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OneSignal Package

Push Notification delivery and automation.

How to get credentials:

  1. Create OneSignal account.
  2. Create new app and choose it.
  3. Goto App Settings > Keys & IDs.
  4. Copy and save your OneSignal App ID & REST API Key.

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time 2016-05-28 00:00:00
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated 50.37, 26.56
List Simple array ["123", "sample"]
Select String with predefined values sample
Array Array of objects [{"Second name":"123","Age":"12","Photo":"sdf","Draft":"sdfsdf"},{"name":"adi","Second name":"bla","Age":"4","Photo":"asfserwe","Draft":"sdfsdf"}]


View the details of all of your current OneSignal apps

Field Type Description
userAuthKey credentials REST User Auth Key are used for API calls on a specific app's notifications or devices.


View the details of a single OneSignal app

Field Type Description
userAuthKey credentials Required: Required: REST API User Auth Key are used for API calls on a specific app's notifications or devices.
appId credentials Required: An app id


Creates a new OneSignal app

Field Type Description
userAuthKey credentials Required: Required: REST API User Auth Key are used for API calls on a specific app's notifications or devices.
name String Required: The name of your new app, as displayed on your apps list on the dashboard. This can be renamed later.
apnsEnv Select Optional: iOS - Either sandbox or production
aapnsP12 String Optional: iOS - Your apple push notification p12 certificate file, converted to a string and Base64 encoded.
apnsP12password String Optional: iOS - Password for the apns_p12 file
gcmKey String Optional: ANDROID - Your Google Push Messaging Auth Key
androidGcmSenderId String Optional: ANDROID - Your Google Project number. Also know as Sender ID.
chromeWebOrigin String Optional: CHROME, FIREFOX - The URL to your website. This field is required if you wish to enable web push and specify other web push parameters.
chromeWebDefaultNotificationIcon String Optional: CHROME - Your default notification icon. Should be 80x80 pixels.
chromeWebSubDomain String Optional: CHROME - A subdomain of your choice in order to support Chrome Web Push on non-HTTPS websites. This field must be set in order for the chrome_web_gcm_sender_id property to be processed.
safariApnsP12 String Optional: SAFARI - Your apple push notification p12 certificate file for Safari Push Notifications, converted to a string and Base64 encoded.
safariApnsP12Password String Optional: SAFARI - Password for safari_apns_p12 file
siteName String Optional: SAFARI - The URL to your website
safariSiteOrigin String Optional: SAFARI - The hostname to your website including http(s)://
safariIcon String Optional: SAFARI - A url for a 256x256 png notification icon. This is the only Safari icon URL you need to provide.
chromeKey String Optional: NOT FOR WEB PUSH Your Google Push Messaging Auth Key if you use Chrome Apps / Extensions.


Creates a new OneSignal app

Field Type Description
userAuthKey credentials Required: Required: REST API User Auth Key are used for API calls on a specific app's notifications or devices.
appId credentials Required: App Id
name String Required: The name of your new app, as displayed on your apps list on the dashboard. This can be renamed later.
apnsEnv Select Optional: iOS - Either sandbox or production
aapnsP12 String Optional: iOS - Your apple push notification p12 certificate file, converted to a string and Base64 encoded.
apnsP12password String Optional: iOS - Password for the apns_p12 file
gcmKey String Optional: ANDROID - Your Google Push Messaging Auth Key
androidGcmSenderId String Optional: ANDROID - Your Google Project number. Also know as Sender ID.
chromeWebOrigin String Optional: CHROME, FIREFOX - The URL to your website. This field is required if you wish to enable web push and specify other web push parameters.
chromeWebDefaultNotificationIcon String Optional: CHROME - Your default notification icon. Should be 80x80 pixels.
chromeWebSubDomain String Optional: CHROME - A subdomain of your choice in order to support Chrome Web Push on non-HTTPS websites. This field must be set in order for the chrome_web_gcm_sender_id property to be processed.
safariApnsP12 String Optional: SAFARI - Your apple push notification p12 certificate file for Safari Push Notifications, converted to a string and Base64 encoded.
safariApnsP12Password String Optional: SAFARI - Password for safari_apns_p12 file
siteName String Optional: SAFARI - The URL to your website
safariSiteOrigin String Optional: SAFARI - The hostname to your website including http(s)://
safariIcon String Optional: SAFARI - A url for a 256x256 png notification icon. This is the only Safari icon URL you need to provide.
chromeKey String Optional: NOT FOR WEB PUSH Your Google Push Messaging Auth Key if you use Chrome Apps / Extensions.


