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SendGrid Package

Manage email campaigns, subscribers and design templates.

How to get credentials:

  1. Go to SendGrid.
  2. Sign up or login
  3. Visit API keys page
  4. Generate API key.
  5. Please store API key somewhere safe because as soon as you navigate away from page, service will not be able to retrieve or restore this generated token.

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time 2016-05-28 00:00:00
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated 50.37, 26.56
List Simple array ["123", "sample"]
Select String with predefined values sample
Array Array of objects [{"Second name":"123","Age":"12","Photo":"sdf","Draft":"sdfsdf"},{"name":"adi","Second name":"bla","Age":"4","Photo":"asfserwe","Draft":"sdfsdf"}]


Create a marketing campaign.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
title String The title of your camapign.
subject String The Email subject of your camapign.
sender_id String The sender ID obtained from Sender Management.
list_ids List Optional: The list IDs, which will receive your email.
segment_ids List Optional: The segment IDs, which will receive your email.
categories List Optional: This is a category that you can set for your emails.
suppression_group_id String Optional: The suppression group ID.
custom_unsubscribe_url String Optional: The custom unsubscribe URL.
ip_pool String Optional: The name of pool IP.
html_content String Optional: The HTML content of campaign.
plain_content String Optional: The plain text of campaign.


Returns campaigns in reverse order they were created (newest first). Returns an empty array if no campaigns exist.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
limit Number Limit
offset Number Offset


Get details about a specific campaign.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
campaign_id String The id of the campaign.


List all spam reports.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
start_time DatePicker Optional: Refers start of the time range in unix timestamp when a spam report was created (inclusive).
end_time DatePicker Optional: Refers end of the time range in unix timestamp when a spam report was created (inclusive).
limit String Optional: Limit the number of results to be displayed per page.
offset String Optional: Paging offset. The point in the list to begin displaying results.


You can delete all spam reports by setting "delete_all" to true in the request body.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
delete_all String Optional: delete all spam reports by setting to 'true'. Default 'false'.
emails List Optional: delete some spam reports by specifying email addresses.


Get a specific spam report.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
email String Email address of spam report entry.


Delete a specific spam report.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
email String Email address of spam report entry.


Delete a Campaign.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
campaign_id String The id of the campaign.


Update a campaign.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
campaign_id String The id of the campaign.
title String Optional: The title of your campaign.
subject String Optional: The Email subject of your campaign.
categories List Optional: This is a category that you can set for your emails.
html_content String Optional: The HTML content of campaign.
plain_content String Optional: The plain text of campaign.


Send a Campaign

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
campaign_id String The id of the campaign.


Schedule a campaign.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
campaign_id String The id of the campaign.
send_at DatePicker The teme of the campaign schedule (in future).


Changes the send_at time for the specified campaign.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
campaign_id String The id of the campaign.
send_at DatePicker The time of the campaign schedule (in future).


Get scheduled time of a campaign.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
campaign_id String The id of the campaign.


Unschedule a scheduled campaign.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
campaign_id String The id of the campaign.


Send a test campaign.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
campaign_id String The id of the campaign.
to List The addresses to send.


Create a custom field.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
name String The name of the field.
type String The type of the field.


Get a list of all custom fields

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.


Get details about a specific custom field.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
custom_field_id String The id of the custom field.


Delete a specific custom field by it's ID.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
custom_field_id String The id of the custom field.


List fields that are reserved and can't be used for custom field names.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.


Create a list.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
name String The name of the list.


Returns a list of the lists in your account. The method will returns an empty list if you GET and no lists exist on your account.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.


Delete multiple lists.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
id List The list ID to delete.


Get information about a specific list.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
list_id String The ID of the list.


Update a list.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
list_id String The ID of the list.
name String The name of the list.


Delete a list.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
list_id String The ID of the list.
delete_contacts Boolean Optional: True or False. True to delete all contacts on the list in addition to deleting the list. Default: true.


