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This skeleton also contains an example of integration between Sails Api and Angular 4

First installation (Production)

Open Command Prompt to Execute Commands

If you have any errors, see the section "Typical errors" at the bottom of the page

cd / ( on Linux cd /root/ )

git clone SingleAppPage (It clones the project)

cd SingleAppPage (It changes the current working directory in the project folder)

npm install (It installs the libraries)

ng build --aot --prod (It compiles the angular files in ./dist folder For errors see bottom of the page)

node app.js (It launch the node web server. Optional: If you want only Angular, skip this step.)

All done. Open your favorite browser to see the demo. If you are using Node JS as Web Server, you must connect to the address: http://localhost:1337/


ng serve -> run angular client http://localhost:4200

node app.js (optional for node js server) -> run server node http://localhost:1337/ + Grunt Task Automation + Database

To create a new angular component:

ng generate component nomeComponente

To create a new angular service:

ng generate service nomeServizio

To create a new sails controller:

sails generate controller nomeController

Bootstrap 4

It's uses css ( .angular-cli.json file )

"styles": [




and javascript see /src/index.html file

See these bootstrap components

Node JS (Optional)

This part is optional: it is only for those who want to use a Node Server.

Sails is the most popular MVC framework for Node.js, designed to emulate the familiar MVC pattern of frameworks like Ruby on Rails, but with support for the requirements of modern apps: data-driven APIs with a scalable, service-oriented architecture.

Here you can read some of its features

Sails.js is one of the best MVC framework and can help you to rapidly develop web applications. For those who don’t want to reinvent the wheel like we do in the MEAN stack, Sails is a great option.


You can choose the most popular databases (Postgres, Oracle, and MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, etc)

see \config\connectios.js for configuration


To create new api, for example http://localhost:1337/employee launch this command:

sails generate api Employee

See the files:



to create new record


to get the list




to update


For more information, see this tutorial

Typical errors

ng command not found

npm install -g @angular/cli

( I recommend @ it's install angular 4)

ng -v

Angular doesn't compile the project

On Linux you may encounter some problems. Try uninstalling version 4 and install the 2

sudo npm uninstall -g @angular/cli

npm cache clean

sudo npm install -g angular/cli

EADDRINUSE Is something else already running on port 1337 ?

type this command for change port

set PORT=8081

And then try to run the server again

node app.js


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