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Migrate Parsely website metrics to ETL, moving GA4 and website metadata to MySQL via R.


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GA4 ETL Script Documentation

This repo is used to pipeline GA4 and website metadata to MySQL via R.


  • GA4_etl: Main data processing script, leveraging functions from functions.r
  • functions.r: Includes all custom functions for GA4 data extraction and transformation
  • packages.r: Packages used for project. Could be updated to a requirements file, but functions as is.

Target Metrics

This script extracts the following metrics from GA4:

  • Traffic source (acquisition)
    • Note: Take a look at the referral categories (May want to parse out more granular to differentiate different news outlets vs. other RMI pages vs. social traffic)
  • Geography
    • State level is the ultimate target
  • Engaged page views
  • Number
  • Rate
  • Time spent on page
  • Users
    • Returning
    • New
  • Conversions
  • Report downloads (Custom GA4 Goal)
  • Online donations (Custom GA4 Goal)
  • Event reg (Custom GA4 Goal)
  • Email sign up (Custom GA4 Goal)


Before running this script, make sure you have the following:

  • R and RStudio installed on your machine.
  • Required packages and functions sourced from packages.R and functions.R.
  • A .env file containing the necessary environment variables for database connection:
    • Monday_Token
    • SproutSocial_Token
    • Pardot_TokenV4
    • Pardot_TokenV5
    • Pardot_Business_ID
    • sf_password
    • sf_user
    • DBASE_IP


  1. Set the working directory to the appropriate folder using setwd() function.
  2. Source the required packages and functions using source() function.
  3. Load the environment variables from the .env file using load_dot_env() function.

Database Connection

Establish a connection to the MySQL database using the dbConnect() function from the RMariaDB package. Provide the necessary credentials and SSL certificate path.

Get Referral Sites

Read the referral site categories from the Referral Site Categories.xlsx file using the read.xlsx() function. Store the data in the referralSites variable.

Get Most Recent Date Added

Retrieve the most recent date_added value from the traffic_all table in the MySQL database using a SQL query. Store the result in the mostRecent variable.

Date Range

Set the date range for the GA4 data retrieval. Use the paste() function to create the necessary date strings.

GA Authentication

Authenticate with the GA API using the ga_auth() function. Provide the email associated with the GA account.

Set GA Variables and Property ID

Set the GA variables and property ID for the GA4 data retrieval. Use the ga_meta() function to retrieve the metadata for the specified property ID.

Export Configuration

Set the export configuration for the data retrieval. Specify the file name and path for the exported data.

Database Connection (Again)

Re-establish the database connection to the MySQL database.

Data Retrieval and Processing

Retrieve and process the necessary data from GA4 using various functions like ga_data(), getPageData(), getPageMetrics(), getAcquisition(), getTrafficSocial(), getTrafficGeography(), and getReferrals().

Database Operations

Perform database operations like importing new pages, updating page titles, and storing the retrieved data in the appropriate database tables using the dbWriteTable() and dbAppendTable() functions.

Export Data

Export the retrieved and processed data to an Excel file using the write_xlsx() function.


Disconnect from the MySQL database using the dbDisconnect() function.

Remember to customize the script according to your specific requirements and database configuration.


Migrate Parsely website metrics to ETL, moving GA4 and website metadata to MySQL via R.







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