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Lexalytics Package

We process billions of unstructured documents every day, globally.We are the industry leader in translating text into profitable decisions; we make state-of-the-art cloud and on-prem text and sentiment analysis technologies that transform customers’ thoughts and conversations into actionable insights.

How to get credentials:

  1. Register on the
  2. After registration, you will receive apiKey and apiSecret in account Dashboard

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time 2016-05-28 00:00:00
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated 50.37, 26.56
List Simple array ["123", "sample"]
Select String with predefined values sample
Array Array of objects [{"Second name":"123","Age":"12","Photo":"sdf","Draft":"sdfsdf"},{"name":"adi","Second name":"bla","Age":"4","Photo":"asfserwe","Draft":"sdfsdf"}]


This method retrieves API status information such as the app version, current API version, supported languages and encodings, the overall service status, etc.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.


This method queues document onto the server for analysis. Queued document analyzes individually and will have its own set of results.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String Identifier of the specific configuration that should be used for processing.
id String Up to 32 symbols unique identifier of document assigned and tracked by client.
text String Document text that needs to be analyzed by the service.
tag String Any text of up to 50 characters used like marker.


A batch is an array of documents, each which consists of three values: an optional unique ID, an option tag, and the text you wish to analyze.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
documentBody Array A batch is a list of documents that are pushed to the server in one request. String Up to 32 symbols unique identifier of document assigned and tracked by client.
documentBody.text String Document text that needs to be analyzed by the service.
documentBody.tag String Any text of up to 50 characters used like marker.
configId String Identifier of the specific configuration that should be used for processing.


A jobId is not required but can be helpful to separate out content processed via particular environments (dev vs QA) or particular job streams (historical content vs live news).Job_id is only supported by the polling method (not callback or auto response) and if you submit via jobId, you must also retrieve by jobId. You can use only 100 unique jobIds per 24 hour period.If you specified a jobId when submitting you must also specify a jobId when retrieving.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
documentBody Array A batch is a list of documents that are pushed to the server in one request. String Up to 32 symbols unique identifier of document assigned and tracked by client.
documentBody.text String Document text that needs to be analyzed by the service.
documentBody.tag String Any text of up to 50 characters used like marker.
documentBody.jobId String Specific marker of incoming job that can be used then for documents retrieving.
configId String Identifier of the specific configuration that should be used for processing.


Requesting: Asking the status (or processed results) of a specific document.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String Optional if the document was processed with the default configuration. Required for non-default configurations.
documentId String the id of the desired document.


This call retrieves as many processed documents as fit into your maximum batch size.By default, the server responds to retrieval requests with 100 documents per batch. To increase this limit, please contact us.Once a document has been retrieved, it will be removed from the Semantria systems.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String Optional if the document was processed with the default configuration. Required for non-default configurations.
jobId String The job id.


Deleting a queued document if Semantria has not processed it yet.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
documentId String the id of the deleted document.


If you submitted via jobId, you must also retrieve by that jobId. You cannot use a configId when retrieving by jobId, although you can use a configId when submitting with a jobId.This call retrieves as many processed documents as fit into your maximum batch size.By default, the server responds to retrieval requests with 100 documents per batch. To increase this limit, please contact us.Once a document has been retrieved, it will be removed from the Semantria systems.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
jobId String The job id.


In addition to the required fields, you can also submit metadata about your content. Metadata submissions are allowed only when using the JSON format of the endpoint. No processing of the metadata elements is done by Semantria and the metadata fields will be returned to you with the document when you retrieve it.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
id String Up to 32 symbols unique identifier of document assigned and tracked by client.
tag String Any text of up to 50 characters used like marker.
text String Document text that needs to be analyzed by the service.
metadata JSON The metadata field is schema less and can contain any valid JSON you wish to send. You can attach metadata to individual documents and to collections as well.Example - {"testKey":"testValue"}


This method submits an list of documents to be analyzed in relation to each other and returns one output. Discovery analysis will contain a summary of sentiment, named entity extraction, themes, and categorization for all the documents in the collection.A collection consists of an array of elements: (optional) ID, (optional) tag and an array of pieces of text.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
id String Up to 32 symbols unique identifier of document assigned and tracked by client.
tag String Any text of up to 50 characters used like marker.
documents List List of documents text that need to be analyzed by the service.
configId String ID of config to use.


