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Lesson Customize Angularjs Directives

Rafael J. Rodriguez edited this page May 17, 2016 · 1 revision

How to build Custom Directives

To declutter your code you can create a new html file with the angular code and use ng-include to add it to the main html. The nh-include expects a variable with the name of the file to include, to pass the name directly you can use a string with single quotes inside the double quotes.

<h3 ng-include="'product-title.html'"> </h3>

Directives allow you to write HTML that expresses the behavior of your application. Template-expanding Directives are the simples, they define a custom tag or attribute that is expanded or replaced, and can include Controller logic if needed.

Directives can also be used for:

  • Expressing complex UI
  • Calling events and registering event handles
  • Reusing common components

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