Get a list of the recipients on a specific list.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
list_id Number The ID of the list.
page Number Optional: Page index of first recipient to return (must be a positive integer). Default: 1.
page_size Number Optional: Number of recipients to return at a time (must be a positive integer between 1 and 1000). Default: 100.


Individual recipients may be added to a list one at a time with a limit of 1000 requests per second, where one recipient is added to the list per request.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
list_id Number The ID of the list.
recipient_id String The ID of your existing recipient.


Delete a single recipient from a single list.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
list_id Number The ID of the list.
recipient_id String The ID of your existing recipient.


Adds existing recipients to a list, passing in the recipient IDs to add. Recipient IDs should be passed exactly as they are returned from recipient endpoints. Note: The rate at which recipients may be added to a list is limited to 1 request per second. Recipients may be added in batches of 1000.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
list_id Number The ID of the list.
recipient_id List The IDs of your existing recipients.


Add a single recipient. The rate at which recipients may be uploaded is limited to 3 requests every 2 seconds. Recipients may be uploaded in batches of 1000 per request. This results in a maximum upload rate of 1500 recipients per second.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
email String The email of the recipient.
first_name String Optional: The First Name of the recipient.
last_name String Optional: The Last Name of the recipient.
custom_field JSON String like [custom_field_name]:[value]. For example: age:30,occupation:developer etc. or JSON with key=>value structure


Add multiple recipients.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
recipients Array separated values with vertical / according with pattern 'email'=value;'first_name'=value;'last_name'=value;'custom_fields'=value' To indicate custom_fields use the pattern [custom_field_name]:[value], for example: age:30,occupation:developer etc.


Updates one or more recipients.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
email String The email of the recipient.
first_name String Optional: The First Name of the recipient.
last_name String Optional: The Last Name of the recipient.
custom_field Array Key -> exist custom_field name, and value


Deletes one or more recipients.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
recipient_id List List of recipient IDs.


Get a list of recipients.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
page Number Optional: Page index of first recipients to return (must be a positive integer). Default: 1.
page_size Number Optional: Number of recipients to return at a time (must be a positive integer between 1 and 1000). Default: 100.


Get details about a specific recipient.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
recipient_id String The ID of the recipient.


Delete one recipient.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
recipient_id String The recipient ID.


Get the lists the recipient is on.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
recipient_id String The ID of the recipient.


Get a count of billable recipients.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.


Get a count of recipients.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.


Search using segment conditions. Body contains a conditions, a list of conditions as described below, and an optional list_id, which is a valid list ID for a list to limit the search on. Valid operators for create and update depend on the type of the field you are searching for. Dates: "eq", "ne", "lt" (before), "gt" (after) Text: "contains", "eq" (is - matches the full field), "ne" (is not - matches any field where the entire field is not the condition value) Numbers: "eq", "lt", "gt" Email Clicks and Opens: "eq" (opened), "ne" (not opened) Search conditions using "eq" or "ne" for email clicks and opens should provide a "field" of either clicks.campaign_identifier or opens.campaign_identifier. The condition value should be a string containing the id of a completed campaign. Search conditions list may contain multiple conditions, joined by an "and" or "or" in the "and_or" field. The first condition in the conditions list must have an empty "and_or", and subsequent conditions must all specify an "and_or".

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
list_id String Optional: the valid list ID for a list to limit the search.
conditions String The list of conditions separated with semicolon values according with pattern 'field':value,'value':value,'operator':value,'and_or':value;'field':value,'value':value,'operator':value,'and_or':value etc.


Get a recipients' matching search criteria.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
field_name String The name of the field you're looking for.
value String The value of the field you're looking for.


