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Detailed FSM Error Analysis


Transition Error Type Reason Text
CLOSE_WAIT - FIN! -> LAST_ACK Missing Target state is not explicit CLOSE-WAIT STATE: Since the remote side has already sent FIN, RECEIVEs must be satisfied by text already on hand, but not yet delivered to the user.
FIN_WAIT_1 - FIN?;ACK! -> CLOSING Missing Text is ambiguous. Not clear how to handle otherwise statement FIN-WAIT-1: If our FIN has been ACKed (perhaps in this segment), then enter TIME-WAIT, start the time-wait timer, turn off the other timers; otherwise enter the CLOSING state.
LISTEN - SYN?;ACK! -> SYN_RECEIVED Missing Partially correct transition that is eliminated by our filter, as we get SYN?;RST!;ACK! instead. This is an extraction algorithm limitation, resulting from the incorrect handling of sibling/nested if-then statements. Too long, see here
SYN_SENT - ACK?;ACK! -> ESTABLISHED Missing Partially correct transition that is eliminated by our filter, as we get ACK?;RST!;RST?;SYN?;ACK! instead. This is an extraction algorithm limitation, resulting from the incorrect handling of sibling/nested if-then statements. Too long, see here
FIN_WAIT_1 - ACK? -> TIME_WAIT Incorrect Text is ambiguous. Looks like a valid transition from the text. FIN-WAIT-1: If our FIN has been ACKed (perhaps in this segment), then enter TIME-WAIT, start the time-wait timer, turn off the other timers; otherwise enter the CLOSING state.
CLOSED - SYN? -> LISTEN Incorrect Text is ambiguous + annotation error. Our expert did not annotate the OPEN event. The expected transition is (non-comm) CLOSED - OPEN? -> LISTEN. Additionally, there is an ambiguous mention of a SYN? CLOSED STATE (i.e., TCB does not exist) Note that some parts of the foreign socket may be unspecified in a passive OPEN and are to be filled in by the parameters of the incoming SYN segment. Verify the security and precedence requested are allowed for this user, if not return "error: precedence not allowed" or "error: security/compartment not allowed." If passive, enter the LISTEN state and return.
TIME_WAIT - FIN?;ACK!;ACK? -> TIME_WAIT Partially Correct Expected FIN?;ACK! instead. Extraction algorithm limitation resulting from the incorrect handling of sibling/nested if-then statements. An intermediate statement "If our FIN has been ACKed" is added to the transition, when it shouldn't be. Too long, see here
SYN_RECEIVED - FIN?;ACK!;ACK? -> CLOSE_WAIT Partially Correct Same as above
LAST_ACK - FIN?;ACK!;ACK? -> LAST_ACK Partially Correct Same as above
FIN_WAIT_2 - FIN?;ACK!;ACK? -> TIME_WAIT Partially Correct Same as above
ESTABLISHED - FIN?;ACK!;ACK? -> CLOSE_WAIT Partially Correct Same as above
CLOSING - FIN?;ACK!;ACK? -> CLOSING Partially Correct Same as above
CLOSE_WAIT - FIN?;ACK!;ACK? -> CLOSE_WAIT Partially Correct Same as above
SYN_SENT - ACK! -> SYN_RECEIVED Partially Correct Expected SYN?;ACK instead. This is a textual ambiguity issue. The expert annotated the send event as just ACK. There is no explicit mention of a receive action. If the state is SYN-SENT then enter SYN-RECEIVED, form a SYN,ACK segment and send it.

