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Planning and Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for POSGGym


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POSGGym Baselines

Implementations of planning and reinforcement learning algorithms for POSGGym environments.


Install by cloning repo and installing locally with pip.

git clone
cd posggym-baselines
pip install -e .

To install all requirements used for the baseline exps in the baseline_exps run:

pip install -e .[exps]

Note, you will also need jupyter notebook installed to view and run analysis notebooks.

You can verify the install by running:

python tests/planning/

Planning Algorithms

POSGGym-Baselines includes implementations of a number partially observable, multi-agent planning algorithms, including:

Algorithm Action Space Observation Space
POMCP Discrete Discrete
I-NTMCP Discrete Discrete
I-POMCP Discrete Discrete
POTMMCP Discrete Discrete

Each planner requires slightly different inputs for initialization, but once loaded each can be used in the same manner using the step and reset functions. For a full example see the code for the POMCP algorithm below.


POMCP is an algorithm original designed for planning in single-agent POMDPs, the implementation in this library extends it to the multi-agent setting by treating the other agent as random noise during planning.

The following is an example of using POMCP in the Driving-v1 environment with the other agent in the environment being random.

import posggym
import posggym.agents as pga
from posggym_baselines.planning import (

env = posggym.make("Driving-v1")

config = MCTSConfig(
    discount=0.95,           # expected return discount factor
    search_time_limit=0.1,   # per step search time
    c=1.414,                 # ~ math.sqrt(2)
    truncated=False,         # use monte-carlo rollouts
    action_selection="ucb",  # search action selection policy

planning_agent_id = env.possible_agents[0]
other_agent_id = env.possible_agents[1]

planner = POMCP(
    search_policy=RandomSearchPolicy(env.model, planning_agent_id),

obs, infos = env.reset()
all_done = False

while not all_done:
    actions = {
        planning_agent_id: planner.step(obs[planning_agent_id]),
        other_agent_id: env.action_spaces[other_agent_id].sample()
    obs, rewards, terms, truncs, all_done, infos = env.step(actions)




INTMCP is an algorithm for planning in two-agent environments. It models the problem as an I-POMDP and constructs the policy for the other agent online.

Note I-NTMCP currently only works for environments with two-agents. It is technically feasible to extend it to work with more than two-agents but this would significantly increase the computational cost and implementation complexity.

The following is an example of initializing INTMCP in the Driving-v1 environment. Once initialized it can be used as per the POMCP example above.

import posggym
import posggym.agents as pga
from posggym_baselines.planning import INTMCP, MCTSConfig

env = posggym.make("Driving-v1")

config = MCTSConfig(
    discount=0.95,           # expected return discount factor
    search_time_limit=0.1,   # per step search time
    c=1.414,                 # ~ math.sqrt(2)
    truncated=False,         # use monte-carlo rollouts
    action_selection="ucb",  # search action selection policy

planning_agent_id = env.possible_agents[0]

planner = INTMCP.initialize(
    search_policies=None,       # Use RandomSearchPolicy



IPOMCP is an algorithm originally designed for planning in Open and Typed multi-agent environments with many agents. In this setting agents may enter and leave the environment at any point during an episode. Our implementation is a simplified version of IPOMCP for environments with few agents and without explicit modelling of agents coming and going.

Our implementation if closer to the CI-POMCP algorithm which adapted IPOMCP to environments with fewer agents but with explicit communication.

The following is an example of initializing IPOMCP in the Driving-v1 environment assuming the other agent is using one of the shorted path policies. Once initialized it can be used as per the POMCP example above.

import posggym
import posggym.agents as pga
from posggym_baselines.planning import (

env = posggym.make("Driving-v1")

config = MCTSConfig(
    discount=0.95,           # expected return discount factor
    search_time_limit=0.1,   # per step search time
    c=1.414,                 # ~ math.sqrt(2)
    truncated=False,         # use monte-carlo rollouts
    action_selection="ucb",  # search action selection policy

planning_agent_id = env.possible_agents[0]
other_agent_id = env.possible_agents[1]

planner_other_agent_policies = OtherAgentMixturePolicy.load_posggym_agents_policy(

planner = IPOMCP(
    other_agent_policies={other_agent_id: planner_other_agent_policies},
    search_policies=RandomSearchPolicy(env.model, planning_agent_id)



POTMMCP is an algorithm designed for planning in Typed multi-agent environments. Its key distinguishing feature is the use of a meta-policy for guiding search. The meta-policy is used to select which of the types should be used to guide the search from each belief.

The following is an example of initializing POMCP in the Driving-v1 environment assuming the other agent is using one of the shorted path policies. In this example we define the meta-policy to select the same policy as the other agent is believed to be using.

Once initialized it can be used as per the POMCP example above.

import posggym
import posggym.agents as pga
from posggym_baselines.planning import (

env = posggym.make("Driving-v1")

config = MCTSConfig(
    discount=0.95,            # expected return discount factor
    search_time_limit=0.1,    # per step search time
    truncated=True,           # use value function of search policy, if available
    action_selection="pucb",  # search action selection policy

planning_agent_id = env.possible_agents[0]
other_agent_id = env.possible_agents[1]

# set of possible types/policies for the other agent
other_agent_policy_ids = [

# define the meta-policy, mapping policy ID of other agent to the ID of the
# policy to use for guiding planning
meta_policy = {pi_id: {pi_id: 1.0} for pi_id in other_agent_policy_ids}

search_policy = POTMMCPMetaPolicy.load_posggym_agents_meta_policy(
    env.model, planning_agent_id, meta_policy

planner_other_agent_policies = OtherAgentMixturePolicy.load_posggym_agents_policy(
    env.model, other_agent_id, other_agent_policy_ids

planner = IPOMCP(
    other_agent_policies={other_agent_id: planner_other_agent_policies},

For more principled methods for generating the meta-policy please refer to the POTMMCP paper, and the baseline_exp/potmmcp_meta_policy.ipynb notebook.


Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

POSGGym-Baselines includes an implementation of a number of different multi-agent RL algorithms. Every algorithm is used to train one or more policies with PPO used to train each individual policy.

Implemented algorithms include:

  • Self-Play (SP) - trains a population of policies where each policy is trained using self-play (i.e. against itself only).
  • Self-Play plus Best-Response (SP-BR) - Same as SP but includes training a Best-Response (BR) against the population of policies. The BR is a single policy which is trained against each policy in the SP population.
  • K-Level Reasoning (KLR) - trains a population of K-Level Reasoning policies where policies are trained in a hierarchy. The level 0 policy is trained against the uniform random policy, while for level l>0, the level l policy is trained against the level l-1 policy. All policies are trained synchronously.
  • K-Level Reasoning plus Best-Response (KLR-BR) - Same as KLR but includes training a Best-Response (BR) against the population of KLR policies.

An example implementation is provided in the baseline_exps/ file, which can be used to train a population in a few of the POSGGym environments:

cd posggym-baselines
# see options
python baseline_exps/ --help
# train SP population with 4 policies in Driving-v1 environment
python baseline_exps/ \
    SP \
    --full_env_id Driving-v1 \
    --pop_size 4

Note that the script includes support for logging via Tensorboard and WandB. It also supports using multiple CPUs for training and LSTM policies.


You can cite POSGGym as:

    title = {POSGGym},
    urldate = {2023-08-08},
    author = {Schwartz, Jonathon and Newbury, Rhys and Kuli\'{c}, Dana and Kurniawati, Hanna},
    year = {2023},


Planning and Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for POSGGym







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