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File metadata and controls

301 lines (230 loc) · 10.5 KB


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Boom is a simple static site generator for creating a simple site. I created it for my personal use so as far as I know I'm the only one that use it. You can see my site as example of generated site and here is its source code.

This app is named "boom" which means "tree" in Dutch language. I thought it's a good name because :

  • It's easy to say;
  • It's suitable for the app purpose since the content of site will be structured like a tree inside directories.


I've wrote the motivations for building a static site generator in my blog. In short, several years ago I was creating my own personal site. At first I planned to use Hugo. Unfortunately, after looking at the documentation I feel a bit intimidated because the documentation was long and confusing for me (do note that this is back in 2018, nowadays their documentation is really nice). Not to mentions there are many features that I believe I won't need. So I decided to create my own static site generator called spook.

As times go on, it's evident that Spook is too simple and not suitable for my current case, so I decide to refactor and improve it. That's how boom created. Boom is more flexible than Spook while still simple enough to use.

When to use it

To be honest, if you want to use static site generator Hugo is the way to go. It's fast, actively maintained and has a huge community. In other hand I created Boom only for my self. With that said, you might want to use Boom if :

  • you are simply curious about it;
  • you want to learn how static site generators work (IMHO my code is quite simple and clean, so it should be easy enough to dissect);
  • you only want to create a simple basic site.


  • Easy to install and use;
  • Doesn't require any external dependency;
  • Easy and flexible to theme.

CLI Usage

Simple static site generator

  boom [command]

Available Commands:
  build       Build the static site
  help        Help about any command
  new         Create a new site or metadata
  server      Run webserver for the site

  -h, --help   help for boom

Use "boom [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Directory Structure

Running boom new . from the command line will create a directory with the following elements :

├── themes/
├── assets/
└── content/

"themes" directory

This directory is used to store themes that used in the generated site. You can store several themes with each theme separated in their respected directory :

└── themes/
    ├── theme-1
    ├── theme-2
    └── theme-N

"assets" directory

This directory is used to store assets that used in the generated site. You can structure your assets freely depending on your requirements. Just remember that the structure will be used later for URL path. For example :

└── assets/
    ├── image-1.jpg					//
    ├── image-2.png					//
    └── portfolio/
        └── app-1/
            ├── screenshot-1.png	//
            └── screenshot-2.png	//

"content" directory

This directory is used to store all content of the site. In the most basic blog, it will looks like this :

└── content/

In boom, a file or directory is considered as a page (and will be rendered) if it fulfills at least one of these criterias :

  • It's a directory which contains file;
  • It's a markdown file with .md extension, the simplest format and might be the one that you will use the most.

As long as you follow rules above, you can customize your content structure to follow your requirements. The structure will later be used for page URL. For example, here is structure for website with several sub directories :

└── content/
    ├──         //
    ├── directory-1/
    │   ├──     //
    │   ├──     //
    │   └──     //
    └── directory-2/
        ├──     //
        └──     //

The only limitations for content structure are :

  • There must be no directories named assets and themes in root of content directory;
  • There must be no files named and in root of content directory;
  • There must be no files named tag-*.md and directories named tag-* anywhere within content directory.


It's recommended to put metadata on your markdown file. Metadata in boom is stored as TOML file which fulfill struct below :

type Metadata struct {
	// Content's metadatas
	Title       string    `toml:",omitempty"`
	Description string    `toml:",omitempty"`
	Author      string    `toml:",omitempty"`
	CreateTime  time.Time `toml:",omitempty"`
	UpdateTime  time.Time `toml:",omitempty"`
	Tags        []string  `toml:",omitempty"`
	Draft       bool      `toml:",omitempty"`

	// Theme's metadatas
	Theme            string `toml:",omitempty"`
	DirTemplate      string `toml:",omitempty"`
	FileTemplate     string `toml:",omitempty"`
	TagFilesTemplate string `toml:",omitempty"`
	Pagination       int    `toml:",omitempty"`

The metadata is put above your markdown file, surrounded by +++ (inspired by Hugo) :

Author = "Radhi Fadlillah"
CreateTime = 2020-09-12T15:24:00+07:00
Pagination = 10
Title = "Learn Boom"

Your markdown content

Here are the explanation for each field :

  • Title is the title of the page. When we render the post into HTML file, this field will be put into title meta tags like <title>, <meta property="og:title"> and <meta name="twitter:title">.
  • Description is the description of the page. This field will be put into description meta tags like <meta name="description">, <meta property="og:description"> and <meta name="twitter:description">.
  • Author is the author of the page. This field will be put into <meta name="author"> tag.
  • CreateTime is the time when the page created. You could set it to future to make that page not build until the time is reached.
  • UpdateTime is the time when the page last updated. If omitted, it will use the createTime.
  • Tags is the tags for the page.
  • Draft specifies whether the page is ready to publish or not. If set to true, this page will not be build.
  • Theme is the name of theme that will be used for the page.
  • DirTemplate is the name for template that will be used for rendering current and child directory. Default is directory.
  • FileTemplate is the name for template that will be used for rendering current file or files inside current directory. Default is file.
  • TagFilesTemplate is the name for template that will be used for rendering list of files for each tag in current directory. Default is tagfiles.
  • Pagination is the count of items for each pagination. If it sets to less or equal zero there will be no pagination.

If part of metadata is omitted, boom will use metadata from the page's parent directory. With that said, you must at least create with valid metadata in root content directory, as the fallback for pages with incomplete metadata.


Say we want to create a theme called simple for our site. To do so, we need to create a directory with following structure :

└── themes/
    └── simple/
        ├── directory.html
        ├── file.html
        └── tagfiles.html

Those three HTML will be later used for rendering HTML files for our site :

  • directory.html is template for rendering directory;
  • file.html is template for rendering *.md files;
  • tagfiles.html is template for rendering list of files with specified tag.

The rendering process will uses html/template package that provided by Go standard library. There are three structs that used as data when rendering templates :

  • DirData is data that used when rendering directory :

     type DirData struct {
     	URLPath    string
     	PathTrails []ContentPath
     	Title       string
     	Description string
     	Author      string
     	Content     template.HTML
     	ChildItems  []ContentPath
     	ChildTags   []TagPath
     	PageSize    int
     	CurrentPage int
     	MaxPage     int
  • FileData is data that used when rendering file :

     type FileData struct {
     	URLPath    string
     	PathTrails []ContentPath
     	Title       string
     	Description string
     	Author      string
     	CreateTime  time.Time
     	UpdateTime  time.Time
     	Content     template.HTML
     	Tags     []TagPath
     	PrevFile ContentPath
     	NextFile ContentPath
  • TagFilesData is data that used when rendering tagfiles template :

     type TagFilesData struct {
     	URLPath    string
     	PathTrails []ContentPath
     	ActiveTag  string
     	Title       string
     	Files       []ContentPath
     	PageSize    int
     	CurrentPage int
     	MaxPage     int

As you can see, all of those data structs use ContentPath and TagPath which structured like this :

// ContentPath is path to a content.
type ContentPath struct {
	// Common
	IsDir   bool
	URLPath string
	Title   string

	// File only
	UpdateTime time.Time

	// Dir only
	NChild int

// TagPath is path to a tag files.
type TagPath struct {
	URLPath string
	Name    string
	Count   int


Boom is distributed under Apache-2.0 License. Basically, it means you can do what you like with the software. However, if you modify it, you have to include the license and notices, and state what did you change. If you like this project, please consider donating to me either via PayPal or Ko-Fi.