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IDCS Auth Library SDK

npm version An Angular wrapper around IDCS Identity Provider which supports single sign-on using OpenID standard

This library currently supports three-legged authentication (usually known as most secure) with PKCE (Proof of key code exchange) is used and implemented by both client and authorization server.

This library is tested against the latest version of Angular (currently 6), and is currently known to be compatible with Angular 4, 5, and 6.

idcs-auth-library works directly with @angular/router.

Getting Started

  • First You need to register your application with IDCS to obtain client id and client secret which can be further used for authentication.
  • You can register an application by following this link


This library is available through npm. To install it, simply add it to your project:

# npm
npm install --save idcs-auth-library


Add AuthModule to your module's imports. Then Add AuthGuard,AuthService,[ApplicationConfigurationService] to your module's imports. Create a configuration object in your local then, import that and provide as AUTH_CONFIG. Now add AuthGuard,AuthService,[ApplicationConfigurationService] and AUTH_CONFIG to the providers.

// app.module.ts

import {
} from 'idcs-auth-library';
import { AUTH_CONFIG } from  './auth.constants';

  imports: [
   providers: [AuthGuard, AuthService,
	    provide:  ApplicationConfigurationService,
		useValue:  AUTH_CONFIG,
export class MyAppModule { }


// auth.constants.ts

export  const  AUTH_CONFIG  = {
basePath:  '',
idcsInstance:  '',
spaOAuthClientId:  '',
oauthTokenScope:  '',
redirectUrl:  '',

Replace the empty string with your respected values.

An Angular InjectionToken used to configure the AuthService. This value must be provided by your own application. It is initialized by a plain object which can have the following properties:

  • basePath : this is a prefix for urls used for authcode and access token.
  • idcsInstance : This is the domain name of the Identity Provider.
  • spaOAuthClientId : ClientId of the app registered in the identityprovider.
  • oauthTokenScope : is mandatory to get access on all permitted admin APIs.
  • redirectUrl : URL given while registering application in Redirect_Url field.


The top-level Angular module which provides these components and services:

  • AuthGuard - A navigation guard using CanActivate to grant access to a page only after successful authentication.
  • AuthService - Highest-level service containing the idcs-auth-library public methods.


Routes are protected by the AuthGuard, which verifies there is a valid accessToken stored. To ensure the user has been authenticated before accessing your route, add the canActivate guard to one of your routes:

// app.routing.module.ts

import {
} from 'idcs-auth-library';

const appRoutes: Routes = [
    path: 'protected',
    component: MyProtectedComponent,
    canActivate: [ AuthGuard ]

If a user does not have a valid session, they will be redirected to the IDCS Login Page for authentication. Once authenticated, they will be redirected back to your application's protected page.


In your components, your can take advantage of all of idcs-auth-library's features by importing the AuthService. The example below shows how to logout:

// sample.component.ts

import { AuthService } from 'idcs-auth-library';

  selector: 'app-component',
  template: `
    <button *ngIf="isAuthenticated" (click)="logout()">Logout</button>

export class MyComponent {
  constructor(public authService: AuthService) {

  logout() {


Returns domain name of Identity Provider .


Returns the ClientId of the app registered in the Identity Provider.


Terminates the user's session in IDCS and clears all stored tokens.