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  • UE plugin to handle JSON and XML manipulation and (de)serialization
  • Async load a JSON or XML from file, string or URL (GET)
  • (De)serialize struct, object, array, set, maps, int, float, byte, boolean, string... to/from JSON and XML
  • Create / Read JSON value (parse and stringify)
  • Create / Read XML node (parse and stringify)
  • Manipulate JSON or XML entity
  • Can be used in any blueprint


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Quick conversion

Quick nodes

If you are not interested in updating fields and you want directly the string (stringify) or value (parsing), you can use these quick nodes
Node Inputs Outputs Note
ToJSONString Wildcard(*), PrettyPrint(Bool) JSON(String), Success(Bool) Converts a wildcard value to a JSON string
ToXMLString Wildcard(*), PrettyPrint(Bool) XML(String), Success(Bool) Converts a wildcard value to a XML string
FromJSONString JSON(String) Success(Bool), Wildcard(*) Converts a JSON string to a wildcard value
FromXMLString XML(String) Success(Bool), Wildcard(*) Converts a XML string to a wildcard value


JSON nodes

Load JSONValue

JSON load

Note: When using "LoadFromUrl", a GET request will be performed against the provided Url, then the result will be parsed into JSON if valid
Node Inputs Outputs Note
LoadJSON Options(JSONLoaderOptions) Completed(JSONValue(JSONValueWrapper)), Failed(ErrorReason(String)) Asynchronous load a JSONValue from (string or file or url), completed is called when the conversion was successful, failed otherwise with the error reason

Create JSONValue

JSON create

Note: Do not use withespaces or special symbols in your struct to avoid deserialization/parsing errors, prefer using camelCase or PascalCase

You can easily create nested objects/arrays using these nodes, carefull not to create loops in the JSON tree as it can cause a crash !

JSON create example

Node Inputs Outputs Note
Parse JSONString(String) Result(Bool), JSONValue(JSONValueWrapper) (Deserialize) Synchronous parse a string into a JSON value, use LoadJSON for async capabilities
CreateJSONStringValue Value(String) Result(JSONValueWrapper) Creates a JSON string from a string value
CreateJSONNumberValue Value(float) Result(JSONValueWrapper) Creates a JSON number from a float value
CreateJSONNumberValue Value(Int) Result(JSONValueWrapper) Creates a JSON number from an integer value
CreateJSONNumberValue Value(Int64) Result(JSONValueWrapper) Creates a JSON number from an integer64 value
CreateJSONNumberValue Value(Byte) Result(JSONValueWrapper) Creates a JSON number from a byte value
CreateJSONBooleanValue Value(Bool) Result(JSONValueWrapper) Creates a JSON boolean from a bool value
CreateJSONNullValue void Result(JSONValueWrapper) Creates a JSON null value
CreateJSONArrayValue Values(Array(JSONValueWrapper)) Result(JSONValueWrapper) Creates a JSON value from an array of JSON values
CreateJSONObjectValue Values(Map(String, JSONValueWrapper)) Result(JSONValueWrapper) Creates a JSON object from a map of JSON values
CreateJSONCustomValue Value(AnyStruct) Out(JSONValueWrapper) Creates a JSON value from any struct provided

Query JSONValue

JSON query

Note: To create a pattern query, use a field name or numeric value if the value is an array, separate the query elements by "/" : example: "MyField/0/OtherField/1", this will return a JSONValue located inside a field called MyField, then at the index 0 of the array, then inside a field called OtherField, then at the index 1 of the array inside OtherField !

You can easily query nested JSONValue using this syntax pattern
Node Inputs Outputs Note
GetType void Result(EJSONValueType) Retuns the type of the value contained inside the JSONValue
IsType Filter(EJSONValueType) Result(Bool) Returns true if the type matches the type of the value inside the JSONValue
HasField Pattern(String), FilterType(EJSONValueType) Result(Bool) Checks recursively whether a specific key exists inside the JSONValue using a pattern
FindField Pattern(String), FilterType(EJSONValueType) Result(Bool), Value(JSONValueWrapper) Finds recursively a specific key inside the JSONValue using a pattern
GetFieldNames void Result(Bool), FieldNames(Array(String)) If JSONValue is an object, returns the field names of this object
Equals Other(JSONValueWrapper) Result(Bool) Compare two JSONValue to find out if they are equal

Read JSONValue

JSON read

Node Inputs Outputs Note
Stringify PrettyPrint(Bool) Result(Bool), JSONString(String) (Serialize) Converts a JSONValue into a string, printing the value on multiple rows or not to save characters
GetStringValue Default(String) Result(Bool), Value(String) Returns a string or default value if conversion is not valid
GetNumberValue Default(Float) Result(Bool), Value(Float) Returns a float or default value if conversion is not valid
GetNumberValue Default(Int) Result(Bool), Value(Int) Returns an int or default value if conversion is not valid
GetNumberValue Default(Int64) Result(Bool), Value(Int64) Returns an int64 or default value if conversion is not valid
GetNumberValue Default(Byte) Result(Bool), Value(Byte) Returns a byte or default value if conversion is not valid
GetBooleanValue Default(Bool) Result(Bool), Value(Bool) Returns a boolean or default value if conversion is not valid
IsNullValue void bool Returns true if the JSONValue contains null
GetArrayValue void Result(Bool), Values(Array(JSONValueWrapper)) Returns an array filled with JSONValue if conversion is valid
GetObjectValue void Result(Bool), Values(Map(String, JSONValueWrapper)) Returns a map filled with field name as key and JSONValue as value if conversion is valid
GetCustomValue void Success(Bool), Value(AnyStruct) Tries to fill the provided struct with the JSONValue if conversion is possible

