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  • Description

Base functions for packet construction.

  • Members


  • Methods

Methods Description
packetHandler Initializes members of packet data pointer struct
printTxRxResult Shows communication result
printRxPacketError Shows hardware error
getLastTxRxResult Gets last communication result
getLastRxPacketError Gets last hardware error
setDataWrite Gets last communication result
getDataRead Gets last hardware error
txPacket Transmits the packet
rxPacket Receives the packet
txRxPacket Transmits and receives the packet
ping ping DYNAMIXEL
pingGetModelNum Ping DYNAMIXEL and get its model number
broadcastPing ping all connected DYNAMIXEL's
getBroadcastPingResult Get IDs of DYNAMIXEL's responded by BroadcastPing2
action Commands ‘Run’ the Regwritten
regWrite Writes the packets and wait for the ‘Action’ command
reboot Reboots DYNAMIXEL
factoryReset Resets all DYNAMIXEL settings
readTx Transmits N byte read instruction packet
readRx Receives N byte read status packet
readTxRx Transmits and receives N byte packet
read1ByteTx Transmits 1 byte read instruction packet
read1ByteRx Receives 1 byte read status packet
read1ByteTxRx Transmits and receives 1 byte packet
read2ByteTx Transmits 2 byte read instruction packet
read2ByteRx Receives 2 byte read status packet
read2ByteTxRx Transmits and receives 2 byte packet
read4ByteTx Transmits 4 byte read instruction packet
read4ByteRx Receives 4 byte read status packet
read4ByteTxRx Transmits and receives 4 byte packet
writeTxOnly Transmits N byte write instruction packet
writeTxRx Transmits and receives N byte packet
write1ByteTxOnly Transmits 1 byte write instruction packet
write1ByteTxRx Transmits and receives 1 byte packet
write2ByteTxOnly Transmits 2 byte write instruction packet
write2ByteTxRx Transmits and receives 2 byte packet
write4ByteTxOnly Transmits 4 byte write instruction packet
write4ByteTxRx Transmits and receives 4 byte packet
regWriteTxOnly Transmits register write instruction packet
regWriteTxRx Transmits and receives register write packet
syncReadTx Transmits N byte sync read Instruction packet
syncWriteTxOnly Transmits N byte sync write Instruction packet
bulkReadTx Transmits N byte bulk read Instruction packet
bulkWriteTxOnly Transmits N byte bulk write Instruction packet
  • Enumerator
Enumerator Description
DXL_MAKEWORD(a, b) makes value from a and b to word type
DXL_MAKEDWORD(a, b) makes value from a and b to dword type
DXL_LOWORD(l) gets lower word type value from l
DXL_HIWORD(l) gets higher word type value from l
DXL_LOBYTE(w) gets lower byte type value from w
DXL_HIBYTE(w) gets higher byte type value from w
BROADCAST_ID := 0xFE Broadcast ID
MAX_ID := 0xFC Maximum ID value
INST_PING := 1 Instruction value of ping
INST_READ := 2 Instruction value of Read
INST_WRITE := 3 Instruction value of Write
INST_REG_WRITE := 4 Instruction value of Register Write
INST_ACTION := 5 Instruction value of Action
INST_FACTORY_RESET := 6 Instruction value of Factory Reset
INST_SYNC_WRITE := 131 Instruction value of Sync Write
INST_BULK_READ := 146 Instruction value of Bulk Read
INST_REBOOT := 8 Instruction value of Reboot
INST_STATUS := 85 Instruction value of Status
INST_SYNC_READ := 130 Instruction value of Sync Read
INST_BULK_WRITE := 147 Instruction value of Bulk Write
COMM_SUCCESS := 0 Status of Communication Success
COMM_PORT_BUSY := -1000 Status of Port in use
COMM_TX_FAIL := -1001 Status of Transmit packet failed
COMM_RX_FAIL := -1002 Status of Receive packet failed
COMM_TX_ERROR := -2000 Status of Transmit packet error
COMM_RX_WAITING := -3000 Status of Receive packet waiting
COMM_RX_TIMEOUT := -3001 Status of Receive packet timeout
COMM_RX_CORRUPT := -3002 Status of Receive packet corrupt
COMM_NOT_AVAILABLE := -9000 Status of Unavailable in protocol 1.0

Method References

  • Syntax
void packetHandler()
  • Parameters


  • Detailed Description

    This function initializes the parameters for packet construction. The function resizes packetData struct and initialzes struct members.

