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Ansible scripts to build CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework) for Linux

This repository contains scripts to build CEF for Linux in a cloud environment.

Initialy only Azure is supported, but more can be added later.

Usage (Azure)

Ansible should be installed with the Azure plugin, and configured with a service principal in the ~/.azure/credentials file in the default section. If the Azure configuration isn't made this way, the upload to blob storage will fail.

Copy azure_config_default.yaml to azure_config.yaml and edit its parameters. At least the admin_password must be set with a password compatible with Azure (mix of lowercase, uppercase, number and symbol).

ansible-playbook azure_build.yaml --extra-vars "@azure_config.yaml"

This process takes approximately 4:30 hours, 2:30 of it building in a high spec machine, the rest in a medium spec one.

Process (Azure)

  • Provision a VM with medium specs (by default a 4 vcpu with premium SSD) for the setup in a resource group named rg-cefbuild-linux.
  • Create, partition and format a separate 250GB managed disk to store the source and compilation, mounting it in /cefbuild.
  • Install the build dependencies using apt.
  • Download the CEF build scripts and source code, using the tool.
  • Switch to a high spec VM for the compilation phase (by default a 64 vcpu with premium SDD. You need to ask for a quota increase in Azure to use this VM).
  • Compile CEF in release and debug modes, also generating the binary distribution.
  • Upload the resulting binary distribution to Azure Blob Storage, in the sacsweb01 storage account, container fl-cs-web01.
  • Stop the VM without destroying it.

You should destroy the rg-cefbuild-linux resource group when you confirm everything went smoothly.


  • admin_password: the password for the cefuser user of the Linux VM. You can use this password to connect to the machine using SSH.
  • azure_location [default: eastus]: the Azure datacenter location to use.
  • azure_upload_distrib_blob [default: true]: whether to upload the generated binary distrib to Azure Blob Storage.
  • azure_vm_size_setup [default: Standard_DS3_v2]: the vm size to use when setting up the machine and downloading the CEF source code.
  • azure_vm_size_build [default: Standard_D64s_v3]: the vm size to use when compiling CEF.
  • azure_managed_disk_type [default: Premium_LRS]: the managed disk type to use on the vm.
  • cef_branch [default: 4324]: the CEF branch to build
  • cef_gn_defines [default: is_official_build=true proprietary_codecs=true ffmpeg_branding=Chrome use_sysroot=true use_allocator=none symbol_level=1 is_cfi=false use_thin_lto=false]: the Chromium compile defines. The default enables video playing with ffmpeg.


Rangel Reale (








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