Update JSONValue

JSON update

Note: Carefull not to create loops in the JSON tree as it can cause a crash !
Node Inputs Outputs Note
AddField FieldName(String), FieldValue(JSONValueWrapper) Success(Bool), Result(JSONValueWrapper) If the JSONValue is an object, this adds a new field, and returns the updated version or nullptr if fail
RemoveField FieldName(String) Success(Bool), Result(JSONValueWrapper) If the JSONValue is an object, this removes a new field, and returns the updated version or nullptr if fail
AddValue Value(JSONValueWrapper), Index(Int) Success(Bool), Result(JSONValueWrapper) If the JSONValue is an array, this adds a new value, and returns the updated version or nullptr if fail
RemoveValue Value(JSONValueWrapper) Success(Bool), Result(JSONValueWrapper) If the JSONValue is an array, this removes a value, and returns the updated version or nullptr if fail
RemoveValueAt Index(Int) Success(Bool), Result(JSONValueWrapper) If the JSONValue is an array, this removes a specific index value, and returns the updated version or nullptr if fail


XML nodes

Load XMLNode

XML load

Note: When using "LoadFromUrl", a GET request will be performed against the provided Url, then the result will be parsed into XML if valid
Node Inputs Outputs Note
LoadXML Options(XMLLoaderOptions) Completed(XMLNode(XMLNodeWrapper)), Failed(ErrorReason(String)) Asynchronous load an XMLNode from (string or file or url), completed is called when the conversion was successful, failed otherwise with the error reason

Create XMLNode

XML create

Note: Do not use withespaces or special symbols in your struct to avoid deserialization/parsing errors, prefer using camelCase or PascalCase

XML create example

Node Inputs Outputs Note
Parse XMLString(String) Success(Bool), Result(XMLNodeWrapper) (Deserialize) Synchronous parse a string into an XMLNode, use LoadXML for async capabilities
CreateCustomXMLNode Value(AnyStruct) Valid(Bool), Result(XMLNodeWrapper) Converts any struct to an XML node if it's possible
CreateXMLNode TagName(String) Valid(Bool), Result(XMLNodeWrapper) Creates a new XML Node with a valid tag name or nullptr if fail

Query XMLNode

XML query

Note: To create a pattern query, use a tag name or numeric value, separate the query elements by "/" : example: "MyTag/0/NestedTag/1", this will return an XMLNode located inside a node called MyTag, then at the index 0 of the array, then inside a node called NestedTag, then at the index 1 of the array inside NestedTag !

You can easily query nested XMLNode using this syntax pattern
Node Inputs Outputs Note
IsRootNode void Result(Bool) Checks whether the current node is the root node of the XML tree
IsLeafNode void Result(Bool) Checks whether the current node is a leaf node in the XML tree
GetRootNode void Result(XMLNodeWrapper) Returns the root node of the current node
GetParent void Result(Bool), Parent(XMLNodeWrapper) Returns the parent node if there is one
GetChildren void Children(Array(XMLNodeWrapper)) Returns the children nodes
GetChildrenCount void Result(Int) Returns the amount of children this node has
GetChildrenTags void Tags(Array(String)) Returns the name tags of the children this node has
GetFirstChild void Result(Bool), Child(XMLNodeWrapper) Returns the first child of the current node if there is one
GetLastChild void Result(Bool), Child(XMLNodeWrapper) Returns the last child of the current node if there is one
GetNext void Result(Bool), Next(XMLNodeWrapper) Returns the next sibling of the current node if there is one
GetPrev void Result(Bool), Prev(XMLNodeWrapper) Returns the previous sibling of the current node if there is one
HasNode Pattern(String) Result(Bool) Checks recursively whether a specific node exists using a search pattern
FindNode Pattern(String) Result(Bool), Node(XMLNodeWrapper) Finds recursively a specific node using a search pattern
IsAttached Other(XMLNodeWrapper) Result(Bool) Checks whether the current node is attached to the other node

Read XMLNode

XML read

Node Inputs Outputs Note
Stringify PrettyPrint(Bool) Result(Bool), XMLString(String) (Serialize) Converts a XMLNode into a string, printing the value on multiple rows or not to save characters
GetAttribute Name(String) Result(Bool), Value(String) Gets the attribute value with a specific name if it exists
GetAttributes void Attributes(Map(String, String)) Gets all attributes of the current node
GetTag void Result(String) Returns the tag of the current node
GetContent void Result(String) Returns the content of the current node
GetCustomValue void Success(Bool), Value(AnyStruct) Converts an XML Node to any struct if it's possible

Update XMLNode

XML update

Node Inputs Outputs Note
AddAttribute Name(String), Value(String) Result(Bool), This(XMLNodeWrapper) Adds an attribute if the name is valid, returns this node for chaining
SetTag Name(String) Result(Bool), This(XMLNodeWrapper) Updates the tag name if the new name is valid, returns this node for chaining
SetContent Content(String) This(XMLNodeWrapper) Sets the content of the node, returns this node for chaining
AddChild Child(XMLNodeWrapper), Index(Int) Result(Bool), This(XMLNodeWrapper) Adds a child to the current node at index, returns this node for chaining
AddNext Next(XMLNodeWrapper) Result(Bool), This(XMLNodeWrapper) Adds a next sibling to the current node, returns this node for chaining
AddPrev Prev(XMLNodeWrapper) Result(Bool), This(XMLNodeWrapper) Adds a previous sibling to the current node, returns this node for chaining
Detach void Result(Bool), This(XMLNodeWrapper) Detaches the current node from it's parent, returns this node for chaining


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