10
    runtime = graalvm
    enclaveSize = "4G"
    buildInDocker = true
    supportLanguages = ""

    kds {

    simulation {
    debug {
    release {

Each option is described below:


Default: None. You must provide a value

The product ID is an arbitrary number that can be used to distinguish between different enclaves produced by the same organization (which may for internal reasons wish to use a single signing key). This value should not change once you have picked it.


Default: None. You must provide a value

The revocation level should be incremented whenever a weakness or vulnerability in the enclave code is discovered and fixed. Doing this will enable clients to avoid connecting to old, compromised enclaves. The client can set an EnclaveConstraint that specifies the required minimum revocation level when loading an enclave.

The revocation level in an enclave affects the keys that are generated for 'sealing' data in an enclave. Because enclaves can generate encryption keys private to themselves, encryption and authentication can be used to stop the host editing the data. Data encrypted in this way is called sealed data. Sealed data can be re-requested from the operating system and decrypted inside the enclave.

Whenever the revocation level is raised for an enclave, the data that is sealed by the new version cannot be unsealed and read by enclaves with a lower revocation level. This is not true in the opposite direction though: enclaves can unseal data that was encrypted by an enclave with a lower revocation level.

This directly affects enclaves using Conclave Mail storage. When a new enclave is deployed with a higher revocation level, and the host contains persisted data sealed with a previous version of the enclave, the newer enclave is able to process the stored mail. If a malicious host decides to drop in an older version of the enclave, potentially to exploit a discovered vulnerability in the enclave, then this older enclave cannot read the data sealed using an enclave with a higher revocation level.

This behavior allows for uninterrupted communication with clients across upgrades of the enclave. The persisted data is automatically upgraded to a higher security level as it is consumed and resealed by the new enclave, incrementally phasing out the previous version of the enclave, thus recovering from a compromise.

The revocation level should not be incremented on every new release, but only when security improvements have been made.


Default: graalvm

You can choose Gramine as your enclave's runtime by editing the runtime flag.

runtime = gramine.

For certain features to work, you might have to specify extra Java modules that are not part of the JDK. Please refer to this example where extra Java modules are added separately:

extraJavaModules = ["java.logging", "java.xml"]

Gramine has the following advantages over GraalVM:

  • Supports Python/Machine Language (ML) libraries like Pytorch.
  • Supports reproducible builds.
  • Ability to load native Java and Python libraries.
  • No configuration needed for Java reflection.
  • Faster build time.

However, GraalVM also has a few advantages over Gramine:

  • Smaller Trusted Computing Base (TCB).
  • Faster startup time.

To deploy the Gramine-based enclave, you will need to install Gramine on Ubuntu 20.04. You can find instructions here. You will also need to install the AESM service. You can find out what packages are needed by looking at this Dockerfile. Gramine and AESM are not needed when building the enclave.


Default: 256m

This setting defines the maximum size the heap is allowed to grow to in the runtime environment inside the enclave.

You might be familiar with the JVM option -Xmx which allows you to set the maximum heap size of a JVM-based application. Most of the time in a normal JVM application you can just leave this setting alone and let the JVM decide the heap size. However, the option is there if you need to increase beyond the default maximum, or if you want to configure your application to use less memory to co-exist with other applications.

The maxHeapSize setting provides the same control over heap memory as the JVM provides, but for the runtime environment in the enclave.

Why is there a separate heap for enclaves? This requires a bit of explanation:

In order to keep your data private, all data allocated inside an enclave is encrypted. This encryption is implemented using SGX hardware in a block of physical memory that Intel has named the "Encrypted Page Cache" or "EPC". Whenever you create an object or store some data in memory inside an enclave, it is stored in this EPC memory. This is why the enclave runtime manages its own heap - to ensure all data stays with the EPC memory.

So, what should the heap size be set to? This depends. In most cases, you can leave this setting at its default value of 256 MB. For many enclaves, this will be enough. However, your enclave may want access to a very large set of data. In this case, you want to increase the heap size.

What happens if you want to specify a heap size that is greater than the EPC provided on your SGX system? Well, this is not a problem as SGX allows EPC memory to be 'paged'. This means that when you want some EPC memory but none is available, SGX will take an existing portion of memory, encrypt it inside the enclave then move it to conventional, non-EPC memory to make space for the new block. When the enclave needs to access the original memory, it juggles other pages to make space in EPC to move the block back from conventional memory and decrypt it.

