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Lab 26 - Beginning TaskMaster

The main page

should have a heading at the top of the page, an image to mock the “my tasks” view, and buttons at the bottom of the page to allow going to the “add tasks” and “all tasks” page.

main01 main02

Add a Task

On the “Add a Task” page, allow users to type in details about a new task, specifically a title and a body. When users click the “submit” button, show a “submitted!” label on the page. addTasks

All Tasks

The all tasks page should just be an image with a back button; it needs no functionality. allTasks

Lab 27 -

Task Detail Page

Create a Task Detail page. It should have a title at the top of the page, and a Lorem Ipsum description. myTask

Settings Page

Create a Settings page. It should allow users to enter their username and hit save. Setting


The main page should be modified to contain three different buttons with hardcoded task titles. When a user taps one of the titles, it should go to the Task Detail page, and the title at the top of the page should match the task title that was tapped on the previous page. The homepage should also contain a button to visit the Settings page, and once the user has entered their username, it should display “{username}’s tasks” above the three task buttons. Main

Lab 28 - RecyclerView

*refactor homepage to look snazzy, with a RecyclerView full of Task data.


Refactor your homepage to use a RecyclerView for displaying Task data. This should have hardcoded Task data for now.


updated Tasks

lab28 lab28 lab28

Lab 29 - Room

In this lab, I added a Room database to save the tasks and the details of tasks and get data from it, and let the recycler view take the data from the room database.

Add Task Activity

On this page, Added a new field in which can the user writes the state of the task.


Also added a spinner in which the user can select one of the choices for the image of the task.

All Tasks

This is the home page and it contains tasks and each task has an image depends on the user's choice from the spinner. Also, the user can delete the task by click on the delete.


The added Task

Refactored this page to show all user tasks.


Lab 31 - Espresso Test

In This lab I tested the code by using Espresso test.

I created a test to change the name

  • changeName()


Lab 32 - Amplify and DynamoDB

In this lab I implemented AWS amplify to access the data in DynamoDB instead of Room. Now when the user add new task in the add task page, The task will store in the DynamoDb.

lab32 lab32

AWS DynamoDB lab32C

Lab 33 - Related Data

lab32 lab32

Lab 34 - Publishing to the Play Store

This lab is about generate an APK for the application and publishing it to the Google Play Store.

Lab 36 - Cognito

lab36C lab36A lab36B lab36C

Lab 37 - S3

lab37A lab37B s3

Lab 38 - Notifications

lab38A lab38B

Lab 39 - Review


Lab 41 - Intent Filter

Intent Filter For sharing Is Added. lab41


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