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Upgrade Instructions

Chris King edited this page Feb 8, 2017 · 9 revisions

FiercePhish Wiki

Upgrade Instructions

As of FiercePhish v1.2.0, an update script is provided which will guide you through updating your FiercePhish installation.

To upgrade FiercePhish, simply run: sudo ./

Changelog can be found here


Manual incremental patch updates

If you performed the manual installation method, you will have to update FiercePhish manually. FiercePhish is under constant development and, as such, as constant updates you can pull down to fix bugs or add new features. Below are some instructions to do that.

Back up your data before doing this if it is vital data

  1. Be root and move to FiercePhish directory (by default: "/var/www/fiercephish")

    sudo su
    cd /var/www/fiercephish/
  2. Put FiercePhish into maintenance mode:

    php artisan down
  3. Update FiercePhish git repo:

    git pull origin master
  4. Update composer/bower packages (and install new ones if they exist)

    composer install
    bower install --allow-root
  5. Run database migration (if any)

    php artisan migrate
  6. Refresh workers

    php artisan queue:restart
  7. Take FiercePhish out of maintenance mode

    php artisan up
  8. Done!

Check for updates to the Supervisord configuration and its a good idea to check over the manual installation method for any changes you may have to add

Troubleshooting Upgrade

If you are getting errors after upgrading, run (warning: this will clear all data in FiercePhish) php artisan migrate:reset and then php artisan migrate. Because all the data is cleared, you will have to run php artisan fp:createuser again to create a new user.

If you are still getting more errors, try completely uninstalling and reinstalling (generally "uninstalling" means killing the VPS running FiercePhish, but you can also just delete "/var/www/fiercephish" and delete the database). If you are still stuck, open a GitHub Issue.

Data Import/Export

You are able to migrate data from one FiercePhish instance to an updated FiercePhish instance via the Fast Replacement Feature. However data imports are only allowed on patch version numbers, not minor version changes or major version changes. For example: 1.0.0 can be imported to 1.0.5, but 1.0.0 cannot be imported to 1.5.0 or 2.0.0.

Uninstall FiercePhish

  1. Delete "/var/www/fiercephish"

  2. Delete database "fiercephish"

  3. Delete Supervisord configuration file: "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/fiercephish.conf"

  4. Delete Apache configuration file: "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/fiercephish.conf"

  5. Restart all services

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