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Book slots/shifts in multiple cities and for different time

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Shifts Booking

This project Is bootstrapped with Create React App and using flexbox for UI. Backend is built with node.js on top of Hapi.js. Development enviornment is 64bit Windows 10.

Use node v12.0.0 to run the hapi server, in versions >12 the post requests and the routes configurations dosen't work.

Use node v16 to run the client. First Run the client with node v16 then use nvm to switch to node v12 to run the server. Now both will run without any errors.


Available Scripts 🚁

This project usages NPM package manager and in the project directory, you can run:

Root scripts

Client Script Description
start:client Starts the development server of client
start:server Starts the development server of server
setup:project Install client and server dependencies.
create:release Creates file
install:client Install client's npm packages
build:client build client in production env
lint:client list all the linting errors fo the client
lint:fix:client fixes all the prettier and linting errors with eslint and prettier for client
lint:server lists all the linting errors for server
lint:fix:server fixes all the prettier and linting errors with eslint and prettier for server
# Individual scripts
Client Script Description Server Script Description
start Starts the client app start Starts the hapi node server
build Production build lint list all the liting errors
test Runs unit tests lint:fix fix all the liting errors
eject React Eject
lint Shows all the linting errors in codebase
lint:fix Fix all the liting errors

Husky hooks will lint code in client/server folder before commiting it.

🧐 What's inside?

A quick look at the top-level files and directories you'll see in this project.

Root ├── .vscode ├── .husky ├── node_modules ├── Client ├── node_modules ├── public ├── src ├── api ├── assets ├── components ├── config ├── constants ├── store ├── styles ├── utils ├── index.tsx ├── app.tsx ├── .eslintrc.json ├── .gitignore ├── .env ├── .huskyrc ├── craco.config.js ├── package.json ├── tsconfig.json ├── tsconfig.paths.json ├── └── package.lock.json ├── Server ├── node_modules ├── api ├── shifts-mock-api ├── index.js ├── ├── server.js ├── .gitignore ├── package.json ├── └── package.lock.json ├── .gitignore ├── ├── package-lock.json ├── package.json ├── ├── shifts_booking_preview.png ├──

.vscode/: This directory contains all of the workspace setting for vscode. .husky/: All the husky configuration.

Build client

  • Run npm run build in client folder.


  • if husky hooks not working it can be because of husky didn't created hooks shell script in .husky directory. To fix this run the following commands in root of this project.
  • Before running hapi server make sure you have installed babel-cli globally with npm i -g babel-cli
npx husky install // this will setup the husky hooks script in .husky folder
  • Client application will run at port 3000 if available otherwise it will pick any available port.
  • Server will be running at port 8080.