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Paolo Fabio Zaino edited this page Mar 25, 2022 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the RISC-OS-Community wiki!

This community group is a group of volunteers mainly focused on Open Source based resources for RISC OS Operating System. This includes:

  • Software Applications
  • Software Libraries
  • Operating System extension Modules
  • and more

We are not the main developers for the Operating System itself. Such a task is mainly done by people at:

We are not even associated with them, those are two non profit Ltd companies, we are just a group of RISC OS users that have decided to build software and libraries (or preserve existing ones) in the form of Open Source Software and as a collaborative effort, so please do not get confused :)

Why does this group exists?

While there are companies who work on RISC OS Operating System following their own processes and standards, we thought there was a missing spot in the community: A modern tools based and collaborative structure to develop Open Source based ideas for hobby and in the free time.

You could create your own repository on GitHub or GitLab (or even on your own server), but that would be hard to use for a collaborative environment, because of:

  • What if a potential user has no account on your server?
  • What if a potential developer start coding in a complete different way that you do?
  • What if a potential developer starts complaining (and sometimes becoming aggressive) about some choices you've made?
  • What if a potential developer wants his work to be published with a different license (or worst, what if you have picked the wrong license for your work)?

So, normally, personal repositories are more suitable for personal projects that someone wants to release as Open Source. With that said, it's still possible to use personal repositories for large scale Open Source projects if one is up to handle all the extra complexity that comes from collaborative environments.

Here we are constantly working to ensure all the pieces needed for a positive, constructive and collaborative environment are in place. So a developer with a technical idea can focus on the coding side more than on everything else required. We are also very much involved with the general Open Source community and initiative, so this is a group that also take part to more general Open Source events and initiatives.

We also make sure that everything we build (or maintain) is always available for Free and with a congruent build system, so that, once you've learn how to build one repository, you can build them all. There is no commercial software here and nor there will ever be, however we do our best to ensure the licenses used by the code in this community to allow everyone to benefit from it.

We are not asking you for anything and we are offering you (in the case you may need) software written and tested for your RISC OS devices. The difference between this community and a single developer space, is that here all the code gets checked by multiple eyes together with multiple testing tools, we try to collaborate and so have more brains looking at a problem and trying to solve it and we encourage collaboration instead of the "one man band" approach.

Why this name? Isn't it too generic or something where you're trying to represent the entire RISC OS community?

It is very generic and there is a reason for this: We did NOT want to create another "company like label", we are RISC OS users that are just designing and building what we'd like to work on for improving RISC OS the way we think it can be improved.

It is not representative of the entire RISC OS Community as number of people etc, it is however representative for the ideas and things that people have done or will want to do, which is also why we are adding old software made in the past for RISC OS and that we'll maintain for newer releases of the OS.

What are the resources available to learn more?

If you want more info on what we do here please check this page: Introduction to this community

We also have social network presence, but it's mostly used as a service for interested users, to follow progresses done here on a daily or weekly base, so they all are mostly automated to provide updates (but there are human moderators managing them directly).

We have a website, but it's under construction at the moment, and given the small amount of people and the small amount of free time, things are slow to get completed. Apologies for this.

For General Users

What are the minimal requirements to use software from this repository?

For the minimal requirements check this page: Supported minimal Requirements

For Maintainers

Automated Pull Requests

This community supports automated pull requests for each and every repository we manage, more details here: How Automated Pull Requests work

How to merge in the main branch

We encourage software testing practices, so the main branch should be seen as a place to merge changes only after everything has been tested at the best of our capabilities. Therefore the normal branch to merge changes is develop. More info on how to handle this and more here: Managing Develop and Main branches