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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation



  • UE4 Plugin to handle file operations
  • This is a blueprint library plugin
  • It exposes 50+ functions to handle various file formats and file system operations
  • Allows you to easily serialize a custom struct to JSON or XML and deserialize it back to a struct
  • Allows you to read/write .ini configuration files
  • Allows you to export/import a datatable from/to JSON or CSV
  • Take screenshots and load them into textures
  • Can be used in any blueprint


Link to the plugin in the marketplace




Node Inputs Outputs Note
GetEngineDirectories void Struct(FEnginePath) Returns all the engine related paths
GetProjectDirectories void Struct(FProjectPath) Returns all the project related paths



Note: Be carefull using these nodes, you are accessing the file system of the user's computer, ensure your code is working as intended before shipping
Node Inputs Outputs Note
ReadTextFile Path(String) Success(Bool), Output(String) Reads the whole content of a text file
WriteTextFile Path(String), Content(String), Append(Bool), Force(Bool) Success(Bool), Error(Text) Writes text content into a file
ReadLineFile Path(String), Pattern(String) Success(Bool), Output(Array(String)) Reads lines of a file, if you specify a pattern (regex), reads only the lines that matches this pattern
WriteLineFile Path(String), Content(Array(String)), Append(Bool), Force(Bool) Success(Bool), Error(Text) Writes lines into a file
ReadByteFile Path(String) Success(Bool), Output(Array(Byte)) Reads binary content from a file
WriteByteFile Path(String), Content(Array(Byte)), Append(Bool), Force(Bool) Success(Bool), Error(Text) Writes binary content to a file
WriteCSVFile Path(String), Headers(Array(String)), Data(Array(String)), Force(Bool) Success(Bool), Total(Int) Writes CSV headers and data to a file, delimiter will be ','
ReadCSVFile Path(String), HeaderFirst(Bool) Success(Bool), Headers(Array(String)), Data(Array(String)), Total(Int) Reads CSV headers and data from a file, delimiter must be ','


These nodes allows you to encode/decode content from/to base64


Note: These nodes can be useful to send content on the network (image,text, file)
Node Inputs Outputs Note
StrToBase64 Source(String) Result(String) Encodes a string to a base64 string
StrFromBase64 Base64Str(String) Success(Bool), Result(String) Decodes a string from a base64 string
BytesToBase64 Source(Array(Byte)) Result(String) Encodes binary content to a base64 string
BytesFromBase64 Base64Str(String) Success(Bool), Result(Array(Byte)) Decodes binary content from a base64 string



Node Inputs Outputs Note
StringToCSV Content(String), HeaderFirst(Bool) Success(Bool), Headers(Array(String)), Data(Array(String)), Total(Int) Extracts headers, data from a CSV string, delimiter must be ','
CSVToString Headers(Array(String)), Data(Array(String)) Success(Bool), Result(String), Total(Int) Converts headers, data array into a CSV string, delimiter will be ','



Do not use fields with whitespaces or special characters in your structures, they will get serialized but you won't be able to deserialize them!

Note v1.2 : You can now provide (map, array, set, object, struct) and it will get (de)serialized, do not use scalar types like string, numeric, boolean...

Note v1.1 and minor : Please provide only a struct (not an array of struct, a map of struct or a set of struct) to these functions, you can put maps, sets, arrays into the struct you wish to export, it will work, you can also put any other object, it will get serialized and when deserializing the object will be created and available as expected
Node Inputs Outputs Note
StructToXML InStruct(AnyStruct) Success(Bool), Xml(String) Converts any type of struct into an XML string
XMLToStruct Xml(String), OutStruct(AnyStruct) Success(Bool) Converts an XML string back into the input struct provided, returns whether the parsing was successfully carried
StructToJson InStruct(AnyStruct) Success(Bool), Json(String) Converts any type of struct into a JSON string
JsonToStruct Json(String), OutStruct(AnyStruct) Success(Bool) Converts a JSON string back into the input struct provided, returns whether the parsing was successfully carried