Create segment. Valid operators for create and update depend on the type of the field you are segmenting. Dates: "eq", "ne", "lt" (before), "gt" (after) Text: "contains", "eq" (is - matches the full field), "ne" (is not - matches any field where the entire field is not the condition value) Numbers: "eq", "lt", "gt" Email Clicks and Opens: "eq" (opened), "ne" (not opened) Segment conditions using "eq" or "ne" for email clicks and opens should provide a "field" of either clicks.campaign_identifier or opens.campaign_identifier. The condition value should be a string containing the id of a completed campaign.Segments may contain multiple condtions, joined by an "and" or "or" in the "and_or" field. The first condition in the conditions list must have an empty "and_or", and subsequent conditions must all specify an "and_or".

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
name String The name of the segment.
list_id String The valid list ID.
conditions Array The list of conditions separated with semicolon values according with pattern 'field':value,'value':value,'operator':value,'and_or':value;'field':value,'value':value,'operator':value,'and_or':value etc.


Get a list of all segments.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.


Get details about a specific segment.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
segment_id String The ID of the segment.


Update fields in a specific segment.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
segment_id String The ID of the segment.
name String The name of the segment.
conditions Array The conditions of the segment. Value must be according with pattern 'field':value,'value':value,'operator':value.


Delete a segment.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
segment_id String The ID of the segment.
delete_contacts Boolean Optional: true or false. True to delete all contacts matching the segment in addition to deleting the segment. Default: true.


Get a list of recipients on a segment.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
segment_id String The ID of the segment.
page_size Number Optional: Number of recipients to return at a time (must be a positive integer from 1 to 1000). Default: 100.
page Number Optional: Page index of recipients to return (must be a positive integer). Default: 1.


This endpoint allows you to create a sender identity. Sender Identities are required to be verified before use. If your domain has been white labeled it will auto verify on creation. Otherwise an email will be sent to the

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
nickname String The nickname of the sender.
from_email String Email to indicate 'from' field.
from_name String Name to indicate 'from' field.
reply_to_email String Email to indicate 'reply to' field.
reply_to_name String Name to indicate 'reply to' field.
address String The address of the sender.
address_2 String Optional: The second address of the sender.
city String The city of the sender.
state String Optional: The state of the sender.
zip String Optional: The zip of the sender.
country String The country of the sender.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all of your sender identities.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.


Updates to require re-verification. If your domain has been whitelabeled it will auto verify on creation. Otherwise an email will be sent to the

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
sender_id String The ID of the sender.
nickname String The nickname of the sender.
from_email String Email to indicate 'from' field.
from_name String Name to indicate 'from' field.
reply_to_email String Email to indicate 'reply to' field.
reply_to_name String Name to indicate 'reply to' field.
address String The address of the sender.
address_2 String Optional: The second address of the sender.
city String The city of the sender.
state String Optional: The state of the sender.
zip String Optional: The zip of the sender.
country String The country of the sender.


This endpoint allows you to delete one of your sender identities.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
sender_id String The ID of the sender.


This endpoint allows you to resend the sender identity verification email.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
sender_id String The ID of the sender.


This endoint allows you to retrieve a specific sender identity.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
sender_id String The ID of the sender.


Retrieve a list of your categories.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
category String Optional: Performs a prefix search on this value.
limit Number Optional: Optional field to limit the number of results returned. Defaults to 50.
offset Number Optional: Optional beginning point in the list to retrieve from. Defaults to 0.


This endpoint allows you to send email with plain text..

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
fromEmail String The email address of the sender.
fromName String Optional: The name of the sender.
toEmail String The email address of the recipient.
toName String Optional: The name of the recipient.
subject String The subject of your email.
content String The actual content of your email.


