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Flybuy Javascript SDK

The Flybuy JS SDK allows partners to draw a map with markers for orders and polygons for premises and pickup areas.

Supported Map Providers

Currently, the SDK only supports Google Maps. (Mapbox will be added in the future)

To use Google Maps, you must include the Google Maps JS SDK in your HTML before you include the Flybuy JS:

<script src="<GOOGLE MAPS API KEY"></script>
<script src="flybuy.js"></script>

Note: The Flybuy JS SDK will automatically determine that you want to use Google Maps if you have included the Google Maps Javascript.

Creating a map

First, instantiate a new Flybuy object. After you have done that, you can call flybuy.createMap once you have the data you wish to load. The first argument to the method should the selector string or a DOM element.

The instantiated Flybuy object does not need to be global in scope, you may assign it to whatever context works for your application.

let flybuy = new Flybuy();

window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  let jsonFile = 'sample_data/initial_orders_api.json';

  fetch(jsonFile).then(response => response.json()).then(data => {
    flybuy.createMap('div#map', data);

If you wish to pass a HTML element to createMap, you can do so:

let container = document.querySelector('div#map');
flybuy.createMap(container, data);

Note: The DOM must be loaded before you attempt to create the map. The example uses the DOMContentLoaded event, but you could also move the <script> tag after the body.

Customizing the map (Google)

The createMap method takes an optional configuration object that can be used to customize the appearance of the map. The object is passed along directly to the Google Maps constructor so you can use any configuration options found in the Google SDK.

The example below turns off navigation controls and POI markers:

let configOptions = {
  disableDefaultUI: true,
  styles: [{
    featureType: 'poi',
    stylers: [{
      visibility: 'off'

fetch(jsonFile).then(response => response.json()).then(data => {
  flybuy.createMap('div#map', data, configOptions);

Customizing the map (Mapbox)

Because Mapbox has very different syntax for configuring their maps, we currenly only support one directive, showNavigationControl, that turns on/off navigation controls:

let configOptions = {showNavigationControl: false};
flybuy.createMap(container, data, configOptions);

Note: If you need additional configuration options, get in touch with your customer success manager and we'll evaluate adding it.

Completion handler hook when creating maps

If you need a completion handler hook when creating a map, createMap returns a Promise:

flybuy.createMap(container, data)
  .then(success => {})
  .catch(success => {})

Updating a map

If you want to update a map after it has been drawn, you can call flybuy.update:

let jsonFile = 'sample_data/orders_api_update.json';

fetch(jsonFile).then(response => response.json()).then(data => {

Removing a map

If you are using a reactive framework (such as React or Vue), you should call removeMap when your component is destroyed. Failure to do so can result in WebGL errors.

Removing a marker

If you want to remove a marker from a map, you can call flybuy.removeMarker and pass it that marker's id property:

let markerIdToRemove = 13;


Example implementations

See the sample Google Maps and Mapbox implementations.


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