LinearCRF+R and Neural-CRF+R TCP Errors

Both models produce the same FSM

Transition Error Type Reason Text
CLOSE_WAIT - FIN! -> LAST_ACK Missing Same as Gold
LISTEN - SYN?;ACK! -> SYN_RECEIVED Missing Same as Gold
FIN_WAIT_1 - FIN?;ACK! -> CLOSING Missing Same as Gold
CLOSED - SYN? -> LISTEN Incorrect Same as Gold
ESTABLISHED - FIN?;ACK!;ACK? -> CLOSING Incorrect NLP prediction error. Error span predicted as transition. See here
SYN_RECEIVED - FIN?;ACK!;ACK? -> CLOSING Incorrect Same as above
FIN_WAIT_2 - SYN!;ACK! -> CLOSING Incorrect NLP prediction error. Error span predicted as transition. See here
LAST_ACK - SYN!;ACK! -> CLOSING Incorrect Same as above
TIME_WAIT - SYN!;ACK! -> CLOSING Incorrect Same as above
CLOSING - SYN!;ACK! -> CLOSING Incorrect Same as above
FIN_WAIT_1 - SYN!;ACK! -> CLOSING Incorrect Same as above
LAST_ACK - ACK?;FIN! -> CLOSING Incorrect NLP prediction error. Error span predicted as transition. See here
TIME_WAIT - ACK?;FIN! -> CLOSING Incorrect Same as above
CLOSING - ACK?;FIN! -> CLOSING Incorrect Same as above
LISTEN - ACK?;FIN! -> ESTABLISHED Incorrect No explicit event in the text, extraction algorithm looks in irrelevant block for an event. LISTEN state, SYN-SENT state, SYN-RECEIVED state: queue for processing after entering ESTABLISHED state.
TIME_WAIT - FIN?;ACK!;ACK? -> TIME_WAIT Partially Correct Same as Gold
SYN_RECEIVED - FIN?;ACK!;ACK? -> CLOSE_WAIT Partially Correct Same as Gold
LAST_ACK - FIN?;ACK!;ACK? -> LAST_ACK Partially Correct Same as Gold
FIN_WAIT_2 - FIN?;ACK!;ACK? -> TIME_WAIT Partially Correct Same as Gold
ESTABLISHED - FIN?;ACK!;ACK? -> CLOSE_WAIT Partially Correct Same as Gold
CLOSING - FIN?;ACK!;ACK? -> CLOSING Partially Correct Same as Gold
CLOSE_WAIT - FIN?;ACK!;ACK? -> CLOSE_WAIT Partially Correct Same as Gold
SYN_SENT - SYN!;ACK! -> SYN_RECEIVED Partially Correct Same as Gold
SYN_SENT - ACK?;FIN! -> ESTABLISHED Partially Correct. Expected ACK?;ACK!. No explicit event in the text, extraction algorithm looks in irrelevant block for an event. This segment was not annotated as a transition in Gold. LISTEN state, SYN-SENT state, SYN-RECEIVED state: queue for processing after entering ESTABLISHED state.
SYN_SENT - SYN!;ACK! -> ESTABLISHED Partially Correct Expected ACK?;ACK!. No explicit event in the text, extraction algorithm looks in irrelevant block for an event. This segment was not annotated as a transition in Gold. Given that it introduces the same partially correct transition as above, it is not counted in stats. SYN-SENT state, SYN-RECEIVED state: Queue the data for transmission after entering ESTABLISHED state.
SYN_RECEIVED - ACK?;FIN! -> ESTABLISHED Partially Correct Expected ACK?. No explicit event in the text, extraction algorithm looks in irrelevant block for an event. This segment was not annotated as a transition in Gold. LISTEN state, SYN-SENT state, SYN-RECEIVED state: queue for processing after entering ESTABLISHED state.
SYN_RECEIVED - SYN!;ACK! -> ESTABLISHED Partially Correct Expected ACK?. No explicit event in the text, extraction algorithm looks in irrelevant block for an event. This segment was not annotated as a transition in Gold. Given that it introduces the same partially correct transition as above, it is not counted in stats. SYN-SENT state, SYN-RECEIVED state: Queue the data for transmission after entering ESTABLISHED state.


