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JavaScript library for objects and collections transformations


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Collections and objects mutations: adding, removing, renaming properties, and merging




Mutamax JavaScript library provides convenient methods for common transformations of objects and collections:
adding, removing, renaming objects' properties, and merging. It also allows changing properties' values conditionally via:

  mutamax.replaceValueIfEquals(response, {
    property: ['savings', 'creditCards'],
    ifEquals: null,
    replaceWith: 0

The original object or collection is mutated. Only own and enumerable properties of objects will be affected.

It is especially useful for mass transformations inside collections - arrays of objects.

Most common use case for mutamax library is probably transforming data received from server as oftentimes it cannot be consumed by front-end right away: due to different naming, properties having null values instead of 0, undefined instead of empty string, etc. Also mutamax can be used for preparing data for POST/PUT requests as, again, often server cannot consume it in the form it exists on front-end.

Usage Example

Without mutamax library the example below would contain 2 nested loops with different manual transformations, in case response/request is a collection.

function fetchData() {
    .then(response => {

      // Let's clean up the response before putting it into <form /> on our webpage.

      // Some fields coming from server have naming that does not reflect how form controls   
      // are named on the interface. Plus they sound weird - `GrpSavAccount`!) 
      // We do not want to use this naming at all.
      mutamax.rename(response, {GrpSavAccount: 'savingsAccount', IDPartner: 'bankBranchId'})

      // Account balances can come as `null` if the account was not initialized yet,
      // but we cannot display `null` on the interface as it has no meaning for the user.
      // Let's correct it.
      mutamax.replaceValueIfEquals(response, {
        property: ['savingsAccountBalance', 'checkingAccountBalance'],
        ifEquals: null,
        replaceWith: 'N/A'

      this.response = response

function postData(request) {

  // Let's clean up the request now.

  // A 3d-party library that we use for forms polluted our data with unnecessary properties.
  mutamax.delete(request, ['_id', '_mousePos'])

  // Some values were not changed by the user, so let's change them back to server defaults.
  mutamax.replaceValueIfEquals(request, {
    property: ['savingsAccountBalance'],
    ifEquals: 'N/A',
    replaceWith: null

  // Let's do renaming of properties back into what they were to make server-side happy.
  mutamax.renameReverse(request, {GrpSavAccount: 'savingsAccount', IDPartner: 'branchId'})

  fetch('', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: request,
  }).then(response => alert('data posted'))


Using npm:

$ npm i -g npm
$ npm i mutamax

Note: add --save if you are using npm < 5.0.0


import mutamax from 'mutamax'



 * Add non-existing properties of an object to another object or collection.
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param {object|Array<object>} data The object or collection to which new properties will be added.
 * @param {object} props The object defining new properties and their values.
 * @returns {undefined} The passed `data` will be mutated, no specific return is needed.
 * @example
 * mutamax.add({a: 1, b: 'bats'}, {a: 2, hello: 'all'})
 * // => {a: 1, b: 'bats', hello: 'all'}
 * mutamax.add([{a: 1, b: 'bats'}, {c: 'color'}], {a: 2, hello: 'all'})
 * // => [{a: 1, b: 'bats', hello: 'all'}, {a: 2, c: 'color', hello: 'all'}]


 * Delete properties of an object or collection.
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param {object|Array<object>} data The object or collection from which properties will be deleted.
 * @param {string|Array<string>} props The string or array defining properties to be deleted.
 * @returns {undefined} The passed `data` will be mutated, no specific return is needed.
 * @example
 * mutamax.delete({a: 1, b: 'bats'}, 'a')
 * // => {b: 'bats'}
 * mutamax.delete({a: 1, b: 'bats', c: 'color'}, ['a', 'c'])
 * // => {b: 'bats'}
 * mutamax.delete([{a: 1, b: 'bats'}, {c: 'color' }], 'a')
 * // => [{b: 'bats'}, {c: 'color'}]
 * mutamax.delete([{a: 1, b: 'bats'}, {c: 'color' }], ['a', 'c'])
 * // => [{b: 'bats'}, {}]


