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RJSzynal edited this page Oct 26, 2014 · 2 revisions

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Using this post by M2eK as a base I have created a project with each version of the software committed then fixed to remove the clone detection code. Each compiled release is available to download and use without having to compile it yourself (useful for all the non coders who have bought a Chinese knock off and want to use the software). I may or may not develop it further, just as anyone else is welcome to fork the project or contribute to it. I find that my Chinese tool works at 38400 so I may develop the program to detect a clone device and set the default back to 38400 for it (depends on time as this has been a weekend project for me). have left this software far behind them and now provide the far superior OBDWiz software for for those in possession of a genuine tool. Thanks to the open source GPL nature of the original project I was able to play around with it and put it on here, however it only exists through the work of the guys at so if you can afford it I would recommend checking out their website and considering a genuine tool or one of their better software packages.

One last side note which may be helpful to people with a Chinese ELM327 clone tool is that the standard drivers don't work on windows 8, you have to use the version from 2008 which I've documented on the 'Chinese ELM327 clone' wiki page.

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