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RaphaelGauthier committed Aug 20, 2021
1 parent 24f44e4 commit f3b9bd2
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Showing 10 changed files with 201 additions and 25 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ getRulesCompliance model =
send GetRulesComplianceResult req

saveRuleDetails : Rule -> Bool -> Model -> Cmd Msg
saveRuleDetails : Rule -> Bool -> Model -> Cmd Msg
saveRuleDetails ruleDetails creation model =
(method, url) = if creation then ("PUT","/rules") else ("POST", ("/rules/"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,6 +153,23 @@ saveDisableAction ruleDetails model =
send SaveDisableAction req

saveCategoryDetails : (Category Rule) -> Bool -> Model -> Cmd Msg
saveCategoryDetails category creation model =
(method, url) = if creation then ("PUT","/rules/categories") else ("POST", ("/rules/categories/"
req =
{ method = method
, headers = []
, url = getUrl model url
, body = encodeCategoryDetails category |> jsonBody
, expect = expectJson decodeGetCategoryDetails
, timeout = Nothing
, withCredentials = False
send SaveCategoryResult req

deleteRule : Rule -> Model -> Cmd Msg
deleteRule rule model =
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -57,11 +57,12 @@ type alias Technique =

type alias Category a =
{ id : String
, name : String
, subElems : SubCategories a
, elems : List a
{ id : String
, name : String
, description : String
, subElems : SubCategories a
, elems : List a

type SubCategories a = SubCategories (List (Category a))
type alias Group =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,7 +146,9 @@ type alias ComplianceDetails =

type alias EditRuleDetails = { originRule : Rule, rule : Rule, tab : TabMenu, editDirectives: Bool, editGroups : Bool, newTag : Tag }

type Mode = Loading | RuleTable | EditRule EditRuleDetails | CreateRule EditRuleDetails
type alias EditCategoryDetails = { originCategory : Category Rule, category : Category Rule, tab : TabMenu}

type Mode = Loading | RuleTable | EditRule EditRuleDetails | CreateRule EditRuleDetails | EditCategory EditCategoryDetails

type alias Model =
{ contextPath : String
Expand All @@ -166,16 +169,19 @@ type Msg
| EditGroups Bool
| GetRuleDetailsResult (Result Error Rule)
| OpenRuleDetails RuleId
| CloseRuleDetails
| OpenCategoryDetails (Category Rule)
| CloseDetails
| SelectGroup RuleTarget Bool
| UpdateRule Rule
| UpdateCategory (Category Rule)
| NewRule RuleId
| UpdateNewTag Tag
| CallApi (Model -> Cmd Msg)
| GetPolicyModeResult (Result Error String)
| GetRulesComplianceResult (Result Error (List RuleCompliance))
| SaveRuleDetails (Result Error Rule)
| SaveDisableAction (Result Error Rule)
| SaveCategoryResult (Result Error (Category Rule))
| GetRulesResult (Result Error (Category Rule))
| GetGroupsTreeResult (Result Error (Category Group))
| GetTechniquesTreeResult (Result Error ((Category Technique, List Technique)))
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Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ init : { contextPath : String } -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init flags =

initCategory = Category "" "" (SubCategories []) []
initCategory = Category "" "" "" (SubCategories []) []
initModel = Model flags.contextPath Loading "" initCategory initCategory initCategory [] [] Nothing

listInitActions =
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Expand Up @@ -13,22 +13,30 @@ decodeGetPolicyMode =

decodeCategoryWithLeaves : String -> String -> String -> Decoder a -> Decoder ((Category a), List a)
decodeCategoryWithLeaves idIdentifier categoryIdentifier elemIdentifier elemDecoder =
map4 (\id name subCats elems -> (Category id name (SubCategories ( Tuple.first subCats)) elems, List.concat [ elems, List.concatMap Tuple.second subCats ] ))
(field idIdentifier D.string)
(field "name" D.string)
(field categoryIdentifier (D.list (D.lazy (\_ -> (decodeCategoryWithLeaves idIdentifier categoryIdentifier elemIdentifier elemDecoder)))))
(field elemIdentifier (D.list elemDecoder))

