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Bytebeat DSL

Compiles tracker-style music DSL to a javascript expression. Written in Haskell.


cabal run song.js example/*

Creates a file called song.js, copy and paste into this bytebeat site and render at the appropriate sample rate (the example song is compiled to 32kHz).


  • Text tracker format:
%samples 44100
%mix 1.5 1.4 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.0 1.0
%master 0.35

# epic song

D#4 A0.15 S10.0 W100 H3 Z1.0 0.1 sn
E-4 A0.25 S00.0
  • Sine, Square, Saw waveforms (combinable)
  • Noise
  • Layering harmonics
  • Harmonic amplitude modulation
  • Fequency modulation
  • Vibrato, pitch slide
  • Channel mixing
  • Key transposition
  • Reverb
  • Any oscillator can use sine, square, or saw.

Format Reference

Each channel is a sequence of steps, empty lines divide the channels.


  • A float -- amplitude
  • D float -- dampen amplitude per step (can be negative)
  • S float -- add value to frequency per step (can be negative)
  • H int -- number of harmonics
  • V float float waveform -- vibrato frequency/depth/waveform
  • Z float float waveform -- frequency modulation, first argument is ratio to current playing frequency to modulate at, then depth and waveform.


  • %master float -- scale master volume
  • %mix float ... -- scale each channel volume
  • %samples int -- sample rate
  • %key int -- transpose song by half-steps
  • %reverb bit ... -- toggle reverb per channel


  • Format is pretty contrived. Had I known the kind of tricks I could pull regarding window in the beginning it'd be a lot cleaner, and the compiled example song would be a lot smaller than 74kB (which is surprisingly AFTER some egregious compression tricks)!
  • Pulse modulation isn't implemented correctly, use at your discretion.
  • Parser is incomplete (avoid trailing spaces 😬).
  • Scripting the music is TEEDDDIIOOUUSSS.
  • Be careful when debugging your song in 22kHz if you intend to render at 44kHz, the noise will include the higher frequencies.
  • No BPM config (yet).
  • No config to control reverberation (yet).
  • ***This was mostly written on a per-need basis so I could finish the example song by the BotB Spring Tracks IX deadline.


Compiles music DSL to javascript expression.







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