  • Syntax
void printTxRxResult(int protocol_version, int result)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
protocol_version Protocol version
result Communication result
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either printTxRxResult1 or printTxRxResult2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function prints out on the console window what communication result value means.

  • Syntax
void printRxPacketError(int protocol_version, byte error)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
protocol_version Protocol version
error Hardware error
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either printRxPacketError1 or printRxPacketError2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function prints out on the console window what hardware error value means.

  • Syntax
int getLastTxRxResult(int port_num, int protocol_version)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either getLastTxRxResult1 or getLastTxRxResult2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function returns the communication result of #port_num port.

  • Syntax
byte getLastRxPacketError(int port_num, int protocol_version)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either getLastRxPacketError1 or getLastRxPacketError2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function returns the hardware error of #port_num port.

  • Syntax
void setDataWrite(int port_num, int protocol_version, short data_length, short data_pos, int data)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
data_length Data length
data_pos Targeted position of array element
data Data
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either setDataWrite1 or setDataWrite2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function puts Data length bytes of Data into data_pos element of array for writing data at #port_num port tx buffer.

  • Syntax
int getDataRead(int port_num, int protocol_version, short data_length, short data_pos)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
data_length Data length
data_pos Targeted position of array element
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either getDataRead1 or getDataRead2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function gets data_length bytes of the data located in data_pos position of read data array that from #port_num port rx buffer.

  • Syntax
 void txPacket(int port_num, int protocol_version)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port_num
protocol_version Protocol version
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either txPacket1 or txPacket2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function transmits the packet. The function clears the port by clearPort function at first, and stores data in the txpacket storage of #port_num port. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
void rxPacket(int port_num, int protocol_version)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either rxPacket1 or rxPacket2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function repeatedly tries to receive packets from #port_num port rx buffer until whole packets that it waits to get have arrived, or the packet wait time limit is over, while it filters garbage signals and verify correctness of received signal. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
void txRxPacket(int port_num, int protocol_version)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either txRxPacket1 or txRxPacket2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function stores data for being written into the array for packet transmission and gets data read from rx buffer of #port_num port by txPacket and rxPacket functions. When txPacket function succeeds to communicate, it will continue to rxPacket and finishes the process if the packet succeeds to be received. In particular, the group handler functions for write, such as SyncWrite, and BulkWrite, don’t use rxPacket so the function finishes its operation immediately after the 'txPacket2'. Before the rxPacket, it sets packet timeout if the instruction of received packet is for read. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
void ping (int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either ping1 or ping2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function uses pingGetModelNum without requesting DYNAMIXEL to send its the model number. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
short pingGetModelNum (int port_num, int protocol_version, int id)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either pingGetModelNum1 or pingGetModelNum2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function constructs the transmission packet for ping, and stats txRxPacket. Then, the function tries to get the model number of the DYNAMIXEL by readTxRx function. When it succeeds to receive the packet, it returns the model number. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
void broadcastPing(int port_num, int protocol_version)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either broadcastPing1 or broadcastPing2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function finds all connected dynamixels and store their id in the list. The function is unavailable in protocol 1.0.

  • Syntax
Boolean getBroadcastPingResult(int port_num, int protocol_version, int id)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either getBroadcastPingResult1 or getBroadcastPingResult2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function returns whether #id DYNAMIXEL responded by broadcastPing function. The function is unavailable in protocol 1.0.