View the details of multiple devices in one of your OneSignal apps

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Required: REST API keys are used for API calls on a specific app's notifications or devices.
appId credentials Required: Your app id for this device.
limit Number How many devices to return. Max is 300. Default is 300
offset Number Result offset. Default is 0. Results are sorted by id


View the details of an existing device in one of your OneSignal apps

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Required: REST API keys are used for API calls on a specific app's notifications or devices.
appId credentials Required: Your app id for this device.
deviceId String Required: Player's OneSignal ID.


Register a new device to one of your OneSignal apps

Field Type Description
appId credentials Required: Your app id for this device.
deviceType Number Required: The device's platform: 0 = iOS; 1 = Android; 2 = Amazon; 3 = WindowsPhone(MPNS); 4 = Chrome Apps / Extensions; 5 = Chrome Web Push; 6 = WindowsPhone(WNS); 7 = Safari; 8 = Firefox; 9 = MacOS
identifier String Optional: Push notification identifier from Google or Apple. For Apple push identifiers, you must strip all non alphanumeric characters. Example: ce777617da7f548fe7a9ab6febb56.
language String Optional: Language code. Typically lower case two letters, except for Chinese where it must be one of zh-Hans or zh-Hant. Example: en.
timezone Number Optional: Number of seconds away from UTC. Example: -28800.
gameVersion String Optional: Version of your app. Example: 1.1.
deviceModel String Optional: Device make and model. Example: iPhone5,1.
deviceOs String Optional: Device operating system version. Example: 7.0.4.
adId String Optional: The ad id for the device's platform: Android = Advertising Id; iOS = identifierForVendor; WP8.0 = DeviceUniqueId; WP8.1 = AdvertisingId.
sdk String Optional: Name and version of the plugin that's calling this API method (if any).
sessionCount Number Optional: Number of times the user has played the game, defaults to 1.
tags JSON Optional: Custom tags for the player. Only support string key value pairs. Does not support arrays or other nested objects. Example: {"foo":"bar","this":"that"}.
amountSpent String Optional: Amount the user has spent in USD, up to two decimal places.
playtime Number Optional: Seconds player was running your app.
createdAt Number Optional: Unixtime when the player joined the game.
badgeCount Number Optional: Current iOS badge count displayed on the app icon.
lastActive Number Optional: Unixtime when the player was last active.
testType Number Optional: This is used in deciding whether to use your iOS Sandbox or Production push certificate when sending a push when both have been uploaded. Set to the iOS provisioning profile that was used to build your app. 1 = Development; 2 = Ad-Hoc. Omit this field for App Store builds.
notificationTypes String Optional: 1 = subscribed; -2 = unsubscribed. iOS - These values are set each time the user opens the app from the SDK. Use the SDK function set Subscription instead. Android - You may set this but you can no longer use the SDK method setSubscription later in your app as it will create synchronization issues.
coordinates Map Optional: Latitude and Longitude of the device, used for geotagging to segment on. Example: 51.514084206610455, -51.514084206610455


