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These tools are used to make pentesting a little more automatic and easy. Verify what the client has provided to determine which OSINT tool you use. Then move to vulnerability scanning and identification.

  1. OSINT-IP-Finder This is for tests that only provide IP ranges and you need to scan. This performs your enumeration phases. This is considered done for now. This is run first and then you run OSINT seeker

  2. OSINT Seeker This is for tests where you only have URLS.

  3. External-Identification This performs vulnerability scans, identifies services and parses data, and captures webpages.

After tool 3, you would begin your manual work.

These are all in progress and I would love your opinion on this work to make it better!


This is a cheat sheet to help teach pentesters how to perform external assessments. I am training and as I grow I will continue to change this document. Please send me input to add to this checklist! This is heavily under construction and I update it daily. The BIGGEST key takeaway is that as a pentester, having a/this checklist will not make you great at testing. These tools provide data that you must understand how to use in each proceeding step to find the vulnerabilities/exploits. This checklist is to help you keep on schedule during a test.

My Process: Administrative

  1. Kickoff ROE and Scoping with Client
  2. Outline Scope in Scope Tab
  3. Verify Customer Scope with Third Party Tool
  4. Send Kickoff Email to client morning of the test

For Below - Step 1 or step 2 are performed in order based off the information the client provides (URL or IP)

Discovery Step 1: Identifying the Target

Identify all domains/IPs

  • If client only provides IP addresses then we use OSINT-IP-Scanner to identify websites.
  • Once all URL's are identified run OSINT-URL-Seeker


Find subdomains

- assetfinder $url >> /home/kali/Desktop/Engagement-<NAME>/assetFinderOutput.txt


ABOUT: This identifies sudomains

- amass enum -active -d <URL>  -src -ip -dir <PATHWAY> -o <OUTPUTPATH>


  • ABOUT: This tool finds HTTP headers, country of IP, HTTP server info, HTTPAPI info and more.
    • whatweb

  • ABOUT: This tool is a web based domain tool that can be used with different syntax to enumerate domains. Note you can automate this tool.

Grep Out Amass IPs

  • ABOUT: This will take the Amass IPs and pull out the unique IP addresses for the NMAP scans. grep -E -o "(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)" $path/$Name/AmassSubDomains.txt | sort -u >> $path/$Name/UniqueIps.txt

Discovery Step 2: Identify Ports/Protocols/Services

Nmap Work

ABOUT: ping scan - Perform an NMAP ping scan to identify live hosts and export to a list. Then grep that list and perform a low hanging fruit and full NMAP scan.

- CMD:nmap -sP  $IP -oG - | grep Host | cut -d' ' -f 2 | sort -u > "/$path/Nmap-$Name/PingSweep.txt""
- CMD: Complete  Scan:nmap -A -O -Pn -p- -iL "/$path/Nmap-$Name/PingSweep.txt" -oA  "/$path/Nmap-$Name/NmapIPAll.txt"

Parse this data to idenify ports, protocols etc.

Host resolution

  • If you were only given IP addresses we will want to resolve all IP addresses to websites dnsrecon -r $IP -t rvl -c "path/Nmap-$Name/Hostnames.txt"



- CMD: whois <URL> 
- Either command line or just
- nslookup We can lok up the A records, AAA, CNAME, TXT ,SOA if we want.
- CNAME= nslookup -q=cname URL
- TXT = nslookup -q=txt URL
- SOA = nslookup -q=soa URL

Try a DNS zone transfer

- The -t AXFR indicates that we are requesting a zone transfer, while @ precedes the DNS_SERVER that we want to query regarding the records related to the specified DOMAIN_NAME.

Windows CMD Prompt DNS Transfer

- type nslookup, hit enter
- server IP Address/URL
- ls -d URL

Dnsrecon zone transfer

- dnsrecon zone transfer  with dnsrecond -d URL -t axfr
- dns bruteforce to find domains and hosts dnsrecon -d URL -D DICTIONARY -t brt

Reverse of host resolution, we may need to get the IP addresses of the URL's by using dnsrecon -d URL


- Dig website,com@X.X.X.X


  • Run a traceroute to discover hops to identify devices.


- Run  eyewitness to capture screenshots of login pages for IP's that have port 80/443/8080/8443 open. This list will be uses in login attacks. This needs to be done manually as I cant get bash to work.
-  CMD eyewitness --web -F /home/kali/Desktop/NAME/assetFinderOutput.txt



- ssylyze URL
- This tool has a lot of functionality with its flags, review them with -h.The syntax I provide tests for everything.


- sslscan URL

Qualys Rating


Discovery Step 3: Vulnerability Scans


  • Look into Tenables tool


- Nikto -host <URL>


  • Wordpress specific scanner, wpscan URL

Scan for a WAF

  • wafw00f

What you should have at this point:

  • You should have a listing of all live IP addresses, all URLs, a screenshot of all HTTP(s) pages, subdomains, a port and protocol listing for each host. We want to find usernames/emails associated with the company as well and then we can begin identifying the attack vectors.