Transition Error Type Reason Text
CLOSED - ε -> LISTEN Missing Text ambiguity, expert knowledge is needed to infer the transition from the relevant text. Each connection is actively initiated by one of the hosts, which we call the client; the other, initially passive host is called the server / LISTEN: Represents server sockets in the passive listening state. LISTEN and CLOSED are not associated with any particular DCCP connection.
CLOSING - DCCP-RESET? -> TIMEWAIT Missing Text ambiguity, expert knowledge needed to understand what a handshake is and how that maps to expected client/server behaviors. We get the correct source and target state, but we parse a timeout event instead. DCCP connection termination uses a handshake consisting of an optional DCCP-CloseReq packet, a DCCP-Close packet, and a DCCP-Reset packet. The server moves from the OPEN state, possibly through the CLOSEREQ state, to CLOSED; the client moves from OPEN through CLOSING to TIMEWAIT, and after 2MSL wait time, to CLOSED
OPEN - DCCP-CLOSE! -> CLOSING Missing Same as above
LISTEN - timeout -> CLOSED Missing Not found in text
OPEN - DCCP-ACK? -> OPEN Missing Not found in text, only in ascii diagram
OPEN - DCCP-CLOSE?;DCCP-RESET! -> CLOSED Missing Source and target states are not explicit. Either client or server may send a DCCP-Close packet, which will elicit a DCCP-Reset packet.
OPEN - DCCP-DATA! -> OPEN Missing Not found in text
OPEN - DCCP-DATA? -> OPEN Missing Not found in text
OPEN - DCCP-DATAACK! -> OPEN Missing Not found in text
OPEN - DCCP-DATAACK? -> OPEN Missing Not found in text
PARTOPEN - DCCP-CLOSE?;DCCP-RESET! -> CLOSED Missing Text/indentation ambiguity. Cannot infer nested if-statement between PARTOPEN state in step 12 and transition in step 14. Expert knowledge is needed to know that “tear down connection” means transition to CLOSED. Too long, see here
PARTOPEN - DCCP-CLOSEREQ?;DCCP-CLOSE! -> CLOSING Missing Text/indentation ambiguity. Cannot infer nested if-statement between PARTOPEN state in step 12 and transition in step 13. Too long, see here
PARTOPEN - DCCP-DATA?;DCCP-ACK! -> OPEN Missing Annotation error. Our expert did not annotate this transition DCCP connections' initiation phase consists of a three-way handshake: an initial DCCP-Request packet sent by the client, a DCCP-Response sent by the server in reply, and finally an acknowledgement from the client, usually via a DCCP-Ack or DCCP-DataAck packet. The client moves from the REQUEST state to PARTOPEN, and finally to OPEN; the server moves from LISTEN to RESPOND, and finally to OPEN.
PARTOPEN - DCCP-DATAACK?;DCCP-ACK! -> OPEN Missing Same as above
REQUEST - DCCP-RESET? -> CLOSED Missing No explicit mention of the source and target state See here
REQUEST - DCCP-SYNC?;DCCP-RESET! -> CLOSED Missing No explicit mention of the target state On receiving a sequence-valid DCCP-Sync packet, .... As an exception, if the peer endpoint is in the REQUEST state, it MUST respond with a DCCP-Reset instead of a DCCP-SyncAck. This serves to clean up DCCP A's half-open connection.
RESPOND - DCCP-DATAACK? -> OPEN Missing No explicit mention of the event OPEN: Client and server sockets enter this state from PARTOPEN and RESPOND, respectively
CLOSING - timeout -> TIMEWAIT Incorrect Text ambiguity, expert knowledge needed to understand what a handshake is and how that maps to expected client/server behaviors. Information is clarified in the ascii and examples of communication, which we do not consider. DCCP connection termination uses a handshake consisting of an optional DCCP-CloseReq packet, a DCCP-Close packet, and a DCCP-Reset packet. The server moves from the OPEN state, possibly through the CLOSEREQ state, to CLOSED; the client moves from OPEN through CLOSING to TIMEWAIT, and after 2MSL wait time, to CLOSED
OPEN - timeout -> CLOSING Incorrect Same as above
PARTOPEN - DCCP-CLOSE? -> OPEN Incorrect Text ambiguity, from the text it seems like transition would be valid. The client leaves the PARTOPEN state for OPEN when it receives a valid packet other than DCCP-Response, DCCP-Reset, or DCCP-Sync from the server.
PARTOPEN - DCCP-CLOSEREQ? -> OPEN Incorrect Same as above
PARTOPEN - DCCP-SYNCACK? -> OPEN Incorrect Same as above
PARTOPEN - DCCP-RESET? -> OPEN Incorrect Extraction algorithm error. It should handle "other than" correctly The client leaves the PARTOPEN state for OPEN when it receives a valid packet other than DCCP-Response, DCCP-Reset, or DCCP-Sync from the server.
PARTOPEN - DCCP-RESPONSE? -> OPEN Incorrect Same as above
PARTOPEN - DCCP-SYNC? -> OPEN Incorrect Same as above
PARTOPEN - DCCP-RESPONSE?;DCCP-ACK! -> PARTOPEN Partially correct Expected DCCP-ACK! instead. Text ambiguity. Explicit mention of the response event is parsed See here

