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Releases: RSUTornado/rsu-sub-plugins

RSU: XP per Damage

11 Mar 15:34
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Players will receive XP by dealing a certain amount damage.


rsu_xpd_damage -- Amount of damage. (default: 50)
rsu_xpd_xp -- XP amount. (default: 1)

Contact me on discord tornado_sw to receive this plugin for free.

RSU: XP Menu

25 Oct 20:05
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XP Menu that allows admins to easily give/take XP to a specific player or to everyone in the server. After selecting the desired player, a command message will appear from which the XP amount is typed.

  • Typing - before the amount will take XP from the player.
  • Typing reset will reset the player's XP.


say /xpmenu
say_team /xpmenu

How to change the Admin Flag?

The flag can be changed in the sma code from line 5: #define ADMIN_FLAG ADMIN_BAN.

Contact me on discord tornado_sw to receive this plugin for free.

RSU: Top Flags

27 Aug 13:44
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Players will receive specific flags, depending on their server rank position.

Configuration file

Syntax: Top <top> = <flags>

  • Top 1 = abcdefghijklmnopqrstu
  • Top 2 = bcde
  • Top 3 = mn
  • Top 5 = l

Contact me on discord tornado_sw to receive this plugin for free.

RSU: Time Rewards

27 Aug 13:38
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Players will receive XP depending on their time spent in the server.

Configuration file

Syntax: <Time in minutes> = <XP>

  • 5 = 15
  • 30 = 50
  • 60 = 100
  • 200 = 300


rsu_tr_timeout -- If the player has been offline for X amount of seconds, his time will reset. Set this cvar to 0 if you want his time to be saved forever. (default: 300)
rsu_tr_savetype -- How to save the players time. 0 = by nick | 1 = by IP | 2 = by SteamID (default: 2)

Contact me on discord tornado_sw to receive this plugin for free.

RSU: Random XP per Round

27 Aug 13:46
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A random player will receive XP on every new round.


rsu_random_xp -- XP amount. (default: 20)

Contact me on discord tornado_sw to receive this plugin for free.

RSU: Monthly Reset

26 Sep 09:53
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Statistics will automatically reset every month.


rmr_reset_stats --Which statistics to be reset. (default: all)
List of all statistics: all, xp, kills, assists, deaths, headshots, planted, defused, exploded, roundswon, mvp, shots, hits, damage, playedtime
Statistics are separated with |. Example: xp|headshots|mvp|playedtime

Contact me on discord tornado_sw to receive this plugin for free.

RSU: Max Level Flags

28 Aug 20:05
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Players will receive specific flags upon reaching the final level.


rsu_mlf_flags -- Final level flags. (default: abc)

Contact me on discord tornado_sw to receive this plugin for free.

RSU: Happy Hour

27 Aug 13:30
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Players will receive more XP between certain hours during the day.


rsu_hh_start -- Starting hour. (default: 18)
rsu_hh_end -- Ending hour. (default: 22)
rsu_hh_add -- How much additional XP the players will receive. (default: 5)

Contact me on discord tornado_sw to receive this plugin for free.

RSU: Chat Manager

27 Aug 12:24
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OciXCrom's Chat Manager, but compatible with Rank System Ultimate and added 2 additional placeholders, which are: $skill$ and $skill_range$.

All the settings and how it works, can be found in the original topic: Chat Manager [Admin Prefix & Color Chat]

Contact me on discord tornado_sw to receive this plugin for free.

RSU: Bonus System (5€)

27 Aug 12:34
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This plugin allows you to set different kind of bonuses that players will receive on each spawn. Bonuses are unlocked automatically upon reaching their specific level. Players will also get notified in the chat. Everything can be easily set up via a configuration file, below you will see what it provides.


  • Commands that will display the Bonus HUD Informative menu (see HUD Informative Menu below)
    RBS_COMMANDS = say /bonus, say_team /bonus

  • Prefix for all chat messages ($1 = normal color | $3 = team color | $4 = green color)
    RBS_PREFIX = $4[$3Bonus System$4]$1

  • Flag needed for accessing the informative menu and the bonuses. Leave blank so everyone can access
    RBS_FLAG =

  • Players with this flag will be excluded from accessing the informative menu and the bonuses. Leave blank so everyone can access.

  • Notify players in the chat which bonus they have unlocked after reaching the required level.
    RBS_NOTIFY = 1


The usage syntax is as follows: Level <level> = <bonus> <value1> <value2> <round>
List of all bonuses: weapon's name (ak47, usp, hegrenade etc.), grenadepack, health, armor, flags, money, nightvision, defusekit
To skip a specific value, simply type -.

  • Level 3 = flashbang 2 -- This will give the player 2 flashbangs.
  • Level 5 = deagle 7 35 -- This will give the player a Deagle with 7 Ammo and 35 BP Ammo.
  • Level 7 = armor +50 vest 2 -- This will give the player +50 vesthelm armor on every 2 rounds.
  • Level 9 = health +15 -- This will give the player +15 health.
  • Level 11 = defusekit -- This will give the player a defuse kit if he is a CT.
  • Level 13 = nightvision -- This will give the player a Nightvision.
  • Level 15 = money +500 - 3 -- This will give the player +500 money on every 3 rounds.
  • Level 17 = grenadepack - - 2 -- This will give the player a Full Grenade Pack on every 2 rounds.
  • Level 19 = flags bcde -- This will give the player the flags 'bcde'.

HUD Informative Menu

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This menu is auto-generated, depending on the content written in the configuration file. By default, the menu is opened with the command /bonus.

Price: 5€

To purchase this plugin, contact me on discord: tornado_sw