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Releases: Raduziel/Deities-Of-Faerun

Deities of Faerûn

12 Mar 18:06
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Bug fix: Animal Summoning I wasn't working as it should. DoF fixes that.

Bug fix: Some skeleton warriors from IWDEE were unturnable for no apparent reason. DoF fixes that.

Bug fix: Fixes a bug where DoF's sphere system would completely nullify a Sorcerer's ability to learn spells through CharGen or Level Up.

Bug fix: Shar-Teel will now have her spellbook accordingly to her spheres.

Bug fix: Sphere's install process will no longer fail.

Bug fix: Scrolls should not lose their Opcode 147 from the second header (by Kjeron).

Bug fix: F/C and R/C will now receive a -2 penalty to Thac0 when using weapons with no proficiency (instead of -3).

Bug fix: Fixed a typo in StrongholdAlterings.tpa that was affecting Shiallia's stronghold's option.

New feature: Reflect Image and Mirror Image will now protect the caster from effects that would require a touch to be delivered (like energy drain). Code by Kjeron.

New feature: Stoneskin and Ironskin now prevent poison and disease delivered by direct attacks. Code by Kjeron.

New feature: Integration with Project Infinity.

Spell altering: Emotion Hope, Courage, Fear and Hopelessness are all combined into a single spell (Emotion) as PnP rules state.

Spell altering: Fireshield Red and Fireshield Blue are all combined into a single spell (Fireshield) as PnP rules state.

Spell altering: Symbol Fear, Stun, Death, Pain and Hopelessness are all combined into a single spell (Symbol) as PnP rules state.

Consistency: Despite being out of DoF's scope, the wizard spells and scrolls for Emotion, Fireshield and Symbol were altered to follow the changes above. Code by Kjeron.

Consistency: Ulutiu added to Strongholdaltering.tpa, as it was also released to BG2EE.

Architecture: New scroll files renamed from SCRLXXX to RASCXXX to prevent issues with other mods or game files.

Architecture: New way to check for Tenya's mod (the previous one always returned true).

Deities of Faerûn

10 Mar 19:09
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Bug fix: Animal Summoning I wasn't working as it should. DoF fixes that.

Bug fix: Some skeleton warriors from IWDEE were unturnable for no apparent reason. DoF fixes that.

Bug fix: Fixes a bug where DoF's sphere system would completely nullify a Sorcerer's ability to learn spells through CharGen or Level Up.

Bug fix: Shar-Teel will now have her spellbook accordingly to her spheres.

Bug fix: Sphere's install process will no longer fail in BGEE.

Bug fix: Scrolls should not lose their Opcode 147 from the second header (by Kjeron).

Bug fix: F/C and R/C will now receive a -2 penalty to Thac0 when using weapons with no proficiency (instead of -3).

New feature: Reflect Image and Mirror Image will now protect the caster from effects that would require a touch to be delivered (like energy drain). Code by Kjeron.

New feature: Stoneskin and Ironskin now prevent poison and disease delivered by direct attacks. Code by Kjeron.

New feature: Integration with Project Infinity.

Spell altering: Emotion Hope, Courage, Fear and Hopelessness are all combined into a single spell (Emotion) as PnP rules state.

Spell altering: Fireshield Red and Fireshield Blue are all combined into a single spell (Fireshield) as PnP rules state.

Spell altering: Symbol Fear, Stun, Death, Pain and Hopelessness are all combined into a single spell (Symbol) as PnP rules state.

Consistency: Despite being out of DoF's scope, the wizard spells and scrolls for Emotion, Fireshield and Symbol were altered to follow the changes above. Code by Kjeron.

Architecture: New scroll files renamed from SCRLXXX to RASCXXX to prevent issues with other mods or game files.

Architecture: New way to check for Tenya's mod (the previous one always returned true).

Deities of Faerûn

10 Mar 02:38
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Bug fix: Animal Summoning I wasn't working as it should. DoF fixes that.

Bug fix: Some skeleton warriors from IWDEE were unturnable for no apparent reason. DoF fixes that.

Bug fix: Fixes a bug where DoF's sphere system would completely nullify a Sorcerer's ability to learn spells through CharGen or Level Up.

Bug fix: Shar-Teel will now have her spellbook accordingly to her spheres.

Bug fix: Sphere's install process will no longer fail in BGEE.

Bug fix: Scrolls should not lose their Opcode 147 from the second header (by Kjeron).

New feature: Reflect Image and Mirror Image will now protect the caster from effects that would require a touch to be delivered (like energy drain). Code by Kjeron.

New feature: Stoneskin and Ironskin now prevent poison and disease delivered by direct attacks. Code by Kjeron.

Spell altering: Emotion Hope, Courage, Fear and Hopelessness are all combined into a single spell (Emotion) as PnP rules state.

Spell altering: Fireshield Red and Fireshield Blue are all combined into a single spell (Fireshield) as PnP rules state.

Spell altering: Symbol Fear, Stun, Death, Pain and Hopelessness are all combined into a single spell (Symbol) as PnP rules state.

Consistency: Despite being out of DoF's scope, the wizard spells and scrolls for Emotion, Fireshield and Symbol were altered to follow the changes above. Code by Kjeron.

Architecture: New scroll files renamed from SCRLXXX to RASCXXX to prevent issues with other mods or game files.

Architecture: New way to check for Tenya's mod (the previous one always returned true).

Deities of Faerûn

08 Mar 22:40
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Bug fix: Animal Summoning I wasn't working as it should. DoF fixes that.

Bug fix: Some skeleton warriors from IWDEE were unturnable for no apparent reason. DoF fixes that.

Bug fix: Fixes a bug where DoF's sphere system would completely nullify a Sorcerer's ability to learn spells through CharGen or Level Up.