Note that just two spans of text in the RFC introduce all of the 8 incorrect transitions

LinearCRF+R DCCP Errors

Transition Error Type Reason Text
CLOSED - ε -> LISTEN Missing Same as Gold
CLOSING - DCCP-RESET? -> TIMEWAIT Missing Same as Gold
OPEN - DCCP-CLOSE! -> CLOSING Missing Same as Gold
LISTEN - timeout -> CLOSED Missing Same as Gold
OPEN - DCCP-ACK? -> OPEN Missing Same as Gold
OPEN - DCCP-DATA! -> OPEN Missing Same as Gold
OPEN - DCCP-DATA? -> OPEN Missing Same as Gold
OPEN - DCCP-DATAACK! -> OPEN Missing Same as Gold
OPEN - DCCP-DATAACK? -> OPEN Missing Same as Gold
PARTOPEN - DCCP-DATA?;DCCP-ACK! -> OPEN Missing Same as Gold
REQUEST - DCCP-RESET? -> CLOSED Missing Same as Gold
RESPOND - DCCP-DATAACK? -> OPEN Missing Same as Gold
CLOSEREQ - DCCP-CLOSE?;DCCP-RESET! -> CLOSED Missing Textual ambiguity, expert knowledge needed to know what a handshake is and how it maps to server/client behavior. We get the correct states, but parse message as DCCP-CLOSEREQ? instead DCCP connection termination uses a handshake consisting of an optional DCCP-CloseReq packet, a DCCP-Close packet, and a DCCP-Reset packet. The server moves from the OPEN state, possibly through the CLOSEREQ state, to CLOSED; the client moves from OPEN through CLOSING to TIMEWAIT, and after 2MSL wait time, to CLOSED
PARTOPEN - DCCP-ACK? -> OPEN Missing NLP prediciton error. Not all events that are enumerated after "other than" statement are predicted in action span. See here
PARTOPEN - DCCP-DATA? -> OPEN Missing Same as above
PARTOPEN - DCCP-DATAACK? -> OPEN Missing Same as above
PARTOPEN - DCCP-REQUEST? -> OPEN Missing Same as above
PARTOPEN - DCCP-DATAACK! -> PARTOPEN Missing NLP prediction error. Transition span is marked as action See here
PARTOPEN - timeout -> CLOSED Missing NLP prediction error. This is a very hard case, as the target state is not explicit. In this case, the wording “reset the connection...” was explicitly annotated by the expert in GOLD as a transition to CLOSED, which was not done in other cases. If the client remains in PARTOPEN for more than 4MSL, (8 minutes), it SHOULD reset the connection with Reset Code 2, "Aborted".
TIMEWAIT - timeout -> CLOSED Missing NLP prediction error. Trigger span predicted as action See here
CLOSEREQ - DCCP-CLOSEREQ! -> CLOSED Incorrect Textual ambiguity, expert knowledge needed to know what a handshake is and how it maps to server/client behavior. DCCP connection termination uses a handshake consisting of an optional DCCP-CloseReq packet, a DCCP-Close packet, and a DCCP-Reset packet. The server moves from the OPEN state, possibly through the CLOSEREQ state, to CLOSED; the client moves from OPEN through CLOSING to TIMEWAIT, and after 2MSL wait time, to CLOSED
CLOSEREQ - ε -> TIMEWAIT Incorrect NLP prediction error. Transition span predicted as action See here
CLOSING - timeout -> TIMEWAIT Incorrect Extraction algorithm error. Incorrect handling of nested if-then statements, doesn’t find the right event See here
OPEN - timeout -> CLOSING Incorrect Same as above
PARTOPEN - DCCP-RESPONSE? -> OPEN Incorrect NLP prediction error. Trigger span is predicted as transition See here
PARTOPEN - DCCP-RESPONSE?;DCCP-DATA! -> REQUEST Incorrect NLP post-processing error. Source and target state are swapped See here
TIMEWAIT - DCCP-RESET? -> TIMEWAIT Incorrect NLP prediction error. Timer span is predicted as trigger See here
TIMEWAIT - timeout -> TIMEWAIT Incorrect NLP prediction error. Outside spans predicted as transitions. Really hard case, as there is transition-style language. See here
UNSTABLE - ε -> RESPOND Incorrect Extraction algorithm error. It cannot find a source state and looks in irrelevant block See here
LISTEN - DCCP-REQUEST? -> RESPOND Partially Correct Expected DCCP-REQUEST?;DCCP-RESPONSE! instead. This transition is predicted in a few places. In the first mention, the prediction looks good as the response event is not explicit. In the second and third mentions, it seems like it should have been extracted based on NLP prediction, so it is likely an algorithm extraction error RESPOND: A server socket enters this state, from LISTEN, after receiving a DCCP-Request from a client. Also see here
PARTOPEN - DCCP-ACK!;timeout;DCCP-RESET? -> PARTOPEN Partially correct Same as Gold

