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ROS Nodes

NRottmann edited this page May 13, 2020 · 22 revisions

In this section we list all currently available nodes and give short examples on how to use them. Each node can be added in the Details Tab of the app. A details section of a node consists at least of the visualization location, which specifies where the node is displayed in the Viz tab. In general, there is also an additional details section to customize each node. This details section is different for each node depending on the requirements.

Table of Contents


The Joystick node is designed for teleoperational control of robotic systems. It will map the joystick position from the visualization tab to the topic specified in the details. The inherited message is thereby the geometry_msgs/Twist. In the details section of the joystick, you can specify to which variables of the Twist message the joystick position should be mapped. Further, the mapping dimensions can be set. To change the location of the joystick for control, simply touch the joystick button in the Viz Tab and push it around to the desired location. When thee button is released, it will automatically go back to center.


The GPS node is designed for displaying the GPS position of the connected robot onto a map. Therefore, it subscribes to the topic specified in the details and receives a sensor_msgs/NavSatFix message. It will then display the received position onto the map visualized in the Viz Tab. The map will be thereby centered at the position. You can zoom in and out by pinching 2 or more fingers together or apart.

Occupancy Grid

The Occupancy Grid Node is designed for displaying an occupancy grid map of the environment. Therefore, it subscribes to the topic specified in the details and receives a nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid message. It will then display the received occuapancy grid onto the window visualized in the Viz Tab. You can shift the displayed grid to any direction by moving a finger in the same direction and you can zoom in and out by pinching 2 or more fingers together or apart.


The Camera Node is designed for displaying camera recordings. Therefore, it subscribes to the topic specified in the details and receives a sensor_msgs/Image message. It will then display the received Image in the Viz Tab.

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