Update an existing device in one of your OneSignal apps

Field Type Description
appId credentials Required: Your app id for this device.
deviceId String Required: The device's OneSignal ID.
identifier String Optional: Push notification identifier from Google or Apple. For Apple push identifiers, you must strip all non alphanumeric characters. Example: ce777617da7f548fe7a9ab6febb56.
language String Optional: Language code. Typically lower case two letters, except for Chinese where it must be one of zh-Hans or zh-Hant. Example: en.
timezone Number Optional: Number of seconds away from UTC. Example: -28800.
gameVersion String Optional: Version of your app. Example: 1.1.
deviceModel String Optional: Device make and model. Example: iPhone5,1.
deviceOs String Optional: Device operating system version. Example: 7.0.4.
adId String Optional: The ad id for the device's platform: Android = Advertising Id; iOS = identifierForVendor; WP8.0 = DeviceUniqueId; WP8.1 = AdvertisingId.
sdk String Optional: Name and version of the plugin that's calling this API method (if any).
sessionCount Number Optional: Number of times the user has played the game, defaults to 1.
tags JSON Optional: Custom tags for the player. Only support string key value pairs. Does not support arrays or other nested objects. Example: {"foo":"bar","this":"that"}.
amountSpent String Optional: Amount the user has spent in USD, up to two decimal places.
playtime Number Optional: Seconds player was running your app.
createdAt Number Optional: Unixtime when the player joined the game.
badgeCount Number Optional: Current iOS badge count displayed on the app icon.
lastActive Number Optional: Unixtime when the player was last active.
testType Number Optional: This is used in deciding whether to use your iOS Sandbox or Production push certificate when sending a push when both have been uploaded. Set to the iOS provisioning profile that was used to build your app. 1 = Development; 2 = Ad-Hoc. Omit this field for App Store builds.
notificationTypes String Optional: 1 = subscribed; -2 = unsubscribed. iOS - These values are set each time the user opens the app from the SDK. Use the SDK function set Subscription instead. Android - You may set this but you can no longer use the SDK method setSubscription later in your app as it will create synchronization issues.
coordinates Map Optional: Latitude and Longitude of the device, used for geotagging to segment on. Example: 51.514084206610455, -51.514084206610455


Update a device's session information

Field Type Description
deviceId String Required: The device's OneSignal ID.
identifier String Optional: Push notification identifier from Google or Apple. For Apple push identifiers, you must strip all non alphanumeric characters. Example: ce777617da7f548fe7a9ab6febb56.
language String Optional: Language code. Typically lower case two letters, except for Chinese where it must be one of zh-Hans or zh-Hant. Example: en.
timezone Number Optional: Number of seconds away from UTC. Example: -28800.
gameVersion String Optional: Version of your app. Example: 1.1.
deviceOs String Optional: Device operating system version. Example: 7.0.4.
adId String Optional: The ad id for the device's platform: Android = Advertising Id; iOS = identifierForVendor; WP8.0 = DeviceUniqueId; WP8.1 = AdvertisingId.
sdk String Optional: Name and version of the plugin that's calling this API method (if any).
tags JSON Optional: Custom tags for the player. Only support string key value pairs. Does not support arrays or other nested objects. Example: {"foo":"bar","this":"that"}.


Track a new purchase in your app

Field Type Description
deviceId String Required: The device's OneSignal ID.
purchaseSku String Required: The unique identifier of the purchased item.
purchaseAmount String Required: The amount, in USD, spent purchasing the item.
purchaseIso Number Required: The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. Required for correct storage and conversion of amount.
existing Select Pass true on the first run of your app if you're tracking existing non-consumable purchases. This prevents tracking the same purchases more than once if the user re-installs your app.


Update a device's session length upon app resuming

Field Type Description
deviceId String Required: The device's OneSignal ID.
state String Required: Set to 'ping'
activeTime Number Required: The lesser of: The number of seconds since either: 1. on_focus was last called OR 2. on_session or the device first registered (POST /players)


View the details of multiple notifications

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Required: REST API keys are used for API calls on a specific app's notifications or devices.
appId credentials Required: Your app id for this device.
limit Number How many devices to return. Max is 300. Default is 300
offset Number Result offset. Default is 0. Results are sorted by id


View the details of a single notification

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Required: REST API keys are used for API calls on a specific app's notifications or devices.
appId credentials Required: Your app id for this device.
notificationId String Required: Notification ID.


Track when users open a notification

Field Type Description
appId credentials Required: OneSignal app id.
notificationId String Required: Notification ID.
opened Select Required: Set to true.