 * Rename properties of an object or collection.
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param {object|Array<object>} data The object or collection whose properties need to be renamed.
 * @param {object} props The object defining the old property name in its key and the new property name in its value.
 * @returns {undefined} The passed `data` will be mutated, no specific return is needed.
 * @example
 * mutamax.rename({a: 1, b: 'bats', c: 'color'}, {b: 'mammals', c: 'orange'})
 * // => {a: 1, mammals: 'bats', orange: 'color'}
 * mutamax.rename([{a: 1, b: 'bats'}, {c: 'color'}], {b: 'mammals', c: 'orange'})
 * // => [{a: 1, mammals: 'bats'}, {orange: 'color'}]


 * Rename properties of an object or collection in the direction opposite to how rename method does it.
 * Rename and renameReverse applied one after the other with the same parameters will yield object or collection with original naming.
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param {object|Array<object>} data The object or collection whose properties need to be renamed.
 * @param {object} props The object defining the old property name in its value and the new property name in its key.
 * @returns {undefined} The passed `data` will be mutated, no specific return is needed.
 * @example
 * mutamax.renameReverse({a: 1, b: 'bats', c: 'color'}, {mammals: 'b', orange: 'c'})
 * // => {a: 1, mammals: 'bats', orange: 'color'}
 * mutamax.renameReverse([{a: 1, b: 'bats'}, {c: 'color', d: 'USD'}], {mammals: 'b', orange: 'c'})
 * // => [{a: 1, mammals: 'bats'}, {orange: 'color', d: 'USD'}]


 * Delete all properties of an object or collection except those specified by the second argument.
 * Cleans up `data` from unnecessary properties.
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param {object|Array<object>} data The object or collection whose properties need to be cleaned up.
 * @param {Array<string>} props The array defining properties that will be deleted from `data`.
 * @returns {undefined} The passed `data` will be mutated, no specific return is needed.
 * @example
 * mutamax.limitTo({a: 1, b: 'bats', c: 'color'}, ['a', 'c'])
 * // => {a: 1, c: 'color'}
 * mutamax.limitTo([{a: 1, b: 'bats'}, {c: 'color', d: 'USD'}], ['a', 'c'])
 * // => [{a: 1}, {c: 'color'}]


 * Replace values of specified properties to another value in case they are equal to `ifEquals`.
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param {object|Array<object>} data The object or collection where values transformations will take place.
 * @param {object} props The object defining property(s) whose values need to be changed.
 * @returns {undefined} The passed `data` will be mutated, no specific return is needed.
 * @example
 * mutamax.replaceValueIfEquals({a: 1, b: null}, {property: 'b', ifEquals: null, replaceWith: ''})
 * // => {a: 1, b: ''}
 * mutamax.replaceValueIfEquals({a: undefined, b: undefined, c: true}, {property: ['a', 'b'], ifEquals: undefined, replaceWith: null})
 * // => {a: null, b: null, c: true}
 * mutamax.replaceValueIfEquals([{a: 1, b: 'bats'}, {a: 2, b: undefined}], {property: 'b', ifEquals: undefined, replaceWith: ''})
 * // => [{a: 1, b: 'bats'}, {a: 2, b: ''}]
 * mutamax.replaceValueIfEquals([{a: '', b: ''}, {a: '', b: 'fruit'}], {property: ['a', 'b'], ifEquals: '', replaceWith: null})
 * // => [{a: null, b: null}, {a: null, b: 'fruit'}]


 * Replace all values of object or collection - which equal to `ifEquals` - to another value.
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param {object|Array<object>} data The object or collection where values transformations will take place.
 * @param {object} props The object defining values that need to be changed.
 * @returns {undefined} The passed `data` will be mutated, no specific return is needed.
 * @example
 * mutamax.replaceAllValuesIfEquals({a: 1, b: null, c: null}, {ifEquals: null, replaceWith: ''})
 * // => {a: 1, b: '', c: ''}
 * mutamax.replaceAllValuesIfEquals([{a: undefined, b: 'bats'}, {a: undefined, b: undefined}], {ifEquals: undefined, replaceWith: ''})
 * // => [{a: '', b: 'bats'}, {a: '', b: ''}]