This method submits an list of documents to be analyzed in relation to each other and returns one output. Discovery analysis will contain a summary of sentiment, named entity extraction, themes, and categorization for all the documents in the collection.A collection consists of an array of elements: (optional) ID, (optional) tag and an array of pieces of text.You can use a jobId to separate specific environment (such as dev vs QA). Collections submitted with a jobId must be retrieved via that same jobId.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
id String Up to 32 symbols unique identifier of document assigned and tracked by client.
tag String Any text of up to 50 characters used like marker.
documents List List of the simple strings to be processed as collection.
configId String ID of config to use.
jobId String Specific marker of a job collection belongs to, can be used for collections ordering on client side.


This method retrieves analysis results for processed collections from Semantria. FAILED collections will have FAILED status in response. Semantria responds with limited amount of results per API call. If configuration ID provided, Semantria responds with the collections, which were queued using the same configuration ID, in opposite Primary configuration uses.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String Return processed documents from a particular config id. If the configId is not provided, the API uses the primary configuration id by default.
documentId String Return only the document with this ID.


If you submitted by jobId you must also retrieve by jobId.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
jobId String Return processed documents from a particular job id.
configId String Return processed documents from a particular config id. If the configId is not provided, the API uses the primary configuration id by default.


Requesting: Asking the status (or processed results) of a specific collection.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
collectionId String The collection id.
configId String Return processed documents from a particular config id. If the configId is not provided, the API uses the primary configuration id by default.


Deleting a queued document if Semantria has not processed it yet.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
collectionId String The collection id.


The results listing here shows every settable option in a configuration. You do not have to submit all of these values to modify specific values of a configuration.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.


When creating a configuration, only a few fields are mandatory to set. These are:--name--is_primary--language.The complete list of settable values, their types and defaults, see more in readme.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
name String Configuration name.
isPrimary Select Identifies whether the current configuration is primary or not. Default: false.
autoResponse Select Defines whether or not the service should respond with processed results automatically. Default: false.
alphanumericThreshold Number Defines the threshold of alphanumeric characters needed in the text in percent. Default: 80.
conceptTopicsThreshold String Defines concept topics detection threshold. Default: 0.45.
oneSentenceMode Select Defines whether or not service should use one sentence mode with less accurate grammar. Default: false.
processHtml Select Defines whether or not the service should clean up HTML tags before processing. Default: false.
language String Defines target language that will be used for task processing. Default: English.
callback String Defines a callback URL for automatic data responding.
modelSentiment Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Switches on/off model-based sentiment feature. Default: false.
intentions Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Switches on intentions detection feature. Default: false.
conceptTopics Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether user categories will be reported for the document. Default: false.
queryTopics Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether queries will be reported for the document. Default: true.
autoCategories Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether auto-categories will be reported for the document. Default: true.
namedEntities Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether named entities will be reported for the document. Default: true.
userEntities Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether user entities will be reported for the document. Default: true.
themes Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether document and user/named entity themes will be reported for the document. Default: false.
mentions Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether mentions for themes and user/named entities will be reported for the document. Default: false.
relations Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether user/named entity relations will be reported for the document. Default: false.
opinions Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether user/named entity opinions will be reported for the document. Default: false.
sentimentPhrases Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether sentiment-bearing phrases will be reported for the document. Default: true.
posTypes String ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines parts-of-speech which will be responded by the server.
summarySize Number ConfigurationDocumentSection.Limits the number of sentences for the document summary feature. Default: 3.
detect_language Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Switches on language detection feature. Default: true.
collectionFacets Select ConfigurationCollectionSection.Defines whether facets will be reported for the collection. Default: true.
collectionAttributes Select ConfigurationCollectionSection.Defines whether attributes for facets will be reported for the collection. Default: true.
collectionMentions Select ConfigurationCollectionSection.Defines whether mentions for themes, user/named entities, facets and attributes will be reported for the collection. Default: false.
collectionConceptTopics Select ConfigurationCollectionSection.Defines whether user_categories will be reported for the collection. Default: false.
collectionQueryTopics Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether queries will be reported for the document. Default: true.
collectionNamedEntities Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether named entities will be reported for the document. Default: true.
collectionUserEntities Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether user entities will be reported for the document. Default: true.
collectionThemes Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether document and user/named entity themes will be reported for the document. Default: false.


