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Bookstore CMS App Frontend with React and Redux

In this project React and Redux are used to build the front-end of the bookstore application that will help to the fictional bookseller company to organize and manage their bookstore. It must be fast, dynamic and responsive to user actions. Therefore I decided to build it with React & Redux. The specific UI is implemented besides the functionality of the app. The github workflow, ESLint and Stylelint [linter guidlines by Microverse](linters-config/javascript at master · m…) is followed. Several ESLint plugins are required to use, such as eslint-config-airbnb. All of them can be checked in the eslintrc.json file.




Video presentation

  • Soon will be here.

Milestones of the project.

  • Miltestone 1 - Basic project structure
    • Import necessary libraries and remove unnecessary files.
  • Miltestone 2 - Components and Redux store are implemented. The following tasks are done:
    • Prepare the directory structure
    • Implement the App component
    • Implement the BooksList component
    • Implement the Book component
    • Implement the BooksForm component
    • Define the Redux actions and reducers
    • Initialize the Redux store
    • Create fake books with the help of faker library.
    • Introduce mapStateToProps to reach the state as a props in container components.
  • Miltestone 3 - Interactive form is created and configured. The following tasks are done:
    • Make the BooksForm component stateful.
    • Connect the CREATE_BOOK action to the component.
    • Connect the REMOVE_BOOK action to the component.
  • Miltestone 4 - Category filter is implemented. The following tasks are done:
    • Add a new presentational component CategoryFilter which is a simple select box.
    • Enhance the Redux store to keep information about the current books filter.
    • Create a new Redux action CHANGE_FILTER and a filter.js reducer which modifier filter in Redux store.
    • Implement the CategoryFilter component which renders a select box with filter categories.
    • Render the CategoryFilter component in the BooksList component.
    • Implement the handleFilterChange method which modifies the filter state in the Redux store and it is passed down as a prop to CategoryFilter.
    • Implemented a conditional method which decides which books should be shown in the table depending on the filter value from Redux store.
  • Miltestone 5 - The specific UI design is implemented and the following tasks are done:
    • Added style classes for the BooksList component.
    • Added style classes for the BooksForm component.
    • Recharts library is used to visualize the percentage with piechart.
    • The design is implemented with Pure CSS with Flexbox, none of the extra ui library like Bootstrap is used.

Built With


Clone the repo by tuping

git clone

Install packages with

  npm install

Start server with:

  npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.


👤 Ramin Mammadzada


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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.


A frontend application for bookstore CMS which is build by using React and Redux.







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