This endpoint allows you to send email.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
personalizations JSON An array of messages and their metadata. Each object within personalizations can be thought of as an envelope - it defines who should receive an individual message and how that message should be handled. Parameters in personalizations will override the parameters of the same name from the message level. Example: [{"bcc": [{"email": "","name": "Sam Doe"}], "cc": [{"email": "","name": "Jane Doe"}], "custom_args": {"New Argument 1": "New Value 1","activationAttempt": "1","customerAccountNumber": "123"},"headers": {"X-Accept-Language": "en","X-Mailer": "MyApp"},"send_at": 1409348513,"subject": "Hello, World!","substitutions": {"id": "substitutions","type": "object"},"to": [ {"email": "","name": "John Doe"}]}]
from_email String The email address of the sender.
from_name String Optional: The name of the sender.
reply_to_email String Optional: The email address to which responses will be sent.
reply_to_name String Optional: The name of the individual who will receive responses to the email.
subject String The subject of your email. This may be overridden by personalizations[x].subject.
content JSON An array in which you may specify the content of your email. You can include multiple mime types of content, but you must specify at least one. To include more than one mime type, simply add another object to the array containing the type and value parameters. If included, text/plain and text/html must be the first indices of the array in this order. If you choose to include the text/plain or text/html mime types, they must be the first indices of the content array in the order text/plain, text/html. Example: [{"type": "text/html","value": "

Hello, world!

attachments JSON Optional: An array of objects in which you can specify any attachments you want to include. Content - The Base64 encoded content of the attachment; type (optional) - The mime type of the content you are attaching. For example, application/pdf or image/jpeg; filename - The filename of the attachment; disposition (optional) - Defaults to "attachment". Can be either "attachment" or "inline"; content_id (optional) - A unique id that you specify for the attachment, ex: . Example: [{"content": "[BASE64 encoded content block here]","content_id": "ii_139db99fdb5c3704","disposition": "inline","filename": "file1.jpg","name": "file1","type": "jpg"}]
template_id String Optional: The id of a template that you would like to use. If you use a template that contains content and a subject (either text or html), you do not need to specify those in the respective personalizations or message level parameters.
sections JSON Optional: An object of key/value pairs that define large blocks of content that can be inserted into your emails using substitution tags. Example: {"section": {":sectionName1": "section 1 text", ":sectionName2": "section 2 text"}}
headers JSON Optional: An object containing key/value pairs of header names and the value to substitute for them. You must ensure these are properly encoded if they contain unicode characters. Must not be any of the following reserved headers: x-sg-id, x-sg-eid, received, dkim-signature, Content-Type, Content-Transfer-Encoding, To, From, Subject, Reply-To, CC, BCC.
categories List Optional: Each category name may not exceed 255 characters. You cannot have more than 10 categories per request.
custom_args String Optional: Values according the pattern KEY:VALUE,KEY:VALUE etc., that are specific to the entire send that will be carried along with the email and its activity data. Substitutions will not be made on custom arguments, so any string that is entered into this parameter will be assumed to be the custom argument that you would like to be used. This parameter is overridden by any conflicting personalizations[x].custom_args if that parameter has been defined.
send_at DatePicker Optional: A time allowing you to specify when you want your email to be sent from SendGrid. This is not necessary if you want the email to be sent at the time of your API request.
batch_id String Optional: This ID represents a batch of emails (AKA multiple sends of the same email) to be associated to each other for scheduling. Including a batch_id in your request allows you to include this email in that batch, and also enables you to cancel or pause the delivery of that entire batch.
asm String Optional: An object allowing you to specify how to handle unsubscribes. Use pattern group_id:value;groups_to_display:value1,value2,... etc.
ip_pool_name String Optional: The IP Pool that you would like to send this email from. Min 2, Max 64.
mail_settings_bcc_enable Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting is enabled.
mail_settings_bcc_email String Optional: The email address that you would like to receive the BCC.
mail_settings_bypass_list_management_enable Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting is enabled. Allows you to bypass all unsubscribe groups and suppressions to ensure that the email is delivered to every single recipient. This should only be used in emergencies when it is absolutely necessary that every recipient receives your email. Ex: outage emails, or forgot password emails.
mail_settings_footer_enable Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting is enabled. The default footer that you would like appended to the bottom of every email.
mail_settings_footer_text String Optional: The plain text content of your footer.
mail_settings_footer_html String Optional: The HTML content of your footer.
mail_settings_sandbox_mode_enable Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting is enabled. This allows you to send a test email to ensure that your request body is valid and formatted correctly.
mail_settings_spam_check_enable Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting is enabled. This allows you to test the content of your email for spam.
mail_settings_spam_check_threshold String The threshold used to determine if your content qualifies as spam on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being most strict, or most likely to be considered as spam.
mail_settings_spam_check_post_to_url String Optional: An Inbound Parse URL that you would like a copy of your email along with the spam report to be sent to. The post_to_url parameter must start with http or https.
tracking_settings_click_tracking_enable Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting is enabled. Allows you to track whether a recipient clicked a link in your email.
tracking_settings_click_tracking_enable_text Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting should be included in the text/plain portion of your email.
tracking_settings_open_tracking_enable Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting is enabled. Allows you to track whether the email was opened or not, but including a single pixel image in the body of the content. When the pixel is loaded, we can log that the email was opened.
tracking_settings_open_tracking_substitution_tag String Optional: Allows you to specify a substitution tag that you can insert in the body of your email at a location that you desire. This tag will be replaced by the open tracking pixel.
tracking_settings_subscription_tracking_enable Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting is enabled. Allows you to insert a subscription management link at the bottom of the text and html bodies of your email. If you would like to specify the location of the link within your email, you may use the substitution_tag.
tracking_settings_subscription_tracking_text String Optional: Text to be appended to the email, with the subscription tracking link. You may control where the link is by using the tag <% %>.
tracking_settings_subscription_tracking_html String Optional: HTML to be appended to the email, with the subscription tracking link. You may control where the link is by using the tag <% %>.
tracking_settings_subscription_tracking_substitution_tag String Optional: A tag that will be replaced with the unsubscribe URL. for example: [unsubscribe_url]. If this parameter is used, it will override both the textand html parameters. The URL of the link will be placed at the substitution tag’s location, with no additional formatting.
ganalytics_enable Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting is enabled. Allows you to enable tracking provided by Google Analytics.
ganalytics_utm_source String Optional: Name of the referrer source. (e.g. Google,, or Marketing Email).
ganalytics_utm_medium String Optional: Name of the marketing medium. (e.g. Email).
ganalytics_utm_term String Optional: Used to identify any paid keywords.
ganalytics_utm_content String Optional: Used to differentiate your campaign from advertisements.


