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Amos Folarin edited this page Jul 18, 2023 · 12 revisions

Setting up a new pipeline

The mock feature pipeline is the test pipeline that we have created to provide users with an intro to how to run radar pipeline. It is highly recommended that you run it first.

This is a guide to how to create and configure a new pipeline. We'll use the mock feature pipeline as an example.

Step 1. Create a new GitHub repository

Create a new repository on GitHub. The naming convention for the new repository is to not use any special characters like hyphens or underscores. For example, the Mock Feature pipeline is called mockfeatures. It is advised to use the same naming convention.

Step 2. Install radar-pipeline module

To install the radarpipeline module, follow the instructions in the How to run section in Installation

Step 3. Setup the repository

An illustrative example is provided in the Mock feature pipeline where the structure of a simple pipeline is provided.

  1. Create and another directory in the repo with the same name as the repository.

  2. This is the directory where all the pipeline code should be located. It is not a requirement but it can make it much easier for users to locate all the code. In the directory create Note :- You can create a Python file with any other name or any number of python files.

  3. In the Python file, create feature groups using the class FeatureGroup. As mentioned earlier, each feature group contains a collection of features. The mock feature group looks like this:

    from radarpipeline.datalib import RadarData
    from radarpipeline.features import Feature, FeatureGroup
    class MockFeatureGroup(FeatureGroup):
        def __init__(self):
            name = "MockFeatureGroup"
            description = "contains mock features"
            features = [PhoneBatteryChargingDuration, StepCountPerDay]
            super().__init__(name, description, features)
        def preprocess(self, data: RadarData) -> RadarData:
            Preprocess the data for each feature in the group.
            return data

    The name and description provide the name and description of the feature group respectively.

    the features variables are the list of feature classes that are part of this feature group. We explain in the next step how to define a feature class.

    The preprocess function is supposed to run all the necessary preprocessing steps common in all the features. This is a generic preprocessing step run before the calculate step. preprocess should be used to do any generic preprocessing e.g. handling of missing data.

  4. Now define the feature class using Feature as the base class. In the mock data pipeline, we have defined two features PhoneBatteryChargingDuration and StepCountPerDay

    class PhoneBatteryChargingDuration(Feature):
        def __init__(self):
   = "PhoneBatteryChargingDuration"
            self.description = "The duration of the phone battery charging"
            self.required_input_data = ["android_phone_battery_level"]
        def preprocess(self, data: RadarData) -> RadarData:
            Preprocess the data for each feature in the group.
            df_phone_battery_level = data.get_combined_data_by_variable(
            df_phone_battery_level["time"] = pd.to_datetime(
                df_phone_battery_level["value.time"], unit="s"
            df_phone_battery_level["date"] = df_phone_battery_level["time"]
            df_phone_battery_level = df_phone_battery_level[
                    ["key.userId", "value.time", "value.batteryLevel"]
            return df_phone_battery_level
        def calculate(self, data) -> float:
            df_phone_battery_level = data
            df_phone_battery_level["value.statusTime"] = (
            df_phone_battery_level = (
                df_phone_battery_level.groupby(["key.userId", "date", "value.status"])
                .agg({"value.statusTime": "sum"})
            df_phone_battery_level = df_phone_battery_level[
                df_phone_battery_level["value.status"] == "CHARGING"
            df_phone_battery_level["value.statusTimeInSeconds"] = (
                df_phone_battery_level["value.statusTime"].dt.total_seconds() / 60
            return df_phone_battery_level
    class StepCountPerDay(Feature):
        def __init__(self):
   = "StepCountPerDay"
            self.description = "The number of steps per day"
            self.required_input_data = ["android_phone_step_count"]
        def preprocess(self, data: RadarData) -> RadarData:
            Preprocess the data for each feature in the group.
            df_step_count = data.get_combined_data_by_variable("android_phone_step_count")
            df_step_count["time"] = pd.to_datetime(df_step_count["value.time"], unit="s")
            df_step_count["date"] = df_step_count["time"]
            df_step_count = df_step_count[
                ~df_step_count[["key.userId", "value.time", "value.steps"]].duplicated()
            df_step_count = df_step_count.reset_index(drop=True)
            return df_step_count
        def calculate(self, data) -> float:
            df_step_count = data
            df_total_step_count = df_step_count.groupby(["key.userId", "date"]).agg(
                {"value.steps": "sum"}
            df_total_step_count = df_total_step_count.reset_index()
            return df_total_step_count

    In each of the Feature class, there's __init__, preprocess and calculate function.

    In the __init__ function, the name and the description of the function have to be specified. It is also required to mention variables needed to compute the feature in required_input_data. All the data reading will be done by the underlying pyspark module.

    In the preprocess function, all the preprocessing steps required to compute the feature have to be written. If there's no preprocessing step, return the input data.

    In the calculate function, the code of computing the feature has to be written.

  5. After all the features and feature groups have been written, in the, it is needed to import all the feature groups and features.

    from .mockfeatures.features import (

Now the feature pipeline is finished. The last step is to create a config file and test the module.

Step 4. Create a config file

Please follow the format of the config file for the feature pipeline written in and the config.yaml documentation

The mock configuration file looks like this:

    project_name: mock_project
    description: mock_description
    version: mock_version

    data_type: mock # could be mock, local, sftp, s3
        # In case of sftp, use the following format
        # sftp_host:
        # sftp_source_path:
        # sftp_username:
        # sftp_private_key:
        # sftp_target_path:
        # In case of s3, use the following format
        #       aws_access_key_id:
        #       aws_secret_access_key:
        #       region_name:
        #       s3_access_url:
        #       bucket:
        #       prefix:
        # In case of local or Mock, use the following format
        source_path: mockdata/mockdata
    data_format: csv

    df_type: 'pandas'

    - location: ''
      branch: main
          - MockFeatureGroup
          - MockFeatureGroup2
        - all
        - StepCountPerHour

    output_location: local # can be local, postgres, sftp
        target_path: output/mockdata
    data_format: csv
    compress: false

Add Topics to the Pipeline Repo

To provide categories for the pipelines to help users find the appropriate pipelines, please provide some topic in the repo description.
The core list of topics is found here:

If new topics are required please add them as needed, you may raise an issue to notify the admins of new topics if required.

Create a Citable Pipeline

For information on how to get DOIs and make your pipelines citable see: Creating Citable Pipelines