Sends notifications to your users

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Required: REST API keys are used for API calls on a specific app's notifications or devices.
appId credentials Required: Your OneSignal application ID, which can be found in Keys & IDs. It is a UUID and looks similar to 8250eaf6-1a58-489e-b136-7c74a864b434.
appIds List Optional: Example: '2dd608f2-a6a1-11e3-251d-400c2940e62b, 2dd608f2-a6a1-11e3-251d-500f2950e61c'.
includedSegments List Required: Comma-separated list of the segment names you want to target. Users in these segments will receive a notification. This targeting parameter is only compatible with excluded_segments. Example: Active Users, Inactive Users
excludedSegments List Optional: Comma-separated list of segment that will be excluded when sending. Users in these segments will not receive a notification, even if they were included in included_segments. This targeting parameter is only compatible with included_segments. Example: Active Users, Inactive Users
includePlayerIds List Optional: Comma-separated list of pecific players to send your notification to. Does not require API Auth Key. combine with other targeting parameters. Not compatible with any other targeting parameters. Example: 1dd608f2-c6a1-11e3-851d-000c2940e62c, 1dd608f2-c6a1-11e3-851d-000c2940e62c
contents JSON REQUIRED: unless content_available=true or template_id is set. The notifications content (excluding the title), a map of language codes to text for each language. Each hash must have a language code string for a key, mapped to the localized text you would like users to receive for that language. English must be included in the hash.Example: {"en": "English Message", "es": "Spanish Message"}`
headings JSON Optional: The notifications title, a map of language codes to text for each language. Each hash must have a language code string for a key, mapped to the localized text you would like users to receive for that language. A default title may be displayed if a title is not provided. Example: {"en": "English Title", "es": "Spanish Title"}`
templateId String Optional: Use a template you setup on our dashboard. You can override the template values by sending other parameters with the request. The template_id is the UUID found in the URL when viewing a template on our dashboard.
contentAvailable Select Optional: Sends content-available=1 to wake your app to run custom native code.
mutableContent Select Optional: Allows you to change the notification content in your app before it is displayed.
data JSON Optional: A custom map of data that is passed back to your app. Example: {"abc": "123", "foo": "bar"}
url String Optional: The URL to open in the browser when a user clicks on the notification. Example:
bigPicture String Optional: Picture to display in the expanded view. Can be a drawable resource name or a URL.
admBigPicture String Optional: Picture to display in the expanded view. Can be a drawable resource name or a URL.
chromeBigPicture String Optional: Large picture to display below the notification text. Must be a local URL.
buttons JSON Optional: Buttons to add to the notification. Icon only works for Android. Example: [{"id": "id1", "text": "button1", "icon": "ic_menu_share"}, {"id": "id2", "text": "button2", "icon": "ic_menu_send"}]
webButtons JSON Optional: Add action buttons to the notification. The id field is required. [{"id": "like-button", "text": "Like", "icon": "", "url": ""}, {"id": "read-more-button", "text": "Read more", "icon": "", "url": ""}]
iosCategory String Optional: Category APS payload, use with registerUserNotificationSettings:categories in your Objective-C / Swift code. Example: calendar category which contains actions like accept and decline
androidBackgroundLayout JSON Optional: Allowing setting a background image for the notification. This is a JSON object containing the following keys. image - Asset file, android resource name, or URL to remote image. recommend size: 1582x256; headings_color - Title text color ARGB Hex format. Example(Blue): "FF0000FF". contents_color - Body text color ARGB Hex format. Example(Red): "FFFF0000". Example: {"image": "", "headings_color": "FFFF0000", "contents_color": "FF00FF00"}
smallIcon String Optional: If blank the app icon is used. Must be the drawable resource name.
largeIcon String Optional: If blank the small_icon is used. Can be a drawable resource name or a URL.
chromeWebIcon String Optional: Sets the web push notification's icon. An image URL linking to a valid image. Common image types are supported; GIF will not animate. We recommend 256x256 (at least 80x80) to display well on high DPI devices
admSmallIcon String Optional: Specific Amazon icon to use. If blank the app icon is used. Must be the drawable resource name.
admLargeIcon String Optional: Specific Amazon icon to use. If blank the app icon is used. Must be the drawable resource name.
chromeIcon String Optional: For web push, please see chromeWebIcon instead.