  • Syntax
void action(int port_num, int protocol_version, int id)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either action1 or action2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function pulls the trigger of sending txpacket previously set by regWriteTxOnly or regWriteTxRx function, using txRxPacket function. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
void reboot(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either reboot1 or reboot2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function constructs the transmission packet with reboot instruction, and starts txRxPacket. The function may perform its role when the DYNAMIXEL stops working caused by hardware error. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated. The function is unavailable in protocol 1.0.

  • Syntax
void factoryReset(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, byte option)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
option Reset option
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either factoryReset1 or factoryReset2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function constructs the transmission packet for reset DYNAMIXEL, and starts txRxPacket. The resets targeted DYNAMIXEL's settings to the factory default settings. The option indicates the range of which items on the control table should be reset: 0xFF for resetting all values, 0x01 for resetting all values except ID, 0x02 for resetting all values except ID and Baudrate. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated. In protocol 1.0, option is selectable with only full-reset mode 0x00.

  • Syntax
void readTx(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, short address, short length)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
length Packet length
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either readTx1 or readTx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function constructs the transmission packet with read instruction, and starts txPacket. Then the function calls setPacketTimeout function when packet transmission succeeds. The function can't control more than one DYNAMIXEL at once. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
void readRx(int port_num, int protocol_version, short length)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
length Packet length
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either readRx1 or readRx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function calls rxPacket2 function and gets the packet from read data storage if the communication succeeds. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
 void readTxRx(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, short address, short length)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
length Packet length
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either readTxRx1 or readTxRx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function calls readTx function and readRx function. readRx function will be called when readTx succeeds. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
void read1ByteTx(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, short address)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either read1ByteTx1 or read1ByteTx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function calls readTx function to send 1 Byte read intended packet transmission. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
byte read1ByteRx(int port_num, int protocol_version)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either read1ByteRx1 or read1ByteRx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function calls readRx function to receive response packet of 1 Byte read intended packet transmission. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
 byte read1ByteTxRx(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, short address)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either read1ByteTxRx1 or read1ByteTxRx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function calls readTxRx function to read 1 Byte data from DYNAMIXEL. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
void read2ByteTx(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, short address)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either read2ByteTx1 or read2ByteTx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function calls readTx function to send 2 Byte read intended packet transmission. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
 short read2ByteRx(int port_num, int protocol_version)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either read2ByteRx1 or read2ByteRx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function calls readRx function to receive response packet of 2 Byte read intended packet transmission. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
 short read2ByteTxRx(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id,short address)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either read2ByteTxRx1 or read2ByteTxRx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function calls readTxRx function to read 2 Byte data from DYNAMIXEL. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
void read4ByteTx(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, short address)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either read4ByteTx1 or read4ByteTx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function calls readTx function to send 4 Byte read intended packet transmission. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated. The function is unavailable in protocol 1.0.

  • Syntax
int read4ByteRx(int port_num, int protocol_version)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either read4ByteRx1 or read4ByteRx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function calls readRx function to receive response packet of 4 Byte read intended packet transmission. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated. The function is unavailable in protocol 1.0.

  • Syntax
int read4ByteTxRx(int port_num, int protocol_version, UIN8_T id, short address)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either read4ByteTxRx1 or read4ByteTxRx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function calls readTxRx function to read 4 Byte data from DYNAMIXEL. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated. The function is unavailable in protocol 1.0.