The downside to this 'paging' is that it has a performance impact. Therefore, if performance is important then it is recommended to keep your enclave memory usage as small as possible, preferably less than the size of the EPC on your SGX system to reduce the amount of paging that occurs.

This is something to consider when looking at sizing your SGX-capable system. For example, your enclave may run without any problems on a system with 128Mb of EPC but it may run much faster and with less CPU load on a system with 256Mb or more EPC.

!!! tip The size is specified in bytes, but you can put a k, m, or g after the value to specify it in kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes respectively.


Default: 10

This is an advanced setting that defines the maximum number of threads that can be active inside an enclave simultaneously. If you're interested, you can read this detailed technical description. Otherwise, you can safely leave this at the default value. Changing this value does not affect the maximum number of threads that you can simultaneously call into a Conclave enclave but affect the number of threads that you can create inside the enclave.

The maxThreads option defines how many EPC slots are available for threads that are simultaneously active inside the enclave. Setting a higher number for this results in a larger SGX EPC memory requirement for the enclave even if not all the thread slots are currently in use inside the enclave.


Default: 4G

This is an advanced setting that specifies the enclave size, and it is only relevant when the runtime setting is set to gramine. Keep in mind that the value must be a power of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16,...). Normally you would not need to specify the enclaveSize in your configuration as the default of 4G is sufficient for most applications. Change this setting only if you are seeing errors related to memory allocations when the enclave is starting up. You are advised to set the enclave size to 8G if you intend to run python code inside the enclave.

!!! tip As with enclaveSize, the size is specified in bytes, but you can put a K, M, or G after the value to specify it in kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes respectively.


Default: true

If you are facing problems building enclaves in docker, you can turn the buildInDocker flag off. Please note that this option works only if you use graalvm. This option doesn't work for Gramine.


Default: 10

This is an advanced setting related to maxThreads that determines the time after which all enclave threads have been blocked and Conclave will assume the threads are deadlocked and abort the enclave.

See this section on deadlocks in enclave threads for more information.


Default: 2m

This is an advanced setting that specifies the stack size that will be allocated for each thread that runs inside the enclave. Normally you would not need to specify this setting in your configuration, the default of 2Mb being sufficient for most applications. Only change this setting if you are seeing errors related to the stack overflowing.

The stack is used internally by the JVM to hold information about the current function; the chain of functions that called the current function (the 'call stack'), temporary variables, and other contextual information. The stack can be consumed in different ways, but the default value provided for maxStackSize ensures you will likely never see an exhausted stack unless you accidentally generate an infinite recursion via a function calling itself.

When the host calls into the enclave and the context is switched from the host JVM into the enclave runtime, the host stack cannot be used as it could potentially leak secret information on return. Instead, an in-enclave stack is used. When a value is provided for maxStackSize the in-enclave stack is set to this size for each thread that runs inside the enclave.

As with maxHeapSize, the size is specified in bytes but you can put a k, m, or g after the value to specify it in kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes respectively.


Default: 64m

This is a setting to specify the maximum size of the in-memory filesystem. This value needs to be smaller than maxHeapSize above, as the memory used by the filesystem is taken from the Enclave's heap. If you specify a value of 0, the in-memory filesystem will be disabled.

You can use the in-memory filesystem as a "scratch pad" in the Enclave memory; your files will be lost if the enclave restarts.

When enabled together with the persisted filesystem (persistentFileSystemSize below), the directory /tmp will be reserved, and it will represent the mount point of the in-memory filesystem. Everything that you write there will be lost if the enclave restarts.

When enabled alone, the mount point will be / and all files and directories will be considered part of the in-memory filesystem.


The lower limit for the in-memory filesystem's size is 97792 bytes and the upper limit is the value of the maxHeapSize.


As with maxHeapSize and maxStackSize, the size is specified in bytes, but you can put a k, m, or g after the value to specify it in kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes respectively.


Default: 0m

This is a setting to specify the maximum size of the persisted filesystem. If you specify a value of 0, the persisted filesystem will be disabled.

You can use the persisted filesystem to read/write files that needs to be available after a restart of your enclaves. This is represented as a single encrypted file on the host; your enclave will load/save/read/write all files and directories into that file.

The enclave host must provide a file where the encrypted file system will be persisted. If using the web host then the --filesystem.file flag must be specified. If using a custom host then it must be passed into EnclaveHost.start.

When this code gets executed for the first time, Conclave will create and encrypt this file using either a key derived from the MRSIGNER (default) or a key generated by a Key Derivation Service, if it is configured. When using the key derived from the MRSIGNER, the file can only be decrypted by the enclave running on the same physical machine. If using a key generated by a Key Derivation Service then the file is not restricted and can migrate to other machines.