iosSound String Optional: Sound file that is included in your app to play instead of the default device notification sound. Pass 'nil' to disable vibration and sound for the notification.
androidSound String Optional: Sound file that is included in your app to play instead of the default device notification sound. NOTE: Leave off file extension for Android.
admSound String Optional: Sound file that is included in your app to play instead of the default device notification sound. NOTE: Leave off file extension for Android.
wpSound String Optional: Sound file that is included in your app to play instead of the default device notification sound.
wpWnsSound String Optional: Sound file that is included in your app to play instead of the default device notification sound.
androidLedColor String Optional: Sets the devices LED notification light if the device has one. ARGB Hex format.
androidAccentColor String Optional: Sets the background color of the notification circle to the left of the notification text. Only applies to apps targeting Android API level 21+ on Android 5.0+ devices.
androidVisibility Number Optional: 1 = Public (default) (Shows the full message on the lock screen unless the user has disabled all notifications from showing on the lock screen. Please consider the user and mark private if the contents are.) 0 = Private (Hides message contents on lock screen if the user set "Hide sensitive notification content" in the system settings) -1 = Secret (Notification does not show on the lock screen at all)
iosBadgeType String Optional: Describes whether to set or increase/decrease your app's iOS badge count by the ios_badgeCount specified count. Can specify None, SetTo, or Increase. None leaves the count unaffected.SetTo directly sets the badge count to the number specified in ios_badgeCount. Increase adds the number specified in ios_badgeCount to the total. Use a negative number to decrease the badge count.
iosBadgeCount String Optional: Used with ios_badgeType, describes the value to set or amount to increase/decrease your app's iOS badge count by. You can use a negative number to decrease the badge count when used with an ios_badgeType of Increase.
sendAfter String Optional: Schedule notification for future delivery. Examples: All examples are the exact same date & time. Thu Sep 24 2015 14:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT); September 24th 2015, 2:00:00 pm UTC-07:00; 2015-09-24 14:00:00 GMT-0700; Sept 24 2015 14:00:00 GMT-0700; Thu Sep 24 2015 14:00:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
delayedOption String Optional: Possible values are: timezone (Deliver at a specific time-of-day in each users own timezone); last-active (Deliver at the same time of day as each user last used your app). If send_after is used, this takes effect after the send_after time has elapsed.
ttl String Optional: Time To Live - In seconds. The notification will be expired if the device does not come back online within this time. The default is 259,200 seconds (3 days).
isIos String Optional: Indicates whether to send to all devices registered under your app's Apple iOS platform.
isAndroid String Optional: Indicats whether to send to all devices registered under your app's Google Android platform.
isAnyWeb String Optional: Indicates whether to send to all subscribed web browser users, including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. You may use this instead as a combined flag instead of separately enabling isChromeWeb, isFirefox, and isSafari, though the three options are equivalent to this one.
isChromeWeb String Optional: Indicates whether to send to all Google Chrome, Chrome on Android, and Mozilla Firefox users registered under your Chrome & Firefox web push platform.
isFirefox String Optional: Indicates whether to send to all Mozilla Firefox desktop users registered under your Firefox web push platform.
isSafari String Optional: Indicates whether to send to all Apple's Safari desktop users registered under your Safari web push platform.isWP
isWP String Optional: Indicates whether to send to all devices registered under your app's Windows Phone 8.0 platform.
isWP_WNS Select Optional: Indicates whether to send to all devices registered under your app's Windows Phone 8.1+ platform.
isAdm String Optional: Indicates whether to send to all devices registered under your app's Amazon Fire platform.
isChrome String Optional: Please see isChromeWeb for sending to web push users. This flag only applies to Google Chrome Apps & Extensions.
filters String Optional: The filters parameter targets notification recipients using an array of JSON objects containing field conditions to check.


Stop a scheduled or currently outgoing notification

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Required: REST API keys are used for API calls on a specific app's notifications or devices.
appId credentials Required: Your app id for this device.
notificationId String Required: Notification ID.


Push Notification delivery and automation.






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