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Auto merge of #100996 - m-ou-se:format-args-2, r=estebank
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Rewrite and refactor format_args!() builtin macro.

This is a near complete rewrite of `compiler/rustc_builtin_macros/src/`.

This gets rid of the massive unmaintanable [`Context` struct](, and splits the macro expansion into three parts:

1. First, `parse_args` will parse the `(literal, arg, arg, name=arg, name=arg)` syntax, but doesn't parse the template (the literal) itself.
2. Second, `make_format_args` will parse the template, the format options, resolve argument references, produce diagnostics, and turn the whole thing into a `FormatArgs` structure.
3. Finally, `expand_parsed_format_args` will turn that `FormatArgs` structure into the expression that the macro expands to.

In other words, the `format_args` builtin macro used to be a hard-to-maintain 'single pass compiler', which I've split into a three phase compiler with a parser/tokenizer (step 1), semantic analysis (step 2), and backend (step 3). (It's compilers all the way down. ^^)

This can serve as a great starting point for rust-lang/rust#99012, which will only need to change the implementation of 3, while leaving step 1 and 2 unchanged.

It also makes rust-lang/compiler-team#541 easier, which could then upgrade the new `FormatArgs` struct to an `ast` node and remove step 3, moving that step to later in the compilation process.

It also fixes a few diagnostics bugs.

This also [significantly reduces]( the amount of generated code for cases with arguments in non-default order without formatting options, like `"{1} {0}"` or `"{a} {}"`, etc.
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bors committed Sep 28, 2022
2 parents f033528 + 75f881a commit 2043890
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