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ERC721 with on-chain metadata and future blockhash randomness


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Solar Punk Collection

Solar Punk is a collection on ERC721 deployed on Optimism with on-chain metadata and a partial randomness generation. Solar Punk is a small project training for using a free source of randomness and fully decentralized metadata.

Mint a Solar Punk

Here the steps to mint a Solar Punk:

  1. Go to any explorer or the dApp
  2. Send value and commit to a future block with requestMint(uint256,uint256):
    • value: 0.005 ether by requested asset to mint
    • blockNumber: choose a block in the range [block.number + 1 : block.number + 36000)
    • amount: number of requested asset to mint
  3. Wait until the committed block is reached and call fulfillRequest(bool):
    • onlyOwnerRequest: true if you want to fulfill only your request (token of others are not minted)

If your request is expired, the request is postponed to block.number + 3000 when calling fulfillRequest. Once a request is done number of available assets decrement so you can request an asset and take the risk to not mint a token then.

⚠️ Note on breaking changes since Optimism Bedrock

Optimism network was chosen for his relatively slow block time, average of 12 second per block (pretty the same as the Ethereum mainnet). But this affirmation not stand with the Bedrock upgrade, this new version comes with a faster block time (less than 2s, actually closer from 0.5s per block).

Let's say 0.5s/block, minting a SolarPunk offer a window of 2min to mint the assets once the block is reached, otherwise the block is postponed to 20~25min later. So be quick for minting the assets once the block is reached.


Contracts Optimism mainnet Contracts size (kB) Metadata hash (IPFS)
SolarPunk (ERC721) 0x7582963C68B6187919d9Eb311f3343bA7777149d 18.267 QmTxnWhDN2txnCqGD2eXB4BAGWWEXi62o8WRyuwkEpqSGc
Kiwi 0xa4c949d74fbEfDf4fFFFe03b70143A5cC0fc2717 1.899 QmQuwG3q3yggEuDSVVMyZXebe2qoYKx2VaKtzKmsDR5d8B
Dragonfly 0xb1f2773c2aBfd7CF884320C6719edf0086514e16 2.609 QmYkerZrhLSvEMJd4GSzHDFkzwsBNCDmR42TDHCQiRTJxs
Onion 0xf3786Ed209Ec11DE832B44DC85c0b5a953D5fb68 2.726 QmcoVtvG4q9MRCDjJgRUQbt9pqb73WvfZHQt3BwK417YxZ

SolarPunk on testnet: Goerli Optimism | Goerli

Technical choices

Source of randomness

To generate a random number before minting a token the blockhash of a future block is used. The smart contract asks the user to commit a block in the future ([block.number + 1 : block.number + 36000)), 36000 blocks correspond to approximatively 5 days on Optimism network. Once the targeted block is reached, the user can mint the token using the blockhash to draw among available assets.

Advantage of commiting to a future blockhash:

  1. This randomness allows an unpredictability of the blockhash, as this latter is not stated at the commitment.
  2. This process leverages on-chain data, which is totally free.
  3. Moreover the randomness generation is transparent, meaning that any actor can verify the random generation process.

Weakness of this randomness:

  1. The block proposer can manipulate the block body (order of transaction for example) to manipulate the blockhash and thus try to get the rarest asset.
  2. Using the blockhash OPCODE is also problematic because we can't access blockhash older than 256 blocks, so the commitment can expire. Once the target block reached users have a window of 256 blocks to call the reveal function otherwise the commitment is expired and, in SolarPunk contract postponed to 3000 blocks in the future. Optimism network was chosen to expand this window as block a produced in average each 12s (like Ethereum), which give a window of time of approximatively 50 min.

On-chain metadata

Using on-chain metadata is not recommended as it increase considerably the size of stored data in the blockchain. It's preferable to use decentralized and immutable storage like IPFS.

Here light svg asset were chosen to minimize the size storage on the blockchain. To optimize the size of SVG asset code the awesome SVGOMG tool was used.

