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RaphaelGauthier committed Jul 6, 2023
1 parent 28f4063 commit 2353473
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Showing 8 changed files with 309 additions and 65 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
module TechniqueVersion.DataTypes exposing (..)

import Http exposing (Error)
import Http.Detailed

-- All our data types

type alias Technique =
{ version : String
, isDeprecated : Bool
, deprecationMessage : String
, acceptationDate : String
, dscSupport : Bool
, classicSupport : Bool
, multiVersionSupport : String
, mvsMessage : String
, action : String

type alias UI =
{ hasWriteRights : Bool
, displayDeprecated : Bool

type alias Model =
{ contextPath : String
, ui : UI
, techniques : List Technique

type Msg
= Ignore String
| CallApi (Model -> Cmd Msg)
| Create String
| ToggleDeprecated Bool
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
port module TechniqueVersion.Init exposing (..)

import Http exposing (Error)
import Task
import Json.Decode exposing (..)
import Json.Decode.Pipeline as D exposing (..)

import TechniqueVersion.DataTypes exposing (..)

port createDirective : String -> Cmd msg
port errorNotification : String -> Cmd msg
port initTooltips : String -> Cmd msg

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =

init : { contextPath : String, hasWriteRights : Bool, versions : List Technique } -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init flags =
initUi = UI flags.hasWriteRights False
initModel = Model flags.contextPath initUi flags.versions
( initModel , Cmd.none )
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@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
module TechniqueVersion.View exposing (..)

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, type_, value, checked, id, disabled, for, attribute, title)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onCheck)
import List
import List.Extra exposing (last)
import String

import TechniqueVersion.DataTypes exposing (..)
import TechniqueVersion.ViewUtils exposing (..)

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [id "techniqueVersion"]
[ h4[][text "Available versions"]
, table [id "versionTable"]
[ thead[]
[ tr[]
[ th[][text "Version"]
, th[][text "Instances"]
, th[][text "Agent type"]
, th[][text "Last updated on"]
, if model.ui.hasWriteRights then th[][text "Use this version"] else text ""
, tbody[](displayTechniqueRow model)
, div [class "checkbox-group"]
[ input [id "displayDeprecation", type_ "checkbox", checked model.ui.displayDeprecated , onCheck (\b -> ToggleDeprecated b)][]
, label [for "displayDeprecation"][text "Display deprecated Technique versions"]
, ( if model.ui.hasWriteRights then
createAction = case last model.techniques of
Just t -> (Create t.action)
Nothing -> (Ignore "Unknwown technique version")
div [class "space-top"]
[ button [type_ "button", id "addButton", class "btn btn-success new-icon", onClick createAction ] -- ng-click "techniques[techniques.length-1].action()"
[ text "Create with latest version"]
text ""
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
module TechniqueVersion.ViewUtils exposing (..)

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput, custom, onCheck)
import List

import TechniqueVersion.DataTypes exposing (..)

displayTechniqueRow : Model -> List (Html Msg)
displayTechniqueRow model =
techniques = model.techniques
row : Technique -> Html Msg
row technique =
if technique.isDeprecated && not model.ui.displayDeprecated then
text ""
[ td[]
[ text technique.version
, ( if technique.isDeprecated then
[ class "glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign text-danger deprecatedTechniqueIcon bsTooltip"
, attribute "data-toggle" "tooltip"
, attribute "data-placement" "top"
, attribute "data-html" "true"
, title ("Deprecated: " ++ technique.deprecationMessage)
text ""
, td[]
[ text technique.multiVersionSupport
, span
[ class "fa fa-question-circle bsTooltip multiversion-icon"
, attribute "data-toggle" "tooltip"
, attribute "data-placement" "top"
, attribute "data-html" "true"
, title technique.mvsMessage
, td[]
[ ( if technique.classicSupport then
[ class "fa fa-gear bsTooltip"
, attribute "data-toggle" "tooltip"
, attribute "data-placement" "top"
, attribute "data-html" "true"
, title "This Technique version is compatible with the <b>classic</b> agent."
text ""
, ( if technique.dscSupport then
[ class "dsc-icon bsTooltip"
, attribute "data-toggle" "tooltip"
, attribute "data-placement" "top"
, attribute "data-html" "true"
, title "This Technique version is compatible with the <b class='dsc'>Window</b> agent."
text ""
, td[]
[ text technique.acceptationDate
, if model.ui.hasWriteRights then
[ button [type_ "button", class "btn btn-success new-icon btn-xs", onClick (Create technique.action)] -- ng-click "technique.action()"
[ text "Create Directive" ]
text ""
techniques |> row

