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Al'rind edited this page Jul 3, 2015 · 3 revisions

This element is a part of the incubator, it is not "technically" achieved and validated.

This addition makes the basic combat's system customization possible. It only consists in annotations, telling a common event to execute itself as if it was an event in parallel process during battle. We call that a short circuit because we can inject substential events (like pictures' displaying) during battle.

Altering a common event in short circuit

It is really important to keey in mind that, as stated in this page's introduction, if we define a common event as a short circuit, it automatically becomes a "parallel process" during battle. Therefore, in order to make that happen, only add the command in_battle (thanks to a script call) as the first line. Be aware that a common event starting whith in_battle will no longer be callable or executable anywhere but in combat.

Condition's specialization

As for custom triggers, you can specialize a "in battle trigger". For instance: in_battle{ V[1] == 9 } will trigger the event in combat only if the variable n°1 equals 9.

You can also restrict a short circuit to given enemies' troops, using the command current_troop, for instance in_battle{ current_troop > 10 } states that this event will only be executed if the player is facing a troop of enemies whose ID is above 10.

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