This endpoint allows you to send email with template.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
personalizations JSON An array of messages and their metadata. Each object within personalizations can be thought of as an envelope - it defines who should receive an individual message and how that message should be handled. Parameters in personalizations will override the parameters of the same name from the message level. Example: [{"bcc": [{"email": "","name": "Sam Doe"}], "cc": [{"email": "","name": "Jane Doe"}], "custom_args": {"New Argument 1": "New Value 1","activationAttempt": "1","customerAccountNumber": "123"},"headers": {"X-Accept-Language": "en","X-Mailer": "MyApp"},"send_at": 1409348513,"subject": "Hello, World!","substitutions": {"id": "substitutions","type": "object"},"to": [ {"email": "","name": "John Doe"}]}]
from_email String The email address of the sender.
from_name String Optional: The name of the sender.
reply_to_email String Optional: The email address to which responses will be sent.
reply_to_name String Optional: The name of the individual who will receive responses to the email.
subject String The subject of your email. This may be overridden by personalizations[x].subject.
content JSON An array in which you may specify the content of your email. You can include multiple mime types of content, but you must specify at least one. To include more than one mime type, simply add another object to the array containing the type and value parameters. If included, text/plain and text/html must be the first indices of the array in this order. If you choose to include the text/plain or text/html mime types, they must be the first indices of the content array in the order text/plain, text/html. Example: [{"type": "text/html","value": "