  • Syntax
void writeTxOnly(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, short address, short length)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
length Packet length
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either writeTxOnly1 or writeTxOnly2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function constructs the transmission packet with write instruction, and starts txPacket. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
void writeTxRx(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, short address, short length)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
length Packet length
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either writeTxRx1 or writeTxRx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function constructs the transmission packet with write instruction, and starts txRxPacket. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
void write1ByteTxOnly(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, short address, byte data)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
data Data for write
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either write1ByteTxOnly1 or write1ByteTxOnly2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function calls writeTxOnly function to send 1 Byte write intended packet transmission. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
void write1ByteTxRx(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, short address, byte data)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
data Data for write
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either write1ByteTxRx1 or write1ByteTxRx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function calls writeTxRx function to send 1 Byte write intended packet transmission (and reception). The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
void write2ByteTxOnly(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, short address, short data)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
data Data for write
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either write2ByteTxOnly1 or write2ByteTxOnly2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function calls writeTxOnly function to send 2 Byte write intended packet transmission. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
 void write2ByteTxRx(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, short address, short data)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
data Data for write
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either write2ByteTxRx1 or write2ByteTxRx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function calls writeTxRx function to send 2 Byte write intended packet transmission (and reception). The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
void write4ByteTxOnly(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, short address, int data)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
data Data for write
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either write4ByteTxOnly1 or write4ByteTxOnly2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function calls writeTxOnly function to send 4 Byte write intended packet transmission. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated. The function is unavailable in protocol 1.0.

  • Syntax
void write4ByteTxRx(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, short address)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either write4ByteTxRx1 or write4ByteTxRx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function calls writeTxRx function to send 4 Byte write intended packet transmission (and reception). The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated. The function is unavailable in protocol 1.0.

  • Syntax
 void regWriteTxOnly(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, short address, short length)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
length Packet length
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either RegWriteTxOnly1 or RegWriteTxOnly2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function intends simultaneous control of more than one DYNAMIXEL. The function writes the data without requesting an action of DYNAMIXEL. The DYNAMIXEL works when the trigger action function is executed. The function needs previous setting of the data to write on the DYNAMIXEL. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
 void regWriteTxRx(int port_num, int protocol_version, byte id, short address, short length)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
length Packet length
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either regWriteTxRx1 or regWriteTxRx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function intends simultaneous multiple DYNAMIXEL's control. The function writes the data without requesting an action of DYNAMIXEL. The DYNAMIXEL works when the trigger action function is executed. The function needs previous setting of the data to write on the DYNAMIXEL. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
void syndReadTx(int port_num, int protocol_version, short address, short data_length, short param_length)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
data_length Data length
param_length Parameter length
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either syncReadTx1 or syncReadTx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function intends simultanoues multiple DYNAMIXEL's control by reading same length of data from the same address on the DYNAMIXEL control table. The function constructs the transmission packet with sync read instruction, and starts 'txPacket2'. Then the function calls setPacketTimeout function when txPacket succeeds. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated. The function is unavailable in protocol 1.0.

  • Syntax
 void syncWriteTxOnly(int port_num, int protocol_version, short start_address, short data_length, short param_length)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
start_address Address on the control table of DYNAMIXEL
data_length Data length
param_length Parameter length
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either syncWriteTxOnly1 or syncWriteTxOnly2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function intends simultaneous multiple DYNAMIXEL's control by writing same length of data to the same address on the DYNAMIXEL control table. The function constructs the transmission packet with sync write instruction, and starts txRxPacket. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
 void bulkReadTx(int port_num, int protocol_version, short param_length)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
param_length Parameter length
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either bulkReadTx1 or bulkReadTx2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function intends simultaneous multiple DYNAMIXEL's control by writing different length of data to the different address on the DYNAMIXEL control table. The function constructs the transmission packet with bulk read instruction, and starts txPacket. Then the function calls setPacketTimeout function when txPacket succeeds. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated.

  • Syntax
 void bulkWriteTxOnly(int port_num, int protocol_version, short param_length)
  • Parameters
Parameters Description
port_num Port number
protocol_version Protocol version
param_length Parameter length
  • Detailed Description

    This function calls either bulkWriteTxOnly1 or bulkWriteTxOnly2 function depending on the protocol_version. The function intends simultaneous multiple DYNAMIXEL's control by writing different length of data from the different address on the DYNAMIXEL control table. The function constructs the transmission packet with bulk write instruction, and starts TxRxPacket. The communication result and the hardware error are available when the function is terminated. The function is unavailable in protocol 1.0.