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eCommerce Store, inspired by 'GCP Microserves demo' | Redis Hackathon Submission


Infinite Blob is a cloud-first microservices demo application. The application is a web-based e-commerce store where users can browse digital items, add them to the cart, and purchase them. Backgrounds tasks like processing payments, invoice generation and sending emails are also there in the project.

It consists of 10-tier microservices. That are performing various tasks.

Inspired By GCP Microserves demo, this project is using similar architecture as GCP Microserves demo, but trying to use as much as Redis features as possible.

Services like, Invoice Generation and Sending Emails are completely Event Driven, using Redis' Pub/Sub Feature.

This Project is using the following features of Redis

  • Storing Data in database with the help of JSONModels
  • Ads and Recommendation Engines are using features like Querying and indexing
  • Background Tasks like Generating Invoice and Sending Emails are using Pub/Sub features


Home Page Product Page
Home Page Screenshot of checkout screen

Ad and Recomm. Cart and Checkout Page
Ad and Recommendations Checkout Page

Overview video

Here's a short video that explains the project and how it uses Redis:

YouTube Video


Infinite Blob is composed of 10 microservices written in python.

Architecture of microservices

How it works

How the data is stored:

  • There are different ways, in which the data is been saved in the system.

    • In Database Models

      Using redis-om python client to create models.

      Product Model

      class Product(JsonModel, BaseModel):
          This model represents a single product
          # product basic info
          name: str = Field(index=True)
          description: Optional[str]
          # media
          thumbnail_url: str
          image_url: str
          # amount
          price: PositiveFloat = Field(index=True)
          # metadata
          tags: List[str] = Field(index=True)
          # analytics
          downloads: PositiveInt = Field(default=1)

      Customer and Order Models

      class Customer(EmbeddedJsonModel):
          This model represents a customer
          first_name: str
          last_name: str
          email: str
      class Order(JsonModel):
          This model represents a single order and it's embedded items
          # for authentication
          token: str = Field(index=True)
          # order details
          order_items: List[str]
          # init, pending, completed, cancelled
          status: str = Field(index=True, default="init")
          # customer
          customer: Optional[Customer]
          # other
          invoice_url: Optional[str]

      To save an instance of a Model the following way is used.

      To save a Product instance sent via FastAPI request."/")
          async def products(product: Product):
    • Sharing data between services using Pub/Sub

      Using instance of data models itself, we can construct the payload.

      def publish(data, channel) -> None:
          Publish message to a particular channel
          resp = redis_db.publish(channel, json.dumps(data))
          print(f"Published to {channel}, now #{resp} message(s) pending.")
      channel = "payment"
      data = {"order": order.dict()} # order is instance of Order Model
      publish(data, channel)

How the data is accessed:

  • There are different ways, in which the data can be accessed in the system.

    • From Database Models

      This is how to access all the products in a system, and return as FastAPI Response.

        async def all_products():
            all_pks = Product.all_pks()
            return [Product.get(pk) for pk in all_pks]
    • Revieving data from other service using Pub/Sub

      def subscribe(channel, handler_function, *args, **kwargs):
          Subscribe to a channel to get messages.
          pubsub = redis_db.pubsub()
          for index, message in enumerate(pubsub.listen()):
              if not index: continue
              data = message["data"]
              try: handler_function(json.loads(data), *args, **kwargs)
              except json.JSONDecodeError as e: print("[JSONDecodeError]", str(e))
              except Exception as e: print("[Exception]", str(e))
        # handle incoming message
        def handle_invoice(data: Order, *args, **kwargs): ...
        subscribe("invoice", handle_invoice)

Performance Benchmarks

As compared to the previous case where GCP was using Memorystore (redis), having a lot of limitations and constraints, this project is using Redis Cloud.

Redis Cloud provides customers real-time performance with linear scaling to hundreds of millions of operations per second while providing local latency in a global Active-Active deployment with 99.999% uptime.

How to run it locally?

Step 1. Clone the repository

$ git clone
$ cd ecom_services
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Step 2. Create .env file

$ nano .env # save the following credentials into .env file

If you want to use local redis docker container


If you want to use redis cloud


In this case you may also remove the redis service and dependency from docker-compose.yaml file.

Step 3. Spin the servers up

$ docker compose up --build

NOTE: Wait for the frontend container to start serving

Now, open http://localhost:3000/ in browser.


  • Git
  • Docker & docker compose
  • A redis cloud account (optionally)

More Information about Redis Stack

Here some resources to help you quickly get started using Redis Stack. If you still have questions, feel free to ask them in the Redis Discord or on Twitter.

Getting Started

  1. Sign up for a free Redis Cloud account using this link and use the Redis Stack database in the cloud.
  2. Based on the language/framework you want to use, you will find the following client libraries:

The above videos and guides should be enough to get you started in your desired language/framework. From there you can expand and develop your app. Use the resources below to help guide you further:

  1. Developer Hub - The main developer page for Redis, where you can find information on building using Redis with sample projects, guides, and tutorials.
  2. Redis Stack getting started page - Lists all the Redis Stack features. From there you can find relevant docs and tutorials for all the capabilities of Redis Stack.
  3. Redis Rediscover - Provides use-cases for Redis as well as real-world examples and educational material
  4. RedisInsight - Desktop GUI tool - Use this to connect to Redis to visually see the data. It also has a CLI inside it that lets you send Redis CLI commands. It also has a profiler so you can see commands that are run on your Redis instance in real-time
  5. Youtube Videos

Happy Coding



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