File system


Note: Be carefull using these nodes, you are accessing the file system of the user's computer, ensure your code is working as intended before shipping
Node Inputs Outputs Note
IsFile Path(String) Success(Bool) Checks whether a path is a valid file
IsDirectory Path(String) Success(Bool) Checks whether a path is a valid directory
IsValidFilename Filename(String) Success(Bool) Checks whether a filename is valid and can be used on this file system, do not hit the disk
ValidateFilename Filename(String) Result(Bool), ValidName(String) Sanitizes a filename to be used on the file system, do not hit the disk
SetReadOnlyFlag Path(String), Flag(Bool) Result(Bool) Sets the read only property on a file, if the file system supports it
GetReadOnlyFlag Path(String) Result(Bool) Gets the read only property on a file, if the file system supports it
GetFileSize Path(String) Size(Int64) Gets the size of a file on the file system in bytes
ListDirectory Path(String), Pattern(String), ShowFile(Bool), ShowDirectory(Bool), Recursive(Bool) Result(Bool), Nodes(Array(String)) Lists all nodes on that path, file or directory, if pattern (regex) is not empty, returns only the one that matches it, can search recursively
MakeDirectory Path(String), Recursive(Bool) Result(Bool) Creates a new directory, can work recursively
RemoveDirectory Path(String), Recursive(Bool) Result(Bool) Removes a directory, if it is not empty, check the recursive option
CopyDirectory Source(String), Dest(String) Result(Bool) Copies the content of a directory to a destination path, overwrites existing content
MoveDirectory Source(String), Dest(String) Result(Bool) Moves the content of a directory to a destination path, overwrites existing content
NodeStats Path(String) Result(Bool), Stats(FCustomNodeStat) Returns the stats of a node if it exists
RemoveFile Path(String) Result(Bool) Removes a file from the file system
CopyFile Source(String), Dest(String), Force(Bool) Result(Bool) Copies a file to a destination path
MoveFile Source(String), Dest(String), Force(Bool) Result(Bool) Moves a file to a destination path
RenameFile Path(String), Name(String) Result(Bool) Renames a file
PathParts Path(String) PathPart(String), BasePart(String), ExtensionPart(String), Filename(String) Returns the different parts of path, do not hit the disk



Node Inputs Outputs Note
TakeScreenShot Filename(String), PrefixTimestamp(Bool), ShowUI(Bool) Result(Bool), Path(String) Take a screenshot from current the view and saves it in the default screenshot folder and return the path
LoadScreenShot Path(String) Result(Bool), Screenshot(Texture2D) Loads a screenshot from a path into a Texture2D, do not use this right after takescreenshot because the file might not be already written on disk, use the async node following
TakeScreenshot Filename(String), PrefixTimestamp(Bool), ShowUI(Bool) OnCompleted(Texture2D, String), OnFailed() Async node to take screenshot and return a texture with the actual screenshot and path on completion



Note: You need to know the correct row struct in order to reimport the datatable content correctly

Do not use fields with withespaces or special characters in your structures, they will get exported but you won't be able to import them back !
Node Inputs Outputs Note
DataTableToCSV Table(DataTable) Result(Bool), Output(String) Converts a datatable to a CSV string
CSVToDataTable Input(String), RowStruct(AnyStruct) Result(Bool), Table(DataTable) Converts a CSV string to datatable using the specified struct as the row model
DataTableToJSON Table(DataTable) Result(Bool), Output(String) Converts a datatable to a JSON string
JSONToDataTable Input(String), RowStruct(AnyStruct) Result(Bool), Table(DataTable) Converts a JSON string to a datatable using the specified struct as the row model



Note: These nodes helps to read/write configuration files (*.ini), you can pass the following variables to these function (Bool, Int, Double, Float, String, Array(String), Rotator, Vector, LinearColor, Vector4, Vector2D) anything else will fail, keep in mind that a restart of the engine/game is needed for these changes to be taken into account !
Node Inputs Outputs Note
ReadConfig Filepath(String), Section(String), Key(String), SingleLineArrayRead(Bool), OutValue(AnyStruct) Result(Bool) Reads a config file and extracts the section->key value into OutValue (can be any type mentioned earlier), check SingleLineArrayRead if you know the value is an array on a single line in the file, else uncheck it
WriteConfig Filepath(String), Section(String), Key(String), SingleLineArrayWrite(Bool), Value(AnyStruct) Result(Bool) Write a config file value at the section->key, creates the file if not found, check SingleLineArrayWrite to write an array on a single line instead of multiple lines
RemoveCongig Filepath(String), Section(String), Key(String) Result(Bool) Removes the value associated with section->key in the file