D.map5 (\id name description subCats elems -> (Category id name description (SubCategories ( Tuple.first subCats)) elems, List.concat [ elems, List.concatMap Tuple.second subCats ] ))
(field idIdentifier D.string)
(field "name" D.string)
(field "description" D.string)
(field categoryIdentifier (D.list (D.lazy (\_ -> (decodeCategoryWithLeaves idIdentifier categoryIdentifier elemIdentifier elemDecoder)))))
(field elemIdentifier (D.list elemDecoder))

decodeCategory : String -> String -> String -> Decoder a -> Decoder (Category a)
decodeCategory idIdentifier categoryIdentifier elemIdentifier elemDecoder =
succeed Category
|> required idIdentifier D.string
|> required "name" D.string
|> required "description" D.string
|> required categoryIdentifier ( SubCategories (D.list (D.lazy (\_ -> (decodeCategory idIdentifier categoryIdentifier elemIdentifier elemDecoder)))))
|> required elemIdentifier (D.list elemDecoder)

decodeCategoryDetails : Decoder (Category Rule)
decodeCategoryDetails =
succeed Category
|> required "id" D.string
|> required "name" D.string
|> required "description" D.string
|> hardcoded (SubCategories [])
|> hardcoded []

decodeGetRulesTree = [ "data" , "ruleCategories" ] (decodeCategory "id" "categories" "rules" decodeRule)
Expand All @@ -37,6 +45,10 @@ decodeGetRuleDetails : Decoder Rule
decodeGetRuleDetails = [ "data" , "rules" ] (index 0 decodeRule)

decodeGetCategoryDetails : Decoder (Category Rule)
decodeGetCategoryDetails = [ "data" , "ruleCategories" ] decodeCategoryDetails

decodeRule : Decoder Rule
decodeRule =
D.succeed Rule
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ encodeRuleDetails ruleDetails =
, ("tags" , list encodeTags ruleDetails.tags )

encodeCategoryDetails: (Category Rule) -> Value
encodeCategoryDetails category =
object [
("name" , string )
, ("description" , string category.description )

encodeDirectives: Directive -> Value
encodeDirectives directive=
object [
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Expand Up @@ -115,7 +115,10 @@ update msg model =
OpenRuleDetails rId ->
(model, (getRuleDetails model rId))

CloseRuleDetails ->
OpenCategoryDetails category ->
({model | mode = EditCategory (EditCategoryDetails category category Information )}, Cmd.none)

CloseDetails ->
( { model | mode = RuleTable } , Cmd.none )

GetRulesComplianceResult res ->
Expand All @@ -125,6 +128,14 @@ update msg model =
Err err ->
(model, Cmd.none)

UpdateCategory category ->
case model.mode of
EditCategory details ->
({model | mode = EditCategory {details | category = category}}, Cmd.none)
--CreateRule details ->
--({model | mode = CreateRule {details | rule = rule}}, Cmd.none)
_ -> (model, Cmd.none)

SelectGroup groupId includeBool->
updateTargets : Rule -> Rule
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,7 +197,6 @@ update msg model =
_ -> (model, Cmd.none)

SaveRuleDetails (Ok ruleDetails) ->
-- TODO // Update Rules List
case model.mode of
EditRule details ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,14 +226,30 @@ update msg model =
SaveDisableAction (Err err) ->
processApiError "Changing rule state" err model

SaveCategoryResult (Ok category) ->
-- TODO // Update Rules List
case model.mode of
EditCategory details ->
oldCategory = details.category
newCategory = {category | subElems = oldCategory.subElems, elems = oldCategory.elems}
({model | mode = EditCategory {details | originCategory = newCategory, category = newCategory}}, successNotification ("Category '"++ ++"' successfully saved"))
--CreateRule details ->
-- ({model | mode = EditRule {details | originRule = ruleDetails, rule = ruleDetails}}, successNotification ("Rule '"++ ++"' successfully created"))
_ -> (model, Cmd.none)

SaveCategoryResult (Err err) ->
processApiError "Saving Category" err model

DeleteRule (Ok (ruleId, ruleName)) ->
-- TODO // Update Rules List
case model.mode of
EditRule r ->
newMode = if == ruleId then RuleTable else model.mode
newMode = if == ruleId then RuleTable else model.mode
newModel = { model | mode = newMode }
({ model | mode = newMode}, successNotification ("Successfully deleted rule '" ++ ruleName ++ "' (id: "++ ruleId.value ++")"))
(newModel, Cmd.batch [(successNotification ("Successfully deleted rule '" ++ ruleName ++ "' (id: "++ ruleId.value ++")")), (getRulesTree newModel)])
_ -> (model, Cmd.none)

DeleteRule (Err err) ->
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import NaturalOrdering exposing (compareOn)
import ApiCalls exposing (..)
import ViewRulesTable exposing (..)
import ViewRuleDetails exposing (..)

import ViewCategoryDetails exposing (..)