This method updates specific configurations by unique IDs on Semantria side.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
id String Enter the ID of the configuration you wish to clone.
name String Configuration name.
isPrimary Select Identifies whether the current configuration is primary or not. Default: false.
autoResponse Select Defines whether or not the service should respond with processed results automatically. Default: false.
alphanumericThreshold Number Defines the threshold of alphanumeric characters needed in the text in percent. Default: 80.
conceptTopicsThreshold String Defines concept topics detection threshold. Default: 0.45.
entitiesThreshold Number Defines low threshold for evidence score of named and user entities to be reported in the output. Default: 55.
oneSentenceMode Select Defines whether or not service should use one sentence mode with less accurate grammar. Default: false.
processHtml Select Defines whether or not the service should clean up HTML tags before processing. Default: false.
language String Defines target language that will be used for task processing. Default: English.
callback String Defines a callback URL for automatic data responding.
modelSentiment Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Switches on/off model-based sentiment feature. Default: false.
intentions Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Switches on intentions detection feature. Default: false.
conceptTopics Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether user categories will be reported for the document. Default: false.
queryTopics Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether queries will be reported for the document. Default: true.
autoCategories Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether auto-categories will be reported for the document. Default: true.
namedEntities Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether named entities will be reported for the document. Default: true.
userEntities Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether user entities will be reported for the document. Default: true.
themes Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether document and user/named entity themes will be reported for the document. Default: false.
mentions Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether mentions for themes and user/named entities will be reported for the document. Default: false.
relations Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether user/named entity relations will be reported for the document. Default: false.
opinions Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether user/named entity opinions will be reported for the document. Default: false.
sentimentPhrases Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether sentiment-bearing phrases will be reported for the document. Default: true.
posTypes String ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines parts-of-speech which will be responded by the server.
summarySize Number ConfigurationDocumentSection.Limits the number of sentences for the document summary feature. Default: 3.
detect_language Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Switches on language detection feature. Default: true.
collectionFacets Select ConfigurationCollectionSection.Defines whether facets will be reported for the collection. Default: true.
collectionAttributes Select ConfigurationCollectionSection.Defines whether attributes for facets will be reported for the collection. Default: true.
collectionMentions Select ConfigurationCollectionSection.Defines whether mentions for themes, user/named entities, facets and attributes will be reported for the collection. Default: false.
collectionConceptTopics Select ConfigurationCollectionSection.Defines whether user_categories will be reported for the collection. Default: false.
collectionQueryTopics Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether queries will be reported for the document. Default: true.
collectionNamedEntities Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether named entities will be reported for the document. Default: true.
collectionUserEntities Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether user entities will be reported for the document. Default: true.
collectionThemes Select ConfigurationDocumentSection.Defines whether document and user/named entity themes will be reported for the document. Default: false.


This makes an exact copy of an existing configuration.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
template String Enter the ID of the configuration you wish to clone.
name String Name of the new clone.


Send a list of config IDs to be deleted.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
deleteIds List List of config IDs to be deleted.


Get template list.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.


Queries are tool to perform precise searches for exact strings or term combination within content. Theyare useful for finding product names, competitor names, specific features, and more. They can also beused for classifying very precise concepts rather than using broad categories.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration you wish to create queries in


Pass an object within the body of the request with a param.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration containing queries you wish to list.
bodyQuery Array List of parametrized objects. String Query name.
bodyQuery.query String Query used for content categorization.


Pass a JSON-encoded object within the body of the request. A list of query, text key and value pairs. The text of the query submitted will replace an existing query.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration containing queries you wish to list.
bodyQuery Array List of parametrized objects. String Unique query identifier. String Query name.
bodyQuery.query String Query used for content categorization.


The delete request allows users to remove queries from the server for a specific configuration.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration containing queries you wish to list.
queryList List List of query identifiers.


Categories are broad tags that the Semantria service intelligently labels content with. Think of them asbuckets into which content is sorted into.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration containing categories you wish to list.


The createCategories endpoint allows users to create categories on the server for a specific configuration.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration containing queries you wish to list.
bodyCategories Array Parameters should be passed within JSON objectList of the categories to be added on the server. String Category name.
bodyCategories.weight String Category weight.
bodyCategories. samples JSON Category samples.


The updateCategories endpoint allows users to update categories on the server for a specific configuration.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration containing queries you wish to list.
bodyCategories Array Parameters should be passed within JSON objectList of the categories to be update on the server.Required field - id. String Unique category identifier. String Category name.
bodyCategories.weight String Category weight.
bodyCategories. samples JSON Category samples.


