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232 lines (183 loc) · 5.56 KB

File metadata and controls

232 lines (183 loc) · 5.56 KB

Most Wanted Modules

These are the most-wanted pure Raku modules (as opposed to native library bindings). These may be direct ports of Perl libraries, but that is not necessarily the case.

WIP Tags

If you start implementing a module, but it's not ready for the release to the public yet, please mark it in the list as WIP (Work In Progress) with a link to the repository, so other potential authors do not assume no one is working on this problem.

Once your work is added to the ecosystem, please remove it from the Most Wanted list, even if you're still fleshing out the module.

Please also add an issue with some explanation of why you think that's needed in the ecosystem.


  • GitLike

Cryptography and security

  • Crypto
    • GPG
    • Block cyphers
      • DES
      • Blowfish
      • Twofish
    • Full set of block cypher modes

Data formats

  • Archives
  • Textual interchange of structured data
  • File metadata
    • Image::Exiftool
  • XML-based formats
    • RSS/Atom

Data processing

  • Data::Visito
  • Deep::Clone


  • DBM?
  • NoSQL
  • CHI, Cache::Cache, or similar

Data Structures

  • Trees
    • Tree::BinaryTree
    • Tree::M-ary
    • Tree::AVL (WIP: Tree)


  • Corelist
  • Ecosystem
    • File::ShareDir
    • Pod::Cpandoc
    • Pod::Checker
    • Test::Pod
    • App::cpanoutdated (equivalent for panda)
  • App::Grindperl
  • Debugging (WIP: Rakudo::Debugger)
    • Carp::REPL
    • Devel::FindRef
    • Devel::PartialDump
  • Tracing
    • Devel::STDERR::Indent
  • Tidying
  • Editor/IDE interfaces
    • Vi::QuickFix?
  • Project lifecycle
    • Dist::Zilla
    • CPAN::Uploader
  • Deployment
    • cpanfile
    • Pinto


  • Graphics::Magick (port of Perl version)


i18n and NLP

Internationalization and Natural Language Processing

  • Unicode::Collate?
  • Unicode::UCD (WIP: Unicode::UCD)
  • Unicode::Tussle?
  • Unicode::LineBreak?
  • Encodings/charsets other than builtin UTF-8/Unicode
  • Maketext
  • Standard codes: (WIP: Unicode::CLDR, some related work in Intl::BCP47)
    • country
    • currency
    • language
    • script
  • Lingua::Stem::*


  • IPC::Cmd
  • DBus via sd-bus
  • Device::SerialPort


  • pluggable logging
    • Windows logging
    • file/handle


  • Email
    • Email::Sender
  • HTTP
    • RobotUA?
    • OAuth
    • Data::Session
    • CGI::Session::Auth
  • RPC
  • IRC
  • Other protocols
    • NNTP
    • Ping
  • Internet services
  • Security
    • Mozilla::CA
  • Automation
    • WWW::Mechanize


  • NumRa (NumPy equivalent) (WIP: NumRa)
  • SciRa (SciPy equivalent)
  • Pandas Binding
  • Polars Binding

Text processing

  • Regex/Grammar utilities
    • Regexp::Common
  • String utilities
    • Lisp::Format
  • Printing


  • Smoking and reporting
    • Test::Reporter
    • CPANTS
  • Harnesses
    • App::ForkProve
    • Test::Aggregate?
  • Test output
    • Test::Deep
    • Test::Pretty?
  • Completeness
    • Code coverage
  • Specific tests
    • Test::Requires
    • Test::Spelling
  • Simulation
    • Test::Without::Modu
  • Mocking

Time / Date / Calendar


  • IO::Select (WIP: IO::Select)
  • IO::Pty/IO::Pty::Easy
  • open2/open3
  • shared mem

User interfaces

  • Command line
    • Term::UI?
  • Terminal
    • Term::Cap (WIP: Term::Cap)
    • Term::Complete
    • Term::ReadLine
    • App::Ttyrec?
    • App::Termcast?
    • Term::KBD
  • Plotting/Charting/Graphing
    • Chart::Clicker


  • App::Ack - see App::Rak
  • Email::Filter