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This is a fork

This is a fork of the original, wonderful project. See Coding Chaos Concert for more details.

Hydra-synth fork modifications:

Currently all changes only reside on the coding_chaos_concert_2019 branch.

  • Work added on top of SHA da8d6d038ff6875a21251998345ae62fcd5a6992

  • Add stop() method that helps improve cleanup

  • Improvements to createFades() to allow for better stopping of fades

  • Changes to audio.js:

    • Allow for array parameters to many functions
    • Change how volume is calculated and used in detect beat
    • Allows cutoff, smooth, scale to be set per bin
    • Add time parameter to tick() and draw()
    • Indicate clipped audio graphically in audio display
  • Add a number of helpers to control rate of change smoothly:

    • vel: takes a thruster function that applies thrust to generate a velocity
    • pos: takes a velocity and finish function and outputs a position
    • repeat: finish function that sets the position to the start position
    • sweep: finish function that reverses direction, without affecting velocity
    • bounce: finish function that reverses direction and inverts velocity and multiplies by bounciness
  • Add or modify GSGL:

    • Use alpha channel in more GSGL calculations
      • Still very experimental and not completely functional
  • Add tile, tileX and tileY: seamless tile, flipping textures as needed to line up sides

  • Add gray: converts color to grayscale

  • Add removeColor: turns a pixel to 0 alpha (based on how close the pixel color is to target color)

  • Add alpha: sets the alpha channel

  • Add channel: multiplies each channel by the parameter passed in, good for isolating channels


Video synth engine for hydra.

Currently experimental / in-progress.

To install:

npm install hydra-synth

To use:

const Hydra = require('hydra-synth')

window.onload = function () {
  const hydra = new Hydra()

  // by default, hydra makes everything global.
  // see options to change parameters


hydra = new Hydra([opts])

create a new hydra instance

If opts is specified, the default options (shown below) will be overridden.

  canvas: null, // canvas element to render to. If none is supplied, a canvas will be created and appended to the screen

  pb: null, // an instance of rtc-patch-bay to use for networking

  autoLoop: true, // if true, will automatically loop using requestAnimationFrame.If set to false, you must implement your own loop function using the tick() method (below)

  makeGlobal: true, // if false, will not pollute global namespace

  numSources: 4, // number of source buffers to create initially

  numOutputs: 4, // number of output buffers to use. Note: untested with numbers other than 4. render() method might behave unpredictably

render an oscillator with parameters frequency, sync, and rgb offset:

osc(20, 0.1, 0.8).out()

rotate the oscillator 1.5 radians:

osc(20, 0.1, 0.8).rotate(0.8).out()

pixelate the output of the above function:

osc(20, 0.1, 0.8).rotate(0.8).pixelate(20, 30).out()

show webcam output:

s0.initCam() //initialize a webcam in source buffer s0
src(s0).out() //render source buffer s0

webcam kaleidoscope:

s0.initCam() //initialize a webcam in source buffer s0
src(s0).kaleid(4).out() //render the webcam to a kaleidoscope

By default, the environment contains four separate output buffers that can each render different graphics. The outputs are accessed by the variables o0, o1, o2, and o3. to render to output buffer o1:

render(o1) //render the contents of o1

to show all render buffers at once:


The output buffers can then be mixed and composited to produce what is shown on the screen.

s0.initCam() //initialize a webcam in source buffer s0
src(s0).out(o0) //set the source of o0 to render the buffer containing the webcam
osc(10, 0.2, 0.8).diff(o0).out(o1) //initialize a gradient in output buffer o1, composite with the contents of o0
render(o1) // render o1 to the screen

The composite functions blend(), diff(), mult(), and add() perform arithmetic operations to combine the input texture color with the base texture color, similar to photoshop blend modes.

modulate(texture, amount) uses the red and green channels of the input texture to modify the x and y coordinates of the base texture. More about modulation at:

osc(21, 0).modulate(o1).out(o0)

Passing functions as variables

Each parameter can be defined as a function rather than a static variable. For example,

osc(function(t){return 100*Math.sin(t*0.1)}).out()

modifies the oscillator frequency as a function of time. This can be written more concisely using es6 syntax:

osc((t) => (100*Math.sin(t*0.1))).out()

Using Custom Sources

Any canvas, video, or image element can serve as a source in addition to the built-in source functions for sharing camera, screen capture, and remote streams. Video and images must be fully loaded before being passed to hydra.

Add a custom source:

  src: <canvas, video, or image element>,
  dynamic: true // optional parameter. Set to false if using a static image or something that will not change

You can add new source buffers once hydra has been initialized:

let src = hydra.newSource()
src.init({ src: canvasEl})

Clear a source buffer:


Non-global mode [in progress]

If makeGlobal is set to false, buffers and functions can be accessed via the hydra instance. Note that sources and buffers are contained in an array and accessed by index. E.g.:


Custom render loop

You can use your own render loop for triggering hydra updates, instead of the automatic looping. To use, set autoLoop to false, and call


where dt is the time elapsed in milliseconds since the last update

Directly using shader code

You can get access to the hydra shader code without rendering using hydra. For example,


returns a fragment shader string and list of uniforms. For vertex shader and attribute implentation, see

Adding/editing transformation functions

All of the available functions for transforming coordinates and color, as well as compositing textures, correspond directly to a snippet of fragment shader code. These transformations are defined in the file hydra/hydra-server/app/src/composable-glsl-transforms.js. When running locally, you can edit this file to change the available functions, and refresh the page to see changes.

Desktop capture

To use screen capture or a browser tab as an input texture, you must first install the chrome extension for screensharing, and restart chrome. Desktop capture can be useful for inputing graphics from another application, or a video or website in another browser tab. It can also be used to create interesting feedback effects.

To install, go to http://chrome://extensions/ Click "Load unpacked extension", and select the "extensions" folder in "screen-capture-extension" in this repo. Restart chrome. The extension should work from now on without needing to reinstall.

select a screen tab to use as input texture:


render screen tab:


Not yet implemented:

  • dynamically resize output canvas
  • documentation of logic for function composition, how to create your own functions
  • add custom glsl functions on init
  • directly render vertex and fragment shader code to buffers


Synth engine for hydra







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