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1. Introduction

RaduMarcel edited this page Jan 26, 2022 · 25 revisions


EspressoViews is a standalone Java tool for data analysis and reporting from relational databases (RDBMS).

In a nutshell, EspressoViews merges the results of many SQL queries to a hierarchically structured result and displays it as a tree structure which can be manually expanded and collapsed.

To run a report you need a report definition file, where you basically specify how to retrieve the data and how to display it.

  • A report definition file is made of at least two report units

  • A report unit is built around a single SQL query. The below example is made of three units, but theoretically there is no limitation as long as the whole structure is a tree structure.

  • Any report definition file can be on his side embedded in another report definition file. Also here there is no limitation as long as the linked files are defining a tree structure

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