Discovery Step 4: Username and email discovery

- Use all resources to build a comprehensive email list.

The Harvester

- b specifies where we look for the emails
- twitter, google, linkedin, all, dnsudmpsterp, crtsh,certspotter
- CMD: theHarvester -d website -b All

Not really a preferred tool now that its behind a pay wall/


Excellent for breach creds

javascript linkedin scraper

Check out my Email scraper repository for my JS script tool

python email scraper

Check out my email scraper repository to run the email scraper against the companies website


Run crosslinked to find emails
	crosslinked -f '{f}{last}' company_name


- cmd: python3 <username>
  • We use this tool to further inspect users found from above scans,may provide other usernames

Office 365 User Identification

- We can use o365spray to test the domain if its real first
- o365spray --validate --domain
- Next lets take any users we have found in OSINT and see if they are real
- o365spray --enum -U usernames.txt --domain
- Now its time to see if we can get into any accounts without MFA
- o365spray  --spray -U usernames.txt -P passwords.txt --count 2 --lockout 3 --domain
- Flags
- count = how many tries of passwords before lockout
- lockout is the time for lockout time IE in minutes
- --spray-module = oauth, autodiscover, reporting, adfs, activesync
- --output   the file





Office 365 Attack 2

- Identify the host
- trevorspray -recon
- Trevorspray -u users.txt -p "password" --url recon finding

This is a great tool to validate accounts and also identify MFA. JUST BE CAREFUL because spraying WILL lockout accounts so be careful.

Breached Data

	Pull the api file and then:
		awk -F: '{print $1}' <targetfile> > users.txt
		awk -F: '{print $2}' <targetfile> > passwords.txt
		awk -F@ '{print $1}' <userfile> > userswithoutdomain.txt

Building Password/User Lists

Look at the local area, phone numbers, building numbers, key employees, partners/vendors.
Look for local sports teams, parks, zoo's with animal names that are well known. These are often used as passwords.
For example, Saint Louis Blues password may be letsgoblues!

!! STOP !!! Review

  • At this point, you may move to port/protocol attacking, or move into the website. Up to you on the direction you take

Website Analysis: Enumeration IN PROGRESS

  • This section will not include OWASP Testing or API Testing. Thats a different checklist.

Google Dorking

Dorking Syntax

- "search phrase" Finds results with this exact phrase
- Words filetype:pdf = looks for PDFs with this term
- salary = limits search to website
- pentest = excludes the term from the search
- walk intitle:Website = finds pages with specific term in page title
- challenge inurl:website = finds pages with specific term in URL

Basic Operators

- site: narrow results to a site
- intitle: restrict results to titles of webpages  intitle:"admin"
- inurl - restricts results to the URL of a website
- filetype  - looks for filetypes based on extensions    filetype:pdf
- link - searches for pages linking to a specific URL
- cache - search for a cached copy of a webpage indexed by google

Finds for services (note this will grow as I discover more)

- intitle:"index of"
- May want to look for /etc/passwd   or  etc/mail   or /etc
  • SQL Databases and Files that may have credentials
    • intitle:"Index of" config.php or intitle:"Index of" filetype:php config or intitle:"Index of" wp-config.php
    • It may show blank so we can use WGET to pull the data which downloads it


- filetype: mdb, doc, docx, pdf, ini, xlsx, txt, config

Helpful tools

Github Dorking (Adding in progress)

  • search for the targets name
  • check repositories and issues, may find an API key exposed

API hunting

extension:json <companyName>
shodan_api_key <companyName>
Common headers = :authorization:bearer" <companyName>
filename: swagger.json <companyName>
content-type: application/json" <companyName>

Helpful Search Terms

extension:pem private # Private SSH Keys
extension:sql mysql dump # MySQL dumps
extension:sql mysql dump password # MySQL dumps with passwords
filename:wp-config.php # Wordpress config file
filename:.htpasswd # .htpasswd
filename:.git-credentials # Git stored credentials
filename:.bashrc password # .bashrc files containing passwords
filename:.bash_profile aws # AWS keys in .bash_profiles
extension:json # Keys/Credentials for mongolab
HEROKU_API_KEY language:json # Heroku API Keys
filename:filezilla.xml Pass # FTP credentials
filename:recentservers.xml Pass # FTP credentials
filename:config.php dbpasswd # PHP Applications databases credentials
shodan_api_key language:python # Shodan API Keys (try others languages)
filename:logins.json # Firefox saved password collection (key3.db usually in same repo) SECRET_KEY # Django secret keys (usually allows for session hijacking, RCE, etc)



- companyName port:<port>
- "content-type: application/json" <companyName>
- "wp-json" <companyName"

Wayback Machine

- Can search the URLs found from above, looking for API changes to documentation or function.

See if the old API's still exist, try to access them.

IIS Pentesting

Internal IP Disclosure
	NMAP --script http-internal-ip-disclosure <target>
	telnet  X.X.X.X <80/443>   THEN, PROPFIND /HTTP/<1.0/1.1>


Quick bash script to run to automate early OSINT work






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