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Akamai CLI for network lists

The Akamai Network List Kit is a CLI that wraps Akamai's {OPEN} APIs to let you manage network lists and their items along with activation. You can create/list/remove and search for items and lists.

Should you miss something we gladly accept patches :)

CLI uses custom Akamai API client


Configuration and Installation


Set up your credential files as described in the authorization and credentials sections of the getting started guide on

Tools expect proper format of sections in edgerc file which example is shown below

NOTE: Default file location is ~/.edgerc

client_secret = XXXXXXXXXXXX
access_token = XXXXXXXXXXXX
client_token = XXXXXXXXXXXX

In order to change config file which is being used you can

  • change it via --config parameter of the tool itself
  • change it via env variable export AKAMAI_EDGERC_CONFIG=/Users/jsmitsh/.edgerc

In order to change section which is being actively used you can

  • change it via --section parameter of the tool itself
  • change it via env variable export AKAMAI_EDGERC_SECTION=mycustomsection

NOTE: Make sure your API client do have appropriate scopes enabled


The tool can be used as completly standalone binary or in conjuction with akamai-cli

Akamai-cli ( recommended )

  1. Execute the following from console akamai install


As part of automated releases/builds you can download latest version from the project release page


Account switch key (ask)

From version 5.0.0 you can now enjoy using single credentials across all of your accounts.Please make sure the scopes are set correctly and that you have correct rights across your contracts.

> akamai netlist  --account-switch-key 1123-ACS  search --searchPattern "some-Pattern_" | jq '.[] | { name, type}'

> akamai netlist  --account-switch-key 1-ABC782  get by-name --name some-list-name

> akamai netlist  -ask 1-8282AD  get by-name --name other_name_of_list


In the section you will find all information regarding the usage of our tool.

Getting a network list

Getting a network list is possible either with name of the netlist or with the id.

  • get a specific network list by unique Id

    akamai netlist get by-id --id 1234_UNIQID
  • get a specific network list by name

    akamai netlist get by-name --name SOME-NAME
  • Get elements from a network list based on its name

    akamai netlist get by-name --name some_list_name --includeElements | jq -r '.[].list'


You can search through network list based on name or elements which list includes

  • Find all network list where it has specific element or name

    akamai netlist search --searchPattern | jq
    akamai netlist search --searchPattern someneNa | jq

Removing elements

  • Remove element from network list
    akamai netlist items remove --id 1234_UNIQID --element

Creating network list

  • Create new network list
    akamai netlist create list --name whitelist_placeholder

Adding elements

  • Add items to network list by spectfying items to add ( comma seperated )
    akamai netlist items add --id 1234_UNIQID --items ITEM1,ITEM2,ITEM3
  • Add items to network list from a file ( with IPs/CIDRs seperate per line)
    akamai netlist items add --id 1234_UNIQID --from-file /path/to/file

Synchronize list

This new functionality ( introduced from v6 ) allows you to synchronize destination list from either local file or from another network list.

To be sure that no mistakes are made sync supports --dry-run option which will only display changes which would be applied.

bash-5.0# akamai netlist sync --dry-run aka --id-src 1231_UNIQID1  --id-dst 1234_UNIQID
    "remmove": [
    "add": [

Before applying changes duplicates are automatically removed

In all cases if the sync process will recognize addresses that would need to be removed from the target list you need to use --force switch to indicate that you allow for that action.

  • Synchronize from file
    akamai netlist sync local --from-file /path/to/file --id-dst 1234_UNIQID
  • Synchronize two network lists in Akamai
    akamai netlist sync aka --id-src 1234_DUMMYDELETE1 --id-dst 1234_UNIQID --force

Subscribe for notifications

  • Subscribe to notifications

    akamai netlist notification --networkListsIDs 1234_UNIQID --notificationRecipients
  • Unsubscribe from notifications

    akamai netlist notification --networkListsIDs 1234_UNIQID --notificationRecipients --unsubscribe

Activate network list

  • Activate network list
    akamai netlist activate list --id 1234_UNIQID --notificationRecipients
    akamai netlist activate list --id 1234_UNIQID --notificationRecipients --prd
  • Get activation status
    akamai netlist activate status --id 1234_UNIQID



  • introduces adding/syncing from file
  • introduces sync between 2 lists
  • changes to using of v6 of edgegrid client


  • Use account switch key
  • Improve search
  • Only one list returned when searched by name ( exact match )


  • Move to network lists API endpoint v2
  • Use go-edgegrid client v4.X.X
  • Remove support for network list API v1


In order to develop the tool with us do the following:

  1. Fork repository
  2. Clone it to your folder ( within GO path )
  3. Ensure you can restore dependencies by running
    dep ensure -v
  4. Make necessary changes
  5. Make sure solution builds properly ( feel free to add tests )
    go build -ldflags="-s -w -X main.appVer=1.2.3 -X main.appName=$(basename `pwd`)"