Bug fix: Shar-Teel will now have her spellbook accordingly to her spheres.

Bug fix: Sphere's install process will no longer fail in BGEE.

New feature: Reflect Image and Mirror Image will now protect the caster from effects that would require a touch to be delivered (like energy drain). Code by Kjeron.

New feature: Stoneskin and Ironskin now prevent poison and disease delivered by direct attacks. Code by Kjeron.

Spell altering: Emotion Hope, Courage, Fear and Hopelessness are all combined into a single spell (Emotion) as PnP rules state.

Spell altering: Fireshield Red and Fireshield Blue are all combined into a single spell (Fireshield) as PnP rules state.

Spell altering: Symbol Fear, Stun, Death, Pain and Hopelessness are all combined into a single spell (Symbol) as PnP rules state.

Consistency: Displayed version corrected from 1.9.5 to

Consistency: Despite being out of DoF's scope, the wizard spells and scrolls for Emotion, Fireshield and Symbol were altered to follow the changes above. Code by Kjeron.

Architecture: New scroll files renamed from SCRLXXX to RASCXXX to prevent issues with other mods or game files.

Deities of Faerûn 1.9.6

08 Mar 05:23
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  • Bug fix: Animal Summoning I wasn't working as it should. DoF fixes that.

  • Bug fix: Some skeleton warriors from IWDEE were unturnable for no apparent reason. DoF fixes that.

  • Bug fix: Fixes a bug where DoF's sphere system would completely nullify a Sorcerer's ability to learn spells through CharGen or Level Up.

  • Bug fix: Shar-Teel will now have her spellbook accordingly to her spheres.

  • New feature: Reflect Image and Mirror Image will now protect the caster from effects that would require a touch to be delivered (like energy drain). Code by Kjeron.

  • New feature: Stoneskin and Ironskin now prevent poison and disease delivered by direct attacks. Code by Kjeron.

  • Spell altering: Emotion Hope, Courage, Fear and Hopelessness are all combined into a single spell (Emotion) as PnP rules state.

  • Spell altering: Fireshield Red and Fireshield Blue are all combined into a single spell (Fireshield) as PnP rules state.

  • Spell altering: Symbol Fear, Stun, Death, Pain and Hopelessness are all combined into a single spell (Symbol) as PnP rules state.

  • Consistency: Despite being out of DoF's scope, the wizard spells and scrolls for Emotion, Fireshield and Symbol were altered to follow the changes above. Code by Kjeron.

Deities of Faerûn 1.9.5

23 Feb 18:54
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  • New component: Shar-Teel, the Bloodreaver of Garagos.

  • Spell altering: Silence now provides 100% MS boost, as intended in PnP.

  • Spell altering: several spells will not break Sanctuary (check the complete list here:

  • Spell altering: Haste and Slow now provides -2 bonus and a +2 penalty (respectively) to Initiative as PnP rules.

  • Bug fix: better interaction between Red Knight and Savras install to prevent an issue where installing one of them would prevent the install of the other.

  • Bug fix: several custom spells (kit's features) were altered so they work as intended.

  • Bug fix: several custom spells (kit's special abilities) were altered to avoid an engine issue with multiclasses.

  • Improvement: change in the code for integration between non-DoF kits and DoF's Sphere System.

  • Improvement: cleaner and lighter coding for Garago's Chaotic Combat.

  • Consistency: Darkness description now shows 1 round/level as happens in the game.

  • Consistency: C/M Fastpaw of Baervan no longer available to players. Per PnP, this combination does not exist (Aerie still has access to it, though).

  • New feature: DoF now uses Kjeron's tool UI-based Spell Learning for Shaman kits.

  • IWDEE: Ranger/Cleric multiclass will now receive Tracking at level 1 as it should.

  • IWDEE: Cleric/Thief multiclass will now receive Evasion at level 7 as it should.

  • Architecture: all the spells' altering (including the bug fixes) were moved to inside one of the Sphere System files (IWDImport.tpa).

Deities of Faerûn

05 Feb 18:18
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  • Improvement at the sphere system's code.

  • Alterings in the Readme to clarify how the sphere system works.

Deities of Faerûn 1.9.4

05 Feb 02:21
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Version 1.9.4 is up and it contains:

  • Iceguardian of Ulutiu (Cleric and Ranger/Cleric - IWDEE, BGEE and BG2EE)

  • Woodwife of Shiallia (Cleric and Ranger/Cleric - IWDEE, BGEE and BG2EE - only for females)

  • A definitive fix for Shar's/Ibrandul's/Mask's Darkness spell (up since

  • Correct .tp2 file allowing the Pacifist of Eldath to be installed (up since

  • A hotfix for a bug with Ice Storm (BGEE and BG2EE only - credits to @ligg for identifying it)

  • A general correction: now kits will only be able to Turn Undead if this feature is allowed to them in PnP.

  • Cleaner conversion for some spells (resulting in a slightly faster install for some kits).

  • A better coding for LavaDelVortel 's Yvette, allowing it to receive the Heartwarder of Sune kit as a Dual-Class Cleric/Thief or as a Pure-Class Cleric.

  • Spheres for non-DoF kits:

  • By Ulb

Dreamwalker, Bearwalker, Spirit Hunter, Spiritwalker, Stormcaller

  • By AionZ

Hivemaster, Warhorn Shaman

  • By Raduziel

Circle Enforcer, Dreadful Witch, Spirit Redeemer

  • By LavaDelVortel

Whitchlight Shaman

Check the Readme (section f3) to get the list of the spheres for those kits.

Deities of Faerûn

29 Jan 19:17
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  • Hotfixing the hotfix

Deities of Faerûn

29 Jan 17:01
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  • Fixes for Ibrandul, Shar and Mask

  • Correct .tp2 file allowing Eldath to be installed