This method removes certain user categories by their IDs on Semantria side.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration containing queries you wish to list.
categoriesList List Parameters should be passed within JSON objectList of the categories to be deleted from the server.


Lists the existing taxonomy structure for a given config.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration containing queries you wish to list.


Crete a new taxonomy in a given config. Each config can have only one taxonomy defined.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of config to create the taxonomy in.
bodyTaxonomy Array Parameters should be passed within JSON objectList of the taxonomy to be added on the server.Required field - name. String Taxonomy name.
bodyTaxonomy.enforceParentMatching Select Enforces parent nodes to match on a content if the current node matches
bodyTaxonomy.nodes JSON The list of sub-nodes associated with the current taxonomy node.
bodyTaxonomy.topics JSON The list of the topics associated with the current taxonomy node.


       "name":"My Taxonomy",
       "nodes": [
           "name":"Sample Node",
           "topics": [
             "id": "607ce795-291f-4dd4-8745-8039f5c40b72",
             "type": "query"


To add nodes, or add topics to nodes, specify the relationship in the JSON you submit. You must refer to existing topics and nodes by their ID.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of config with taxonomy to update.
bodyTaxonomy Array Parameters should be passed within JSON objectList of the taxonomy to be update on the server.Required field - name,id. String Taxonomy id. String Taxonomy name.
bodyTaxonomy.enforceParentMatching Select Enforces parent nodes to match on a content if the current node matches
bodyTaxonomy.nodes JSON The list of sub-nodes associated with the current taxonomy node.
bodyTaxonomy.topics JSON The list of the topics associated with the current taxonomy node.




This method removes certain taxonomy nodes by their IDs on Semantria side.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration containing queries you wish to list.
taxonomyIds List List of taxonomy node identifiers.


This method retrieves list of sentiment-bearing phrases available on Semantria side.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration containing queries you wish to list.


This method adds sentiment-bearing phrases on Semantria side

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of config to create the taxonomy in.
bodyPhrase Array List of parametrized objects. String Sentiment-bearing phrase name.
bodyPhrase.weight String Sentiment-bearing phrase weight.


This method updates sentiment-bearing phrases by unique IDs on Semantria side.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of config to create the taxonomy in.
bodyPhrase Array List of parametrized objects. String Unique sentiment-bearing phrase identifier. String Sentiment-bearing phrase name.
bodyPhrase.weight String Sentiment-bearing phrase weight.


This method removes certain sentiment-bearing phrases by their names on Semantria side.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration containing queries you wish to list.
sentimentPhrasesIds List List of sentiment-bearing phrase identifiers.


This method retrieves list of user entities available on Semantria side.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration containing entities you wish to list.


This method adds user entities on Semantria side.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration you wish to list entities for.
bodyEntities Array List of parametrized objects. String Entity name.
bodyEntities.type String Type of the entity (Company, Person, any custom type).
bodyEntities.label String Descriptive label for the entity, e.g. Wikipedia URL.
bodyEntities.normalized String Normalized form of the entity. Will replace entity name in the output.


This method updates user entities by unique IDs on Semantria side.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration you wish to list entities for.
bodyEntities Array List of parametrized objects.Required field - id. String Entities id. String Entity name.
bodyEntities.type String Type of the entity (Company, Person, any custom type).
bodyEntities.label String Descriptive label for the entity, e.g. Wikipedia URL.
bodyEntities.normalized String Normalized form of the entity. Will replace entity name in the output.


This method removes certain user entities by their names on Semantria side.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration containing entities you wish to list.
entitiesIds List List of user entity identifiers.


This method retrieves all backlisted items available on Semantria side.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration containing blacklist you wish to list.


This method adds new unique items to the backlist on Semantria side.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration you wish to list entities for.
bodyBlacklist Array List of parametrized objects. String Blacklist item name.


This method updates existing items by unique IDs in the backlist on Semantria side.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration you wish to list entities for.
bodyBlacklist Array List of parametrized objects. String Unique blacklist item identifier. String Blacklist item name.


This method removes certain blacklisted items by their values on Semantria side.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
apiSecret credentials Your API Secret.
configId String ID of configuration containing queries you wish to list.
blacklistedItemIds List List of user entity identifiers.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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