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About this project (currently v1.2.0)

Small Laravel projects while learning the framework.

Blog features

  • View blogs as a guest.
  • Register & Login as an user.
  • Logged user can post and view blogs.
  • User can edit or delete own posts.
  • Post can be filtered by tag or user that posted.
  • Duplication will be validated.
  • Feedback on validation error.
  • Blog pagination.

What I learned new

  • Store files.
  • Migrations in Laravel applications.
  • Authenticate users before performing an action.
  • Editable and dynamic <option>.
  • Rendering 404 page.
  • Pagination according to data.
  • Laravel Mix.
  • Run front-end assets in Laravel applications.
  • Creating slugs.
  • Deploying Laravel apps to heroku
    • Create a Procfile
    • Write web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 public in the Procfile
    • Add all the env variables #f03c15 APP_DEBUG, APP_KEY, APP_NAME, DB_$vars are compulsory.
    • Make sure to set buildpacks in this order (use command heroku buildpacks add $BUILDPACK_NAME)
      1. heroku/node
      2. heroku/php
    • Run heroku run php artisan migrate -a $APP_NAME for database migration.
    • Run heroku run npm i -a $APP_NAME for installing node packages.

Technologies used

  • Laravel
  • Bootstrap
  • FontAwesome
  • FreeMySqlHosting

FAQ features

  1. Admin Login
    • Dashboard
    • Manage FAQs (CRUD)
    • Drag & Drop to sort quickly
    • Verification message on every action
  2. Visitors view
    • Search any FAQ instantly
    • Accordion FAQ dropdown



  • name
  • email
  • password
  • role (default: 2) [1 => 'super-admin', 2 => 'admin']


  • question
  • answer
  • priority
  • publication_status [0 => Unpublished, 1 => Published]

Technologies used

  • Laravel [v8.4]
  • JavaScript
    • jQuery [v3.2.1]
    • DataTable [v1.10.25]
    • jQuery UI [v1.12.1]
    • TypedJS [v2.0.12]
    • metisMenu [v3.3]
    • alertifyJs [v1.13]
  • Bootstrap ['home' => v5.0.2, 'admin' => v3.3.7]
  • FontAwesome [v4.7]

What I learned new

  • Laravel components
  • Making global variable for all blade files. [in app\Providers\AppServiceProvider.php add the following code inside boot method]
        View::share('NAME', VALUE);
  • Laravel custom error message [in app\Exeptions\Handler.php add the following code]
        protected function unauthenticated($request, AuthenticationException $exception)
            return $request->expectsJson()
                ? response()->json(['message' => $exception->getMessage()], 401)
                : redirect()->guest(route('login'))->with('message', 'You need to login first');

Getting Started

use following credentials to login:

Email Password ponditadmin

Contacts features

  • View contacts with multiple numbers.
  • Add and Edit contacts.
  • Search any contact by the name or number.

What I learned new

Technologies used

  • Laravel [v8.4]
  • JavaScript
    • jQuery [v3.2.1]
    • DataTable [v1.10.25]

Attendance features

  • View student attendances
  • Add or Delete an attendance
  • Keep track of payment dates

What I learned new

  • Using external classes on blade files. [in config\app.php add the required class inside aliases array]
        'Carbon' => Illumiate\Facade\Carbon::class;


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