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Kele Kent edited this page Feb 23, 2024 · 25 revisions

Raw file uploader

Raw file uploader is an upload tool to be used with Proteomics Data Manager for uploading raw files to the database with metadata about the analysis. The program is built on C# with .net 4.5.1 (same framework as Thermo Orbitrap Tribride) for the Windows platform. page_1_filled


You can download the .zip file containing the Raw File Uploader from GitHub or click Download for it to download directly from your browser. With the .zip folder, follow these steps

  • open the .zip
  • click and run the setup application
  • if you are restricted by security, click more info then "Run Anyways"
  • Once complete the Raw File Uploader is installed

If you are stuck or struggling the steps are laid out with pictures Here

How to use

Before you can upload files to MS Connect you need to set up a pathway for the Raw file uploader to reach MS Connect. For this, you'll need the server IP address for MS Connect and your Username and Password. image

If MS Connect is running on your current device then you can use one of these Addresses or http://localhoast/files/api/

If MS Connect is running on a different device replace "IP_Address_Here" with the MS Connect IP Address


Next, insert your Username and Password and click "Verify Account". Now you should be able to upload files to MS Connect.

Configure Settings

Before you upload it is good practice to record important information for your colleagues and your future self. These settings also tell the Uploader and MS Connect how to process this information.


Project name This is where you write the name of the project that you are working on

Batch Name This is a subclass of the project, naming a Batch helps identify What is being tested. It is good practice to write the date or some other type of identifier to help you distinguish batches.

Enable batch name Checking this box will create a separate folder to store this batch in

Assign to other user After selecting "Pull user List" this will allow you to assign the file uploaded to a specific user

Description Use this to write important information about your batch such as, the description of the project, the specifics of the batch, and the date on which these things were performed. The more information you record the easier it is for others to understand your data

Temporary Data Enabling this will preset your data to delete after 3 months

File Type Configuration This is a setting that tells the uploader what type of data you are uploading.

Upload Delay(Sec) This setting provides buffer time between uploads.

Single file/folder

First, browse or type a filename (or files separated by '.'), then click 'manual upload files/folder' image

Multiple files

First, browse or type a folder location (or add folders separated by '.'), then click 'manual upload files/folder' image

Whole folder (or subfolders if MS data is stored in folders)

First, browse or type a folder location (or files separated by '.'), then click 'manual upload files/folder'. image

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