Hello, world!

attachments JSON Optional: An array of objects in which you can specify any attachments you want to include. Content - The Base64 encoded content of the attachment; type (optional) - The mime type of the content you are attaching. For example, application/pdf or image/jpeg; filename - The filename of the attachment; disposition (optional) - Defaults to "attachment". Can be either "attachment" or "inline"; content_id (optional) - A unique id that you specify for the attachment, ex: . Example: [{"content": "[BASE64 encoded content block here]","content_id": "ii_139db99fdb5c3704","disposition": "inline","filename": "file1.jpg","name": "file1","type": "jpg"}]
template_id String Optional: The id of a template that you would like to use. If you use a template that contains content and a subject (either text or html), you do not need to specify those in the respective personalizations or message level parameters.
sections JSON Optional: An object of key/value pairs that define large blocks of content that can be inserted into your emails using substitution tags. Example: {"section": {":sectionName1": "section 1 text", ":sectionName2": "section 2 text"}}
headers JSON Optional: An object containing key/value pairs of header names and the value to substitute for them. You must ensure these are properly encoded if they contain unicode characters. Must not be any of the following reserved headers: x-sg-id, x-sg-eid, received, dkim-signature, Content-Type, Content-Transfer-Encoding, To, From, Subject, Reply-To, CC, BCC.
categories List Optional: Each category name may not exceed 255 characters. You cannot have more than 10 categories per request.
custom_args String Optional: Values according the pattern KEY:VALUE,KEY:VALUE etc., that are specific to the entire send that will be carried along with the email and its activity data. Substitutions will not be made on custom arguments, so any string that is entered into this parameter will be assumed to be the custom argument that you would like to be used. This parameter is overridden by any conflicting personalizations[x].custom_args if that parameter has been defined.
send_at DatePicker Optional: A time allowing you to specify when you want your email to be sent from SendGrid. This is not necessary if you want the email to be sent at the time of your API request.
batch_id String Optional: This ID represents a batch of emails (AKA multiple sends of the same email) to be associated to each other for scheduling. Including a batch_id in your request allows you to include this email in that batch, and also enables you to cancel or pause the delivery of that entire batch.
asm String Optional: An object allowing you to specify how to handle unsubscribes. Use pattern group_id:value;groups_to_display:value1,value2,... etc.
ip_pool_name String Optional: The IP Pool that you would like to send this email from. Min 2, Max 64.
mail_settings_bcc_enable Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting is enabled.
mail_settings_bcc_email String Optional: The email address that you would like to receive the BCC.
mail_settings_bypass_list_management_enable Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting is enabled. Allows you to bypass all unsubscribe groups and suppressions to ensure that the email is delivered to every single recipient. This should only be used in emergencies when it is absolutely necessary that every recipient receives your email. Ex: outage emails, or forgot password emails.
mail_settings_footer_enable Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting is enabled. The default footer that you would like appended to the bottom of every email.
mail_settings_footer_text String Optional: The plain text content of your footer.
mail_settings_footer_html String Optional: The HTML content of your footer.
mail_settings_sandbox_mode_enable Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting is enabled. This allows you to send a test email to ensure that your request body is valid and formatted correctly.
mail_settings_spam_check_enable Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting is enabled. This allows you to test the content of your email for spam.
mail_settings_spam_check_threshold String The threshold used to determine if your content qualifies as spam on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being most strict, or most likely to be considered as spam.
mail_settings_spam_check_post_to_url String Optional: An Inbound Parse URL that you would like a copy of your email along with the spam report to be sent to. The post_to_url parameter must start with http or https.
tracking_settings_click_tracking_enable Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting is enabled. Allows you to track whether a recipient clicked a link in your email.
tracking_settings_click_tracking_enable_text Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting should be included in the text/plain portion of your email.
tracking_settings_open_tracking_enable Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting is enabled. Allows you to track whether the email was opened or not, but including a single pixel image in the body of the content. When the pixel is loaded, we can log that the email was opened.
tracking_settings_open_tracking_substitution_tag String Optional: Allows you to specify a substitution tag that you can insert in the body of your email at a location that you desire. This tag will be replaced by the open tracking pixel.
tracking_settings_subscription_tracking_enable Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting is enabled. Allows you to insert a subscription management link at the bottom of the text and html bodies of your email. If you would like to specify the location of the link within your email, you may use the substitution_tag.
tracking_settings_subscription_tracking_text String Optional: Text to be appended to the email, with the subscription tracking link. You may control where the link is by using the tag <% %>.
tracking_settings_subscription_tracking_html String Optional: HTML to be appended to the email, with the subscription tracking link. You may control where the link is by using the tag <% %>.
tracking_settings_subscription_tracking_substitution_tag String Optional: A tag that will be replaced with the unsubscribe URL. for example: [unsubscribe_url]. If this parameter is used, it will override both the textand html parameters. The URL of the link will be placed at the substitution tag’s location, with no additional formatting.
ganalytics_enable Boolean Optional: true or false. Indicates if this setting is enabled. Allows you to enable tracking provided by Google Analytics.
ganalytics_utm_source String Optional: Name of the referrer source. (e.g. Google,, or Marketing Email).
ganalytics_utm_medium String Optional: Name of the marketing medium. (e.g. Email).
ganalytics_utm_term String Optional: Used to identify any paid keywords.
ganalytics_utm_content String Optional: Used to differentiate your campaign from advertisements.

