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RJbalikian edited this page Oct 26, 2023 · 7 revisions


If you are having any issues running sprit with your data/instruments, please let us know. The current maintainer of this project can be reached by email here, or you can go to the Issues page (also accessible as a tab at the top of this page).

Common Troubleshooting Issues 

Below are some common issues that you may run into when installing and/or using the sprit python package.

Macintosh/Apple/iOS Support

The sprit package has not been tested on Macintosh/iOS systems.

Jupyter notebook issues

Cannot do manual window selection

In order to do manual window selection when running sprit python API in jupyter notebooks, an interactive matplotlib backend must be enabled. To do this, the following line of code should be included before running your code:

%matplotlib qt

Note that interactive plots are not currently supported in Google Colab jupyter notebooks (though that is in the works).

Cell keeps running after closing plot

When running sprit python API in jupyter notebooks, sometimes a cell will continue to run after you have closed a plot (either the preview plot, noise plot, or results plot). Often, this is because the matplotlib backend is not set correctly. Sprit has a qt dependency which enables all the interactive charts to run using the QT matplotlib backend. To enable that in your notebook, you should include the following line before your code:

%matplotlib qt

GUI Issues

Issues with GUI on Linux and/or with conda environments

Currently, there are known issues with running the GUI on some linux devices and/or in some conda environments. Ubuntu seems to work and python virtual environments created using python -m venv <environment_name> seem to work as well.

Conflicting dependencies/pyqt versions

Sometimes, multiple versions of pyqt are installed and interfere with each other. You can see what packages are installed in your environment using the command pip freeze. You may be able to repair the sprit package by uninstalling all the packages that start with pyqt (pip uninstall <package_name>), uninstalling sprit (pip uninstall sprit), then reinstalling sprit (pip install sprit --upgrade).

Issues with Conda Environments

Currently, the only distribution source for the sprit package is Pypi (i.e., pip install sprit). This can be done within a virtual environment created by anaconda using the standard command: pip install sprit. This should work fine, but--in the case that you run into issues with compatibility--running the following lines of code in your terminal may help alleviate these issues:

  • First, activate your conda environment: conda activate <your_conda_env_name>

  • Now, install and/or update pip (if using the install command does not work, try the update command): conda install pip, and/or conda update pip

  • Install sprit in your conda environment: python3 -m pip install sprit --upgrade (in some cases, you may need to substitute python for python3

While still in your conda virtual environment in your terminal, you can run this command to ensure that sprit installed correctly: sprit --help

This should print the options for the sprit command line interface.