Note that whilst the persisted filesystem is encrypted and the host can't read it, this is not transactional when used alone: there would be no protection if the host performed rewind attacks by replacing the file with an older copy.

To prevent such rewind attacks, you need to use the persistentMap key-value store in addition to the persisted filesystem.

enablePersistentMap & maxPersistentMapSize

Defaults: false and 16m respectively.

The persistent map is a persistent, encrypted key-value store that his hardened against rewind attacks. Enabling the persistent map has potential performance implications, which is why it is disabled by default. For more information regarding the persistent map, see here.


Default: ""

A comma-separated list of languages to support using the polyglot context capability provided by GraalVM.

This allows for code in the supported languages to be parsed and invoked by the enclave giving the ability to deploy dynamic code, or to develop part of your enclave logic in a different language.

The current version of conclave supports JavaScript and Python. The values for this setting can either be the default empty string, "js", or "python" indicating the enclave should provide support for JavaScript or Python polyglot contexts, respectively.

See this page on running JavaScript/Python in your enclave for details on how to use this setting.


This section contains the KDS (key derivation service) configuration settings. See the page on KDS configuration for information regarding these settings.

simulation, debug and release

These sections contain the settings for signing the enclave. See the page on signing for information on these settings.


Default: empty list

A list of reflection configuration files as specified in the reflection section of Graal's reference manual.

This allows for code that relies on reflection to specify which classes, methods, fields, and their properties will be available at run time.

The path should be absolute or relative to the root of the enclave module.


Due to a known issue, reflection configuration files must be specified using relative paths when building on Windows and macOS platforms. Additionally, on Windows, paths must use forward slashes rather than the usual backslashes.


Default: empty list

A list of serialization configuration files as specified in Graal's Serialization documentation file.

This allows to specify classes which are expected to be serialized using Java serialization.

The path should be absolute or relative to the root of the enclave module.


Due to a known issue, serialization configuration files must be specified using relative paths when building on Windows and macOS platforms. Additionally, on Windows, paths must use forward slashes rather than the usual backslashes.

Assisted configuration of Native Image builds

You can generate the reflection and serialization configuration files by using the native-image-agent and by running your project in mock mode. The agent will track the use of dynamic features and generate the configuration files.

To ensure that you include all the essential classes and resources in the configuration files, you should execute all the execution paths of the enclave code. You can do that by running extensive tests in mock mode. If you are not running the agent with tests, you can run the host as an executable JAR and trigger as much enclave logic as possible by sending requests from the host and the client. To create this executable Jar, you can use the Shadow Gradle plugin.

After generating the files, you can place the configuration files in enclave/src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image. Native Image uses these files when you build the enclave in simulation, debug, or release mode.

Please note that running the host through Gradle and/or JUnit tests while the agent is enabled will likely cause Gradle, JUnit, or host classes to be present in the configuration files. To avoid this and ensure that only enclave-related classes and resources are included, you can configure filters.

You might need to adjust the generated configuration files and the filters a few times and edit them throughout the development process.

Generate configuration files using an executable JAR

  1. Create a filter.json file with the following code:

        "rules": [
            {"excludeClasses": "nonapi.**"},
            {"excludeClasses": "**"}
  2. Place the filter.json file in the following directory:


  3. Download GraalVM for your operating system and install it.

  4. Install the native image:

    $JAVA_HOME/bin/gu install native-image
  5. Add the Shadow Gradle plugin to the plugins section of the host's build.gradle file:

    plugins {
        id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '6.1.0'
  6. Add the EnclaveWebHost main class to the host's build.gradle file, after the plugins section:

    project.mainClassName = ""
  7. Generate the shadow jar:

    ./gradlew -PenclaveMode=mock host:shadowJar

    This command creates an executable shadow JAR which contains all the dependencies of the host and the enclave. You can find the shadow jar in the default location host/build/libs/host-all.jar.

  8. Run the host with the agent enabled to generate the configuration files:

    $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -agentlib:native-image-agent=config-output-dir=/path/to/enclave/src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image/,caller-filter-file=/path/to/enclave/src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image/filter.json -jar /path/to/host/build/libs/host-all.jar
  9. Trigger the execution of the enclave logic by sending a client request.

    ./gradlew client:run

Now you should have generated your configuration files in /path/to/enclave/src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image. Native Image will pick up these files when you build the enclave in simulation, debug, or release mode.