All SVG and metadata properties are stored in the blockchain into the SolarPunk contract and SVG path of assets with their description and name are stored on separate contracts which share the IShape interface. This allows to add new shape even after the contract deployment.

Then SVG asset are rendered when the tokenURI function is called. Information to render SVGs are encoded into the token ID, which is a uint256 (see ERC721). As it's an uint256 (32 x uint8) the token ID can hold a certain amount of data, data are encoded following the struct TokenID in SolarPunkService, here the encoding format of a token ID:

bytes32(tokenID) Data name and type Description
0x / /
00 Shape index uint8 Shape contract address index
01 Token id uint8 ID of the token among number of copies
02 Number of copies uint8 Number of copies for one rarity
03 Animated bool Flag for svg animation
04 Shape color uint24 Color of the shape
07 Background colorA uint24 Starting color of the background gradient
10 Background colorB uint24 End color of the background gradient
13 Layer colorA uint24 Starting color of the layer gradient
16 Layer colorB uint24 End color of the layer gradient

Encoding colors: Colors are encoded in uint24 (3 x uint8) to represent an hexadecimal color (0xaaeebb => ). The convertion to the string representation with # is done with HexadecimalColor.sol which is an adaptation of the Strings.sol library from OZ.

With these data, the tokenURI function will fetch data to create the svg code and asset metadata:

  1. Shape index is used to get the contract address IShape(shapeAddr)
  2. IShape(shapeAddr).path(uint24) and SolarPunkSVGProperties are used to create the SVG code of the image
  3. SVG code is encoded with the OZ library Base64
  4. IShape(shapeAddr).name(), IShape(shapeAddr).description() and SolarPunkProperties are used to create the asset metadata
  5. As well as the image, metadata are also Base64 encoded and returned to the tokenURI function.

Advantage and potential: With this method, no third parties storage system is required to associate image with an NFT. Moreover data for rendering the image can be modified to make a dynamical NFT which can evolve with a DAO, a reputation system and so on. If we want to leverage this feature in this contract, we must store data for the rendering elsewhere than the token ID.

Drawbacks: The main drawback is the size of the contract we deploy to create dynamically on-chain svg asset, thus we use a lot of gas at deployment and clutter up the blockchain which is not designed for that. Also the code to render the svg asset is complex because Solidity and the EVM are not designed to manage string (long string in case of SVG), especially to concatenate many elements, the stack too deep error can be very limiting (here the workaround for this error is to append the svg code string, see MetadataEncoder::append)


  • Minting process in one TX using Epoch commit/reveal for randomness and random metadata generation. See @_MouseDev thread.
  • Allow shape (or frames) to evolve based on a reputation system for example (Dynamical metadata).


Make sure you have installed Rust & Foundry

forge install

Build contracts

forge build

Extract IPFS hash appended to the bytecode

forge build
node utils/ipfsAppended.js <contract_name>

Testing contracts

forge test

Check assets rendering and distribution

node utils/render.js
forge script assets
node utils/render.js

You can view SVG in cache/assets/svg, sample size is set in assets.s.sol with NUMBER_OF_TOKEN

Deploy contracts

Make sure the .env file is set following the .env.example

On local blockchain

anvil (in another terminal)
forge script deploy --rpc-url anvil --broadcast

On mainnet/testnet

Always dry-run without --broadcast to test your script

forge script deploy --rpc-url <network_alias>

Then execute with --broadcast

Verify contract


forge verify-contract <address> <contract_name> --chain <chain_id> --verifier sourcify

Etherscan: Make sure you have set the ETHERSCAN_KEY in .env

source .env
forge verify-contract <address> <contract_name> --chain <network_alias | chain_id> $ETHERSCAN_KEY --watch

If the contract has been deployed with arguments:

cast abi-encode "constructor(address,uint256)" 0xdaab... 500000

Then add the flag --constructor-args with the above result to the forge verify-contract command


ERC721 with on-chain metadata and future blockhash randomness







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