-- Here we are building an html snippet that will be placed inside an attribute, so
-- we can't easily use the Html type as there is no built-in way to serialize it manually.
-- This means it will be vulnerable to XSS on its parameters (here the description).
-- We resort to escaping it manually here.
buildTooltipContent : String -> String -> String
buildTooltipContent title content =
headingTag = "<h4 class='tags-tooltip-title'>"
contentTag = "</h4><div class='tooltip-inner-content'>"
closeTag = "</div>"
escapedTitle = htmlEscape title
escapedContent = htmlEscape content
headingTag ++ escapedTitle ++ contentTag ++ escapedContent ++ closeTag

htmlEscape : String -> String
htmlEscape s =
String.replace "&" "&amp;" s
|> String.replace ">" "&gt;"
|> String.replace "<" "&lt;"
|> String.replace "\"" "&quot;"
|> String.replace "'" "&#x27;"
|> String.replace "\\" "&#x2F;"
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
module Techniqueversion exposing (..)

import Browser
import Dict
import Dict.Extra
import Http exposing (..)
import Http.Detailed as Detailed
import Result
import List.Extra
import Random
import UUID
import Json.Encode exposing (..)
import Task

import TechniqueVersion.DataTypes exposing (..)
import TechniqueVersion.Init exposing (..)
import TechniqueVersion.View exposing (view)

main = Browser.element
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions

-- update loop --
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
-- Do an API call
CallApi call ->
(model, call model)

Ignore txt ->
(model, errorNotification txt)

Create action ->
(model , (createDirective action))

ToggleDeprecated check ->
ui = model.ui
newModel = { model | ui = { ui | displayDeprecated = check } }
(newModel, initTooltips "")
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ class DirectiveManagement extends DispatchSnippet with Loggable {
} else NodeSeq.Empty
} &
"#techniqueVersion *+" #> showVersions(fullActiveTechnique, validTechniqueVersions)
"#techniqueversion-app *+" #> showVersions(fullActiveTechnique, validTechniqueVersions)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -405,18 +405,35 @@ class DirectiveManagement extends DispatchSnippet with Loggable {
("classicSupport" -> classicSupport),
("multiVersionSupport" -> multiVersionSupport),
("mvsMessage" -> mvsMessage),
("action" -> action)
("action" -> action.toJsCmd)
val dataArray = JsArray(techniqueVersionInfo.toList)

angular.bootstrap('#techniqueDetails', ['techniqueDetails']);
var scope = angular.element($$("#techniqueVersion")).scope();
} );
|var main = document.getElementById("techniqueversion-app");
|var initValues = {
| contextPath : "${S.contextPath}"
| , hasWriteRights : hasWriteRights
| , versions : ${dataArray.toJsCmd}
|var app = Elm.Techniqueversion.init({node: main , flags: initValues});
|// Initialize tooltips
|app.ports.initTooltips.subscribe(function(msg) {
| setTimeout(function(){
| $$('.bs-tooltip').bsTooltip();
| }, 400);
|app.ports.errorNotification.subscribe(function(msg) {
| createErrorNotification(msg);
|app.ports.createDirective.subscribe(function(fx) {
| console.log(fx);
| func = eval(fx);
| func();

///////////// finish migration pop-up ///////////////
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,8 @@
display: none;
#versionTable + .checkbox-group{
margin-top: 10px;
cursor: pointer;
#versionTable + .checkbox-group input{
margin: 0px 2px 0px 0px;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,4 +303,10 @@

.rudder-template .template-sidebar + .template-main .main-details .input-group-btn .dropdown-toggle {
height: 31px;

/* === TECHNIQUE === */
#versionTable > thead > tr > th:last-child,
#versionTable > tbody > tr > td:last-child{
display: table-cell !important;

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