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Rolf Ebert edited this page Sep 3, 2017 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the Adequate Wiki!

The Adequate project provides command line clients for the MQTT protocol. All the hard work is provided by Dmitry Kazakov's Components. Among them is an implementation of the MQTT protocol.

Neiter the Components nor the MQTT protocol are easy to understand. The wiki pages strive to extend the existing documentation that comes with Dmitry's Components.

The Adequate project consists of three programs

  1. aq_broker, a MQTT broker or MQTT server (does not yet work properly)
  2. aq_pub, a MQTT client for publishing single messages with a command line interface.
  3. aq_sub, a MQTT client for subscribing to a topic (including wildcards). It also only has a command line interface.
  4. mqtt2rrd, a MQTT client that subscribes to a number of topics and forwards all received messages to a round robin database for time series values
  5. mqtt2influx, a MQTT client that subscribes to a number of topics and forwards all received messages to a InfluxDB database

Introduction to MQTT

MQTT stands for Message Queue Telemetry Transport. It is intended for communication in sensor networks on limited devices and in unsecure and unstable networks. The current buzzwords are IoT (Internet of Things) and M2M (machine to machine communication)

Some interesting pages about MQTT

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