 * Capitalize first property character of object or collection.
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param {object|Array<object>} data The object or collection whose properties need to be changed
 * @returns {undefined} The passed `data` will be mutated, no specific return is needed.
 * @example
 * mutamax.capitalizeFirstChar({a: 1, mammal: 'bats', color: 'c'})
 * // => {A: 1, Mammal: 'bats', Color: 'c'}
 * mutamax.capitalizeFirstChar([{a: 1, mammal: 'bats'}, {color: 'c'}])
 * // => [{A: 1, Mammal: 'bats'}, {Color: 'c'}]


 * Decapitalize the first properties' character of object or collection.
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param {object|Array<object>} data The object or collection whose properties need to be changed
 * @returns {undefined} The passed `data` will be mutated, no specific return is needed.
 * @example
 * mutamax.deCapitalizeFirstChar({A: 1, Mammal: 'bats', Color: 'c'})
 * // => {a: 1, mammal: 'bats', color: 'c'}
 * mutamax.deCapitalizeFirstChar([{A: 1, Mammal: 'bats'}, {Color: 'c'}])
 * // => [{a: 1, mammal: 'bats'}, {color: 'c'}]


 * Transforms `data` key-value pares by running each element of `data` through `iteratee`.
 * The iteratee is invoked with two arguments: key and value.
 * The expected output of iteratee is: {newKey: 'myNewKey', newValue: 'my-new-value'}.
 * `newKey` and/or `newValue` can be the same as before or transformed.
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param {object|Array<object>} data The object/collection to iterate over.
 * @param {Function} iteratee The iteratee to transform key/value pares. Expected output of iteratee is: {newKey: 'myNewKey', newValue: 'my-new-value'}
 * @returns {undefined} The passed `data` will be mutated, no specific return is needed.
 * @example
 *{a: 1, b: 'bats'}, function (key, value) {
 *     let newValue
 *     if (typeof value == 'number') {
 *         newValue = value.toString()
 *     } else {
 *         newValue = value
 *     }
 *     return {newKey: key.toUpperCase(), newValue: newValue}
 * })
 * // => {A: '1', B: 'bats'}
 *[{a: 1, b: 'bats'}, {c: 'color'}], function (key, value) {
 *     let newKey, newValue
 *     if (typeof value == 'number') {
 *         newValue = value.toString()
 *     } else if (typeof value == 'string')  {
 *         newValue = value.toUpperCase()
 *     }
 *     return {newKey: key, newValue: newValue}
 * })
 * // => [{a: '1', b: 'BATS'}, {c: 'COLOR'}]


 * Merge properties of an object into another object or collection.
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param {object|Array<object>} data The object or collection into which new properties will be merged.
 * @param {object} props The object defining merged properties and their values.
 * @returns {undefined} The passed `data` will be mutated, no specific return is needed.
 * @example
 * mutamax.merge({a: 1, b: 'bats'}, {a: 2, hello: 'all'})
 * // => {a: 2, b: 'bats', hello: 'all'}
 * mutamax.merge([{a: 1, b: 'bats'}, {c: 'color'}], {a: 2, hello: 'all'})
 * // => [{a: 2, b: 'bats', hello: 'all'}, {a: 2, c: 'color', hello: 'all'}]


 * Checks if value is an object.
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param {*} value The value to check.
 * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an object, else `false`.
 * @example
 * mutamax.isObject({})
 * // => true
 * mutamax.isObject(new Object())
 * // => true
 * mutamax.isObject(Object('abc'))
 * // => false
 * mutamax.isObject(null)
 * // => false
 * mutamax.isObject((function getArgumentsObject() { return arguments })())
 * // => false


 * Checks if value is an array.
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param {*} value The value to check.
 * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an object, else `false`.
 * @example
 * mutamax.isArray([])
 * // => true
 * mutamax.isArray(new Array())
 * // => true
 * mutamax.isArray(Object('abc'))
 * // => false
 * mutamax.isArray(null)
 * // => false
 * mutamax.isArray((function getArgumentsObject() { return arguments })())
 * // => false


 * The semantic version number.
 * @static
 * @type {string}
 * @example
 * console.log(mutamax.VERSION)
 * // => 0.2.2