personalizations format

                "name":"Sam Doe"
                "name":"Jane Doe"
            "New Argument 1":"New Value 1",
        "subject":"Hello, World!",
                "name":"John Doe"

content format

        "value":"<html><p>Hello, world!</p><img src=cid: werwer111></img></html>"

attachments format

        "content":"[BASE64 encoded content block here]",

sections format

        ":sectionName1":"section 1 text",
        ":sectionName2":"section 2 text"

headers format



Create a template.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
name String Name of the new template. Max 100 characters.


Retrieve all templates.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.


Retrieve a single template.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
template_id String The ID of the template.


Edit a template.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
template_id String The ID of the template.
name String The new name of the template.


Delete a template.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
template_id String The ID of the template.


Create a new version for a template.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
template_id String The ID of the template.
name String Name of the new version. Max 100 characters.
subject String Subject of the new version. <%subject%> tag must be present.
html_content String HTML content of the new version. <%body%> tag must be inside the content. Maximum of 1048576 bytes allowed for html content.
plain_content String Text/plain content of the new version. <%body%> tag must be inside the content. Maximum of 1048576 bytes allowed for plain content.
active Select Optional: 0 - Inactive, 1 - Active. Set the new version as the active version associated with the template. Only one version of a template can be active. The first version created for a template will automatically be set to Active.


Activate a version.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
template_id String The ID of the template.
version_id String The ID of the version.


Retrieve a specific version of a template.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
template_id String The ID of the template.
version_id String The ID of the version.


Edit a version.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
template_id String The ID of the template.
version_id String The ID of the version.
name String Optional: Name of the new version. Max 100 characters.
subject String Optional: Subject of the new version. <%subject%> tag must be present.
html_content String Optional: HTML content of the new version. <%body%> tag must be inside the content. Maximum of 1048576 bytes allowed for html content.
plain_content String Optional: Text/plain content of the new version. <%body%> tag must be inside the content. Maximum of 1048576 bytes allowed for plain content.
active Select Optional: 0 - Inactive, 1 - Active. Set the new version as the active version associated with the template. Only one version of a template can be active. The first version created for a template will automatically be set to Active.


Delete a version.

Field Type Description
api_key credentials The API key obtained from SendGrid.
template_id String The ID of the template.
version_id String The ID of the version.


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published
