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Setup SpringBoot + Spring Security

It is used to setup security for web login (Authentication) and url access (Authorization).

In this project we can use any types of authentication.

Access Control Type

Here we can control web security access through three types:

  1. In Memory Based Access
  2. Role Based Access
  3. Group Based Access
1. Setup In Memory Based Access

For this we do not need to create the db schema.

Step1: Create a userdetails.csv and keep it on a server directory.

Csv contain the following information:

  1. username (Example: Jack)
  2. password (It should store in hashed form. Example: $2a$15$lHbHDP8sdVRVotSVbAZw9ONdLf0MDQbGr6hKakucqJDjuGhnHQOXW)
  3. role (Example: ADMIN or USER)

Step2: Update the file with access control type and csv path.

  1. access.control.type=IN_MEMORY
  2. inMemory.csv.path=/Users/rameshkatiyar/IdeaProjects/app-one/properties/userdetails.csv
2. Setup Role Based Access

Step1: Create the schemas users and authorities.

create table users( username varchar(50) NOT NULL, password varchar(250) NOT NULL, enabled boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, primary key(username) );

create table authorities ( user_role_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, username varchar(50) NOT NULL, authority varchar(40) NOT NULL, UNIQUE (username,authority), FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES users (username) );

Update both the tables with respective entries.


  • insert into users(username,password,enabled) VALUES ('jack','$2a$15$lHbHDP8sdVRVotSVbAZw9ONdLf0MDQbGr6hKakucqJDjuGhnHQOXW', true);

  • insert into users(username,password,enabled) VALUES ('peter','$2a$15$lHbHDP8sdVRVotSVbAZw9ONdLf0MDQbGr6hKakucqJDjuGhnHQOXW', true);

  • insert into authorities (username, authority) VALUES ('jack', 'ROLE_USER');

  • insert into authorities (username, authority) VALUES ('jack', 'ROLE_ADMIN');

  • insert into authorities (username, authority) VALUES ('peter', 'ROLE_USER');

Step2: Update the file with access control type ROLE_BASED.


Step3: Add the data source properties in property file to connect the db.

Example: For Postgre Database.

  • spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/testdb
  • spring.datasource.username=rameshkatiyar
  • spring.datasource.password=
  • spring.jpa.generate-ddl=true
3. Setup Group Based Access

Step1: Create the schemas groups, group_authorities and group_members.

create table groups ( id bigint generated by default as identity(start with 1) primary key, group_name varchar(256) not null );

create table group_authorities ( group_id bigint not null, authority varchar(256) not null, constraint fk_group_authorities_group foreign key(group_id) references groups(id) );

create table group_members ( id bigint generated by default as identity(start with 0) primary key, username varchar(256) not null, group_id bigint not null, constraint fk_group_members_group foreign key(group_id) references groups(id) );

Update all the tables with respective entries.


  • insert into groups(group_name) values ('Users');

  • insert into groups(group_name) values ('Administrators');

  • insert into group_authorities(group_id, authority) select id,'ROLE_USER' from groups where group_name='Users';

  • insert into group_authorities(group_id, authority) select id,'ROLE_USER' from groups where group_name='Administrators';

  • insert into group_authorities(group_id, authority) select id,'ROLE_ADMIN' from groups where group_name='Administrators';

  • insert into group_members(group_id, username) select id,'jack' from groups where group_name='Users';

  • insert into group_members(group_id, username) select id,'peter' from groups where group_name='Administrators';

Step2: Update the file with access control type GROUP_BASED.


Step3: Add the data source properties in property file to connect the db.


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