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Problems during contribution process

Philipp Mehrfeld edited this page Apr 18, 2019 · 1 revision

Multiple file changes

Sometimes git shows lots of changed files. Often this is due to

  1. Encoding of files changed
  2. Model files are auto formatted

Both might be due to built-in functions of Dymola. Everything is discussed in this issue.

We agreed to follow a procedure (see this comment) in order to separate changes from each other:

a) made in the context of a certain feature implementation or bug fix


b) made to saving the whole library and Dymola changes file encodings and restructure code (auto formatting).

The procedure is as following:

  1. branch away from development calling the branch e.g. issue123_DymolaAutoFormat
  2. save the whole AixLib and make a single commit
  3. merge branch issue123_DymolaAutoFormat back into development
  4. update your branch issue123_featureDev (if already exist) by merging development into your branch
  5. do e.g. refactoring + write conversion script

In this context there exist some interesting flags:

Dymola flags:

  • Boolean Advanced.AlwaysWriteUTF8 = false "If true write UTF-8 files even if only ASCII contents. Can be changed without new translation of model";
  • Integer Advanced.MaxLineLength = 80 "The maximum length of lines for automatic formatting (default 80) cannot be <50";

Git flag / setting:

  • git config core.autocrlf input (or even: git config --global core.autocrlf input)
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