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Ralack edited this page Aug 11, 2013 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the EMDR Gatherer wiki!


What is EMDR Gatherer?

EMDR Gatherer subscribes to the Eve Online Market Data feed and inserts it into a MSSQL database. It provides several options to manage the rate of data growth and tune the feed to your needs.

What it is not!

This is a data acquisition platform with a few embedded data management functions. It DOES NOT, nor will it EVER, actually analyze the data for you. The Eve markets are competitive enough without someone building advanced analysis tools for the masses. That task is for you to complete on your own if you want to take advantage of the data it collects.

Current Status

The system is currently pre-alpha. It has been tested on the development platform only and is in a constant state of change. As such, the current commit may or may not be operational. I recommend that the average non-developer not attempt to use this until I can release at least an installable Beta version.

System Requirements


This was written as a personal project and nothing more. Only after I had it working did I decide to share it with the community in general. I am sorry if my choice of tools hampers your ability to use it, but this is still nothing more than a personal project at this time. If there is enough interest in the project, I will consider porting it to other compilers, database platforms, and/or operating systems in the future. For now however, it is just a personal project that I am sharing with the community.

The system requirements are mostly untested at this point. I will update this page as I have an opportunity to test them or I am notified of successful deployments.


EMDR Gatherer is released under the MIT license. As far as I can tell, this is compatible with the libraries I have used which all use LGPL or MS-PL. If you find that I have inadvertently missed something please let me know so I can correct it. I am not a licensing guru and would not be surprised if I messed up and need to correct something.

This is a derivative work and as such all copyright holders retain their rights as defined in their respective licenses.