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The rocprofiler-register library is a helper library that coordinates the modification of the intercept API table(s) of the HSA/HIP/ROCTx runtime libraries by the ROCprofiler (v2) library. The purpose of this library is to provide a consistent and automated mechanism of enabling performance analysis in the ROCm runtimes which does not rely on environment variables or unique methods for each runtime library.

When a runtime is initialized (either explicitly and lazily) and the intercept API table is constructed, it passes this API table to rocprofiler-register. Rocprofiler-register scans the symbols in the address space and if it detects there is at least one visible symbol named rocprofiler_configure (which is a function provided by tools), it passes the intercept API table to the rocprofiler library (dlopening the rocprofiler library if it is not already loaded). The rocprofiler library then does an extensive scan for all the instances of the rocprofiler_configure symbols and invokes each of them. The rocprofiler_configure function (again, provided by a tool) returns effectively tells rocprofiler which behaviors it wants to be notified about, features it wants to use (e.g. API tracing, kernel dispatch timing), etc.


The default branch is amd-mainline but the only branch that should target that branch in a pull requests is the amd-staging branch.

All pull-requests should target the amd-staging branch

Creating a feature branch

# fetch any updates 
git fetch origin

# switch to staging branch
git checkout amd-staging

# update your copy of the staging branch
git pull --rebase

# create your feature branch off of amd-staging
git checkout -b <feature-branch>

In the event, your local clone of the repo has a amd-staging branch that diverges from the upstream branch, do a hard reset of your local branch to match the upstream branch: git reset --hard origin/amd-staging. Theoretically, you should never need to do this for amd-mainline but this can be applied to that branch as well.

Pulling in updates to amd-staging to your feature branch

Linear histories are preferred so if another PR is merged into amd-staging while your PR is still open, please select the "Update with rebase" option (i.e. try to avoid a merge commit). From the command line, the git command would be git pull --rebase origin amd-staging.

Build and Installation

rocprofiler-register has a standard CMake build and install process. E.g. the following configure rocprofiler-register to build with optimizations and without debug info in a build-rocp-reg subdirectory, build using 4 jobs, and install to /opt/rocprofiler-register:

cmake -B build-rocp-reg . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/rocprofiler-register 
cmake --build build-rocp-reg --target all --parallel 4
cmake --build build-rocp-reg --target install