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Multi purpose discord bot made by br4d#0040

This bot is the first proper bot that I have open sourced. I prefer to keep bots closed source due to the fact that I'm not a huge fan of people self hosting their own version of my bot that I spent alot of time and effort on. That changes today with Rada! If you're interested in self hosting Rada, you can view our selfhost guide to see how.

Differences to expect

Of course, with this being a major rewrite, there's going to be (in this case, quite a lot) of changes. I will list any major changes below, and continue to update as i go.

  • (-) Modlogs: These will be completely removed in this rewrite. There are plenty of other bots that actually do logging very well, but for rada, it impacts stability.

  • (-) Upload: This will be removed due to slash commands being unable to accept a MessageAttachment or image as an argument.

  • (i) Grouped commands: A few of the commands have been condensed into groups (subcommands). For example, instead of having r!addemoji <whatever>, it has been condensed to /emote add <whatever>. Other commands that have this change:

    Click to view
    • /settings
    • /welcomesettings
    • /info
    • /emote
    • /role
    • /channel
    • /warnings
    • /data
  • (i) Emote add: As mentioned above, this command will no longer accept a MessageAttachment or image as the emote to add. You must make it a URL. (Popular place for this is imgur etc.)

  • (-) Fun: These commands will be removed to save some slash command space.

  • (-) Misc: A few misc commands have been removed due to not being used or needed, you can find which below:

    Click to view commands
    • trivia
    • boostinfo
    • contributors
    • invitestats
    • mcstatus
    • permissions
    • wikipedia


This repository is the official v13 rewrite which moves all commands to interactions (slash commands and buttons) [discord.js v13] which most likely wont be stable until public testing goes underway and we are able to isolate and fix any issues.


The official Rada rewrite for discord.js v13 (Interactions)


Code of conduct





No releases published
