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Releases: RTICWDT/college-scorecard

3.2.5 IPEDS data update

17 Oct 17:51
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On October 10, 2024, the Department updated the College Scorecard downloadable data files and the API as indicated below.

More recent data values derived from Federal Student Aid sources for the following data metrics were included:

  • Currently Operating Status Flag
  • Heightened Cash Monitoring Flag
  • Accrediting Agency Name and code
  • Title IV Approval Date
  • Federal School Code
  • Institutional Control

Updates derived from the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) eligibility matrix for data metrics identifying Minority Serving Institutions.


13 Sep 20:05
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Minor bug fixes and update to footer.

3.2.3 Resources Toolkit and Navigation

20 Aug 12:51
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On July 24, 2024, the Department updated the College Scorecard website navigation to allow all pages to be accessed from the main navigation. This update also included a new Resources page, which provides toolkits for advisors and educators to use with their students to help them better utilize data from College Scorecard in their decision making process.

3.2.2 API Documentation

01 Jul 13:49
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An API documentation page was added to give more detailed examples of parameters to use in querying the College Scorecard API.

3.2.1 IRS data update

28 Jun 17:11
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On June 13, 2024, the Department updated the College Scorecard website and datafiles and updated annual data metrics with

  • Refreshed institution-level earnings calculations for former students 6, 8, and 10 years after starting school at the institution level.
  • Refreshed institution and field of study earnings calculations for graduates 1 and 5 years after graduation (the 5-year calculation is new, previously the 4-year measurement point was the furthest look back post-graduation).
  • Restructured the data file to relabel previously published entry-cohort earnings calculations released in 2022 and 2023 with the publication of a data errata document describing data quality issues with those calculations.

3.2.0 IPEDS data update

06 May 16:57
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On May 6, 2024, the Department updated the College Scorecard website with more recent data for metrics from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and from Federal Student Aid sources. To reduce file sizes, some text values have also been abbreviated in all data files. Also, the data documentation reports have been updated to include an appendix describing what changes were made to the report when compared to the prior version.

Specific data updates in this release include:

  • Updates to all data metrics derived from IPEDS with more recent data values from a new data collection year.

  • Added percentages of degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students awarded Pell Grants and Federal Student Loans.

  • Added median (50th percentile) SAT and ACT scores.

  • Updated data derived from Federal Student Aid sources to more recent values for the following data metrics:

    • Currently Operating Status Flag
    • Heightened Cash Monitoring Flag
    • Accrediting Agency Name and Code
    • Title IV Approval Date
    • Federal School Code
    • Cohort Default Rate
    • Minority-serving institution indicators
    • Institutional control (Postsecondary Education Participants System version)
  • When values for a metric have been suppressed in accordance with the privacy protocol, the text string has been changed from “PrivacySuppressed” to “PS”.

  • When values for a metric are not available, the associated text string has been changed from “NULL” to “NA”.

3.1.2 Bug fixes and updates

09 Nov 19:20
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  • Bugs related to USWDS header
  • Field of Study search bugs
  • Removed padding around some test score bar charts

3.1.1 Bug fixes and updates

09 Nov 18:50
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  • 508 compliance bug fixes
  • Added USWDS banner
  • Display bug fixes

3.1.0 IPEDS Data Refresh and Redesign

10 Oct 16:49
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On October 10, 2023, the Department updated the College Scorecard downloadable data files and the API as indicated below.

Specific data updates in this release include:

  • More recent data values derived from Federal Student Aid sources for the following data metrics were included:

    • Currently Operating Status Flag
    • Heightened Cash Monitoring Flag
    • Accrediting Agency Name and Code
    • Title IV Approval Date
    • Federal School Code
  • Updates derived from the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) eligibility matrix for data metrics identifying Minority Serving Institutions.

  • New institution-level data were added for the street address of the institution; the control of the institution based on Federal Student Aid data; outcomes data for students that did not receive a Pell Grant, and a suppressed version of the admission rate.

  • A change to the developer-friendly name for one metric (GT_THRESHOLD_4YR) was made to harmonize the developer-friendly name with the variable description. The new developer-friendly names is active immediately. The old developer-friendly name will also point to this metric until the next data update, at which time it will no longer be in service.

3.0.2 Bug fixes

21 Sep 16:52
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A number of bug fixes and accessibility related updates.