NeuralCRF+R DCCP Errors

Transition Error Type Reason Text
-- -- -- --
CLOSED - ε -> LISTEN Missing Same as Gold
CLOSING - DCCP-RESET? -> TIMEWAIT Missing Same as Gold
OPEN - DCCP-CLOSE! -> CLOSING Missing Same as Gold
LISTEN - timeout -> CLOSED Missing Same as Gold
OPEN - DCCP-ACK? -> OPEN Missing Same as Gold
OPEN - DCCP-DATA! -> OPEN Missing Same as Gold
OPEN - DCCP-DATA? -> OPEN Missing Same as Gold
OPEN - DCCP-DATAACK! -> OPEN Missing Same as Gold
OPEN - DCCP-DATAACK? -> OPEN Missing Same as Gold
PARTOPEN - DCCP-DATA?;DCCP-ACK! -> OPEN Missing Same as Gold
REQUEST - DCCP-RESET? -> CLOSED Missing Same as Gold
RESPOND - DCCP-DATAACK? -> OPEN Missing Same as Gold
PARTOPEN - DCCP-ACK? -> OPEN Missing Same as Linear
PARTOPEN - DCCP-DATA? -> OPEN Missing Same as Linear
PARTOPEN - DCCP-DATAACK? -> OPEN Missing Same as Linear
PARTOPEN - DCCP-REQUEST? -> OPEN Missing Same as Linear
PARTOPEN - timeout -> CLOSED Missing Same as Linear
TIMEWAIT - timeout -> CLOSED Missing Same as Linear
CLOSEREQ - ε -> TIMEWAIT Incorrect Same as Linear
CLOSING - timeout -> TIMEWAIT Incorrect Same as Linear
OPEN - timeout -> CLOSING Incorrect Same as Linear
TIMEWAIT - DCCP-RESET? -> TIMEWAIT Incorrect Same as Linear
TIMEWAIT - timeout -> TIMEWAIT Incorrect Same as Linear
UNSTABLE - ε -> RESPOND Incorrect Same as Linear
PARTOPEN - DCCP-RESPONSE?;DCCP-RESET?;DCCP-SYNC? -> OPEN Incorrect NLP prediction error. Action spans predicted as trigger See
LISTEN - DCCP-REQUEST? -> RESPOND Partially Correct Same as Linear
PARTOPEN - DCCP-ACK!;timeout;DCCP-RESET? -> PARTOPEN Partially correct Same as Gold