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ view model =
li[class "jstree-node jstree-open"]
[ i[class "jstree-icon jstree-ocl"][]
, a[href "#", class "jstree-anchor"]
, a[href "#", class "jstree-anchor", onClick (OpenCategoryDetails item)]
[ i [class "jstree-icon jstree-themeicon fa fa-folder jstree-themeicon-custom"][]
, span [class "treeGroupCategoryName tooltipable"][text]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,6 +77,9 @@ view model =
CreateRule details ->
(editionTemplate model details True)

EditCategory details ->
(editionTemplateCat model details False)

modal = case model.modal of
Nothing -> text ""
Just (DeletionValidation rule) ->
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@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
module ViewCategoryDetails exposing (..)

import DataTypes exposing (..)
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, i, span, text, h1, h4, ul, li, input, a, p, form, label, textarea, select, option, table, thead, tbody, tr, th, td, small)
import Html.Attributes exposing (id, class, type_, placeholder, value, for, href, colspan, rowspan, style, selected, disabled, attribute)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput)
import List.Extra
import List
import String exposing ( fromFloat)
import NaturalOrdering exposing (compareOn)
import ApiCalls exposing (..)
import ViewTabContent exposing (buildListCategories)

-- This file contains all methods to display the details of the selected category.

editionTemplateCat : Model -> EditCategoryDetails -> Bool -> Html Msg
editionTemplateCat model details isNewCat =
originCat = details.originCategory
category = details.category
categoryTitle = if (String.isEmpty && isNewCat) then
span[style "opacity" "0.4"][text "New category"]

topButtons =
disableWhileCreating = case model.mode of
EditCategory _ -> ""
_ -> " disabled"
[ li [] [
a [ class ("action-success"++disableWhileCreating) ] --, onClick (GenerateId (\r -> CloneRule originRule (RuleId r)))]
[ i [ class "fa fa-clone"] []
, text "Clone"
, li [class "divider"][]
, li [] [
a [ class ("action-danger"++disableWhileCreating) ] --, onClick (OpenDeletionPopup rule)]
[ i [ class "fa fa-times-circle"] []
, text "Delete"

div [class "main-container"]
[ div [class "main-header "]
[ div [class "header-title"]
[ h1[]
[ i [class "title-icon fa fa-folder"][]
, categoryTitle
, div[class "header-buttons"]
[ div [ class "btn-group" ]
[ button [ class "btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" , attribute "data-toggle" "dropdown" ] [
text "Actions "
, i [ class "caret" ] []
, ul [ class "dropdown-menu" ] topButtons
, button [class "btn btn-default", type_ "button", onClick CloseDetails]
[ text "Close", i [ class "fa fa-times"][]]
, button [class "btn btn-success", type_ "button", onClick (CallApi (saveCategoryDetails category isNewCat))]
[ text "Save", i [ class "fa fa-download"][]]
, div [class "header-description"]
[ p[][text ""] ]
, div [class "main-navbar" ]
[ ul[class "ui-tabs-nav "]
[ li[class "ui-tabs-tab ui-tabs-active"]
[ a[][ text "Information" ]
, div [class "main-details"]
[ div[class "row"][
form[class "col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-7"]
[ div [class "form-group"]
[ label[for "category-name"][text "Name"]
, div[]
[ input[ id "category-name", type_ "text", value, class "form-control" , onInput (\s -> UpdateCategory {category | name = s} ) ][] ]
, div [class "form-group"]
[ label[for "category-parent"][text "Parent"]
, div[]
[ select[ id "category-parent", class "form-control" ] --, onInput (\s -> UpdateCategory {category | parent = s} ) ]
(buildListCategories "" model.rulesTree)
, div [class "form-group"]
[ label[for "category-description"][text "Description"]
, div[]
[ textarea[ id "category-description", value category.description, placeholder "There is no description", class "form-control" , onInput (\s -> UpdateCategory {category | description = s} ) ][] ]
, div [class "col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-5"][] -- <== Right column
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ editionTemplate model details isNewRule =
, ul [ class "dropdown-menu" ] topButtons
, button [class "btn btn-default", type_ "button", onClick CloseRuleDetails][text "Close", i [ class "fa fa-times"][]]
, button [class "btn btn-default", type_ "button", onClick CloseDetails][text "Close", i [ class "fa fa-times"][]]
, button [class "btn btn-success", type_ "button", onClick (CallApi (saveRuleDetails rule isNewRule))][text "Save", i [ class "fa fa-download"] []]
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Expand Up @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
.rudder-template .header-title .title-icon{
opacity: .4;
font-size: 0.8em;
margin-right: 2px;
margin-right: 8px;
.